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Northern Red

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Posts posted by Northern Red

  1. The best glitches I ever saw were the following...


    1. "In the air, and safe, and out!"


    2. There's runs here, there's trouble here!"


    3. And edged, and safe and out!"


    I loved it.


    The best one I found was where you hit a shot that went just past the fielder, only for him to magically invisibly claw the ball back from several yards behind him and hit the stumps with a direct hit to run you out.

  2. This is the worrying thing for me.    The Board said that they had a definite strategy but they didn't stick to it.   Yes the results were disappointing but even by JL's own admission in the interviews yesterday there were signs of improvement - albeit slow.    So what on Earth are they playing at?


    I just hope they have already lined someone up and are keeping it quiet for a bit just to show some decency towards SOD.   If they have no alternative lined up, it confirms what I've said elsewhere that the Board are just a bunch of clowns 


    True. But then they publically backed Del then sacked him barely a week later and had SO'D being paraded to the press a couple of days after that.


    If your last sentence is true, then the logical conclusion would be that circumstances had changed dramatically in the last 24 hours of his tenure leading to him being sacked.

  3. You can bet, whoever the next manager is will be a lap dog to the board and Lansdown.


    It's no secret that SL doesn't get on with SoD... this is his doing imho.


    I have no faith in this board or SL anymore... in fact I've always doubted their footballing knowledge...not their money.


    I feel sorry for the next manager having to work with this lot...


    I hope the fans realise it's the board killing this Club and not the managers.


    Spot on as usual.


    Johnson, Coppell, Millen, McInnes, O'Driscoll. There's one constant there. They can't all be bad managers, and a couple of them have since proved that they aren't.

    • Like 1
  4. Agree. I'm now about as disillusioned with the ****wits running the club and the minority of ****wits that support it as I've ever been. I dread to think who we will end up with now.


    Spot on.


    I wouldn't be so disappointed if there was an obvious candidate to come in, but I can't see one.

  5. I feel sorry for the fans but the way that club has been run in recent years is absolutely shocking. If it were a proper business and not a football club (spot the irony) then it'd have been wound down months and perhaps even years ago. Of course I sympathise and I'd hate it it if were us (again) but considering their repeated policy of handing out big contracts and generally taking the Michael it is my view they should have gone already.

    It would be a lovely gesture if some of the bigger earners walked away, but to label them a disgrace for not doing so is incredibly harsh, it is the club's fault for continually handing out high value contracts.

    We were incredibly lucky when it was us. It was an exceptionally selfless gesture from a exceptional group of people and it is not fair to use that as the yardstick by which to measure others against.

    Quite, different times now. The money has ruined the top tier of the game, these players came to Portsmouth because they were offered stupidly high salaries. I don't expect them to have any loyalty to the club, run as it was as a rich man's plaything. Portsmouth's operating company will hopefully fold and these rich men will lose their "investment", then the fans set up a new Portsmouth 2012 FC in Div 3 or the conference.

    In 1982 players in general had loyalty to their club, the Ashton Gate 8 were exemplary but in many ways typical of their time. You could still see a few of our players behaving that honorably but could you see it for the Man City or Arsenal squads?

    Both spot on.

    I don't think you can blame the players at all, and tbh if it was us in that situation again I'm not sure if any of ours would do the same, perhaps a few of the local lads but that's probably it.

    I have sympathy for the fans and those non-football staff who stand to lose their jobs but quite frankly the club should have been shut down 2 years ago, and despite being let off once, those in charge continued to spend beyond their means and stick 2 proverbial fingers up to their creditors, taking no responsibility for their situation.

  6. Your list has left me dumbfounded.

    David Rennie?

    Steve McClaren?

    Chris Honor?

    Soren Andersen?

    Vimos Sebok?

    I'm especially surprised by Rennie. Him and Andy May formed one of the best midfields I've ever seen down Ashton Gate - though I'd like to point out I was too young to remember the mythical days of top-flight football.

    Soren was class, and Sebok showed glimpses of quality, though playing in a defence shorn of confidence will make anyone look bad.

    I was a bit too young to remember Rennie properly, though I do recall most people being very happy when Denis Smith sold him.

  7. There was a poll about this on the 606 website a couple of months back. One of the names they mentioned was Brian Williams. I never saw him play, but I'm interested because my brother is currently sharing a flat with his daughter in Chicago.

  8. I am digging deep here but speaking of bad players does anybody remeber the legends that are Glenn Pennyfather and Ray Atteveld!???

    Ah.. Atteveld, knew I'd forgotten somebody :) Will be remembered for one incident only, that underhit backpass.

  9. Hutchings, by a mile. Truly woeful. Looked like Ruud Gullit but that's where the similarity ended. Others worthy of a mention are Zwijnenberg (sp?), Liam Robinson, Marvin Harriott & Glenn Pennyfather.

    Personally, I never thought Dinning was a bad player, his career proves that, but he just couldn't be arsed once he'd signed a permanent deal.

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