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Northern Red

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Posts posted by Northern Red

  1. Had one in my room at uni during my first year, on the ground floor in a Victorian house that suffered from damp in the flooring. Did the job temporarily although required emptying daily, until the management relented and put a new floor in.

    My main gripe was the noise from it, although this was in the early 2000s and I suspect the technology has advanced since then.

  2. 2 minutes ago, The Coach said:

    Lee Johnson will be there come the time they’re in the National League.

    Seems the type the owner would appointment and like 

    That's not a bad shout at all, although I could see it earlier than that on a "rescue mission".

  3. Like I said, there's a situation vacant for a scapegoat with Weimann leaving, so that first goal was brilliantly timed. Tanner and Vyner being involved only adds to the fun.

    • Like 2
  4. 23 minutes ago, Malago said:

    Controversial goal for Luton at Turf Moor.  How much did Burnley pay for James Trafford.  Too much.  No better than Max, possibly worse.

    £20m. He'd never played above L1 level before this season.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Henry said:

    We are in the era where every signing we make is almost thought as how much we can sell them for at a later date.

    For £2m for 5 years of fantastic service, I don’t think there could be any complaints. I hope we still have an eye on these sort of signings.

    Indeed. Its not often we sign someone in their peak years when they're already a proven performer at this level and then they leave with us feeling that they've proved their worth and don't owe us anything. 

    • Like 6
  6. 8 minutes ago, ralphindevon said:

    Looks like he’s going to Essex after they posted a cryptic message yesterday. A commentator suggested he was coming to us but then backtracked on it.

    I guess we’ll find out in an hour but well done to the club for keeping it quiet, suggesting it’ll be a current player, Sean Dickson maybe?

    That would make sense as they need a replacement for Cook.

    • Like 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, Gazred said:

    Tournament starts on Saturday. Few useful links below, couple of guides and the TV schedule.

    Ivory Coast (hosts) v Guinea-Bissau is the first match up, 8pm KO our time. All matches on Sky.

    Semenyo is in the Ghana squad, so hopefully shines if given the chance and adds a few £ to his worth.

    Certainly a few more household names across the squads these days and often a few upsets along the way. I won't be watching all the qualifying games myself but there will be some decent fixtures on the way to the Final.




    Jojo Wollacott is also in the Ghana squad, having missed out on the World Cup through injury. However, Fam has not been selected by Senegal.

    • Like 1
  8. Quote

    .....Which is why it’s so easy to believe the story in Dietmar Hamann’s book, ‘The Didi Man’, about what Sven said to him while on a post-season tour with Manchester City. Take it away, Didi:

    ‘One morning I was on a sun lounger by the pool when I saw Sven walking towards me carrying a silver tray with a bottle of champagne and two glasses on it. It was still only ten o’clock in the morning…Sven came over and put the champagne on the table next to me, then placed one glass in front of me and the other by his lounger. I looked up and said, ‘Boss, what are we celebrating?’…He turned to me and smiled that gentle smile of his and took on the air of a Buddhist philosopher as he said, ‘Life, Kaiser.’ Then after pausing for dramatic effect, ‘We are celebrating…life.’

    Hamann continued: ‘With a glass of champagne in hand, he stood and looked out towards the horizon. He took a deep breath, then he spoke in that higgledy-piggeldy Swedish accent. ‘You know Kaiser, I like this place. I think I will manager for another five years and come back here and live with two women. Yes. I think I need two beautiful women.’


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  9. 2 hours ago, nebristolred said:

    I got dragged to see KoL relatively recently and they really surprised me, a sublime gig. That's a much better booking imo.

    I saw them in Wrexham last summer. I can take or leave them generally but they were outstanding, one of the best I've been to in a long time.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Super said:

    I expect it will be a last minute thing.

    Yeah, the India tour usually is, that's how Channel 4 ended up with it last time.

    Would think it will be on TNT, they've shown a fair bit from India recently and had the women's series just before Christmas.

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