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Northern Red

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Posts posted by Northern Red

  1. 26 minutes ago, robin_unreliant said:

    Perhaps you can balance this against the £25m we got for Scott who has also hardly played this season due to injuries. We were unlucky with RM but lucky not to have kept Alex, only to have him out most of the season - so far.

    Indeed. I don't think we'd need to guess what the general reaction would be if we'd turned down £25m and then got 3 or 4 games out of him, because we wouldn't be seeing that sort of offer for him again.

  2. 2 hours ago, Oh Louie louie said:

    Quinn scored when joe Jordan was boss I think? Or later, I look at some of the fowards joe signed to some gary brought in, joes are mouthwatering, I can't say that about gjs

    Think Quinn was one of the ones who Gary Johnson signed when he first took over.

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