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Northern Red

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Posts posted by Northern Red

  1. There was a poll about this on the 606 website a couple of months back. One of the names they mentioned was Brian Williams. I never saw him play, but I'm interested because my brother is currently sharing a flat with his daughter in Chicago.

  2. I am digging deep here but speaking of bad players does anybody remeber the legends that are Glenn Pennyfather and Ray Atteveld!???

    Ah.. Atteveld, knew I'd forgotten somebody :) Will be remembered for one incident only, that underhit backpass.

  3. Hutchings, by a mile. Truly woeful. Looked like Ruud Gullit but that's where the similarity ended. Others worthy of a mention are Zwijnenberg (sp?), Liam Robinson, Marvin Harriott & Glenn Pennyfather.

    Personally, I never thought Dinning was a bad player, his career proves that, but he just couldn't be arsed once he'd signed a permanent deal.

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