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Roger Red Hat

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Everything posted by Roger Red Hat

  1. Shock horror, no wingers, why does that sound familiar?
  2. Well he is widely known for his miracles.............
  3. Hopefully the board will ask the applicants what posture they assume when on the touchline, as it's obviously crucial.
  4. What other agents do we have in the field ready to complete the mission?
  5. Yeah, thank god it's not like that at our club......................
  6. No. MM is in York, so he's heading straight on up to Sweatyland. Saves a few quid on the cab.
  7. ..................err...................is he 60 yet?
  8. <br /><br /><br /> I think you need to look somewhere other than "FACE" book, to ascertain the accuracy of these reports on the magnificence of these particular attributes of Stacey's.
  9. <br /><br /><br /> Yeh?Everyone says she's got great t1ts mate!
  10. I think RedM, that you should pm WRP, and he can explain it to you!!
  11. Well, obviously he got lost trying to find the petrol station and stopped to ask the woman the way.
  12. Too old?! Too old?! The guy's just been playing in the world's biggest professional tournament, ffs.
  13. City 'DIDN'T' pay a basic above £10k/pw, maybe they are prepared to now, in order to attract higher calibre players to enable us to move on up. I don't actually know if your 10k figure is right or wrong, by the way.
  14. Not only would it be a good signing, but it would be a major statement when it comes to attracting other players. I would also probably laugh so hard something unexpected may happen in the bladder department!
  15. I think they should take the bench and nail it across the goalmouth.
  16. I believe the vicar of Ashton has been publicising a jumble sale at Ashton Vale village hall in two weeks time. Any profits to be split between BCFC and the roof repair fund.
  17. Now, are you being sarcastic here, or what?
  18. So that I can double my contribution, could somebody please refresh my memory as to what charity NTTDS is supporting in his sponsored "fly to all Bristol City away game at Hartlepool in the season 03/04" fly-a-thon?
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