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Northern Red

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Posts posted by Northern Red

  1. 1 minute ago, Davefevs said:

    Personally I’m not sure what people expected.

    It’s a team with a good foundation, but lacking in real quality.  At times, just like all-season, we will have spells of good play, and spells of not so good.  Against the top teams, we will get exposed at times, like tonight, like Leicesters, like Leeds.  But we can stay in games.

    All three games have been very representative of the current Bristol City team / squad / ability.  You can make a case for positivity, you can probably do the opposite.

    Spot on, and I would suggest that anybody doing so definitively in either direction is coming at it from an already skewed viewpoint.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    Kinda difficult to post my opinions without being accused of having an agenda by those that do have an agenda. 

    BUT that 2nd half was painful. Came out and conceded and we had no plan B. We had no plan at all. We went from being well coached to not being able to string two passes together. 

    Really disappointed as the 1st half was a positive half .

    I agree with your analysis of the game.

    The only thing I would suggest is that if you're concerned that people will accuse you of having an agenda, maybe have a think about why that is.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Clutton Caveman said:

    The refs were bad enough before but now that many of them are required for VAR the ones on the pitch are even worse. I wonder why recently retired refs can't do VAR

    Some of them do and have been just as bad at that. E.g Lee Mason being sacked last season for forgetting to draw the lines on an offside that was wrongly awarded.

  4. That's not a penalty last night, however the threshold for handball seems to be lower in European competition for some reason. Can think of at least 3 or 4 involving English clubs in the CL this season that wouldn't have been given in the PL.

  5. On 26/11/2023 at 10:21, weepywall said:

    I thought they had to give 2 weeks notice of a strike day.

    GWR aren't on strike that day (they are later that week), but their ASLEF drivers are part of a nationwide refusal to work overtime that runs from the 1st to the 9th Dec which was announced a couple of weeks ago.

    Most of the train companies rely on overtime to be able to run their services, particularly at weekends, so it will cause a lot of disruption.


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  6. In addition to all of the reasons mentioned above, I get the impression that SL is maybe more willing to acknowledge others' expertise and knowledge where rugby is concerned than he is with football. The rugby chairman is Chris Booy who's been there long before Steve got involved, indeed it was him who approached Steve to see if he woud be interested in investing when the club was facing finanical ruin, and I think he's largely allowed to get on with it and have his views trusted in a way that somebody in an equivalent role at the football club might not be.

    Rugby doesn't have the same sacking culture, but the roles are slightly different. Lam's position is more akin to a football manager of years past where they would be the most powerful sporting figure at the club and responsible for setting the culture etc, and would carry as much influence as a modern DoF/Techinical/Sporting Director and Manager/Head Coach combined.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, BS3_RED said:

    From a money perspective I see what you ate trying to say but don't think you have worded it at all well. 

    It's not like we bought a shit player and he has gone for nothing.

    The guy has a illness that could not be forseen and as such it's hard to make any kind of judgement. It's no different to Dean Horrix (spl) who died in a car accident just after we signed him. It's a situation far beyond out control and can't be looked at from a business sense in my opinion.

    There is also the personal factor to take into account, I am sure if Ross is reading this he will be hurt that through no fault of his own some vue him a waste of money.

    I hope other posters can respond with some level of dignity and thought.

    Maybe try responding to the right poster before you get on your high horse.

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