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Northern Red

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Posts posted by Northern Red

  1. I've just seen Jon Lansdown in Tescos car park, stopping to help an old lady who was struggling to carry her shopping.

    He asked her "can you manage, love?" to which she replied "piss off, you got yourself into this mess, you can get yourself out of it. I don't want the job".

    • Haha 16
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  2. Just now, Spud21 said:

    I don't really understand all this yes man bollocks, unless any of you know Manning then you are just chatting shit based on absolutely nothing. The man has no previous connection to the club so owes Lansdown nothing, the man is potentially going from Oxford to Bristol City not ******* Barcelona.

    Im as annoyed with Niges sacking as anyone but some people are seriously deluded about our status in the football pyramid. 

    The board being chief amongst them.

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  3. 11 minutes ago, Supersonic Robin said:

    Agree, the fundamental issue was a dodgy transfer policy.

    I think we were slightly unsure what we wanted from Szmodics. Was he "one for the future"? If so, a 24 year old from League 2 doesn't seem like a player with room for significant development. Was he "one to hit the ground running"? If so, you're asking a lot for a player to step up 2 divisions and immediately have an impact. As you say, the Palmer signing then complicated things further. Very much seemed like a signing made without any clear plan or thought process.


    That summer was when we abandoned any notions of building a squad and were basically trading for the sake of it.

    We signed Szmodics, he did well enough in preseason but then we brought Palmer in so that was the end of that. We also had Paterson who could play that position and ended up having to go out on loan, only to be recalled in January. In much the same way that we signed Massengo and Nagy so Pack had to leave when he didn't really want to.


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  4. 4 minutes ago, phantom said:

    Never in the picture, just like the graphic earlier in this thread

    I wonder how many times this needs to be said before it sinks in.

    There's not been a single credible suggestion that he's of interest, in fact at several points exactly the opposite, yet somehow we've managed to get 49 pages out of it.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, UncleRed said:

    How I am received on this forum has nothing to do what you wrote and what you responded to.

    How I am received is because I’m actually looking at the positives of our situation and looking forward at the future. Not looking backwards at the past and wishing Pearson wasn’t sacked.

    We got an opportunity to potentially hire an exciting young manager. Who may play attacking and exciting football, which hasn’t been seen down Ashton gate in at least a few years. With a chance of some financial backing.

    Pearson kept us up whilst spending a minimal amount of money. But majority of people on here think he did a job that only he could of done.

    Anyway I could go on and on about the way people interact on here, but I’ll probably be wasting my time. If only I shared the same opinions and thoughts as the cult on here.

    Words like "cult" are why you get the reaction you do.

    At this point I suspect it's all very deliberate.

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