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Roger Red Hat

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Everything posted by Roger Red Hat

  1. Can someone please list all the championship keepers that are better than Max that we've seen at the Gate this season.
  2. I'm struggling to think of all the keepers I've seen at the Gate this season that are any better than Max.
  3. I don't think that's the case. Sam liked to cut in, or go outside leaving either route for Pring open.
  4. I'm trying to think of all the 'keepers I have seen at Ashton Gate that are an upgrade on Max.......
  5. I think something is clouding your judgement...
  6. I agree, but three and a half year contract, isn't it?
  7. Playing for Ghana v Egypt tonight. On BBC 3.
  8. I don't think it's being offered for you..................
  9. Reading through the comments it looks like some did and some didn't!
  10. Same process for me. Although I had the £1.25 booking fee added!
  11. I'd also add as an afterthought, If Nicky Maenpaa had been able to stay fit, I don't think Bentley would have got a look in.
  12. Which Max doesn't? Being a 'good shot stopper' is surely a minimum requirement to be considered a professional keeper, and many of Bentley's last ditch 'brilliant' stops/saves were down to his own indecision and failure to take charge of the situation. The amount of time we spent defending on the six yard line was unbelievable. I think our defence now has much more confidence in Max than they did Bentley.
  13. For me, Max is a better keeper than Bentley, and has been for a long time.
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2024/jan/06/jurgen-klopp-man-management-liverpool-premier-league-data
  15. Sketchers for me and my changing shape old geezer feet!!
  16. I don't know the actual content of each, but I assume DH is basically a branded, packaged and pricier version.
  17. Yep, largely motivated by my Mum's desire for some bit of tat!
  18. So Wazza, Frank, and Stevie G, all managerial failures from that 'golden generation'. Who's next?
  19. The first pair of boots I had were like that! My elder brothers hand me downs, with many years of 'dubbin' worked into them!
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