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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. Who was having a go at veggies, or FGR for being vegan? I don't really have a beef with FGR.
  2. I'm really tempted to go to a non-league game this weekend...trouble is, I live in Bucks and don't give a monkey's about the local teams!
  3. FC Parachute Payments back in the Prem? Swapping places with another Yoyo team. What a farce. Well done to teams like Brentford, breaking the cycle.
  4. Heaven forbid we appoint people with high level experience of turning a profit in football. How utterly ghastly.
  5. Me, for one (St George)
  6. Why would you not think Gould was doing a good job? His reputation in cricket is absolutely golden.
  7. DM me, some old programmes from '80s sat in a cupboard. Happy to give them to a good home.
  8. RE-Cisse and Pack: as others have said, you only notice this sort of player when they aren't there. Remember when Makelele left Real for Chelski, same time as Beckham came in, Zidane said "We've bought a new coat of gold paint for the Bentley, but sold the engine" Cisse in particular never did anything spectacular, but was a real 100% player. Physical, not especially gifted, but worked like a Trojan, doing all the unglamorous stuff. Pack could play a bit more, but also was a very disciplined player who read the game well.
  9. As a father of twins, I can't imagine the pain. My heart goes out to them.
  10. None of the current crop, game's moved on. But, from the distant past, Steve Galliers and Joe Jordan have rightly been mentioned. But what about Bobby Hutchinson - you wouldn't mess, methinks. More recently, Ivan Sproule struck me as someone with...a temper.
  11. Yup. I cycled to the game, rode along the river, crossed a bridge to be confronted by the Plod escorting hundreds of Millwall fans from Temple Meads. I have never ridden so fast in my life.
  12. Cotts came into a pretty good squad, the likes of JET, Pack, Flint all signed by SOD. He improved it, no doubt. Then, having got us promoted...didn't.
  13. I was referring to the coppers, not the fans! I was too young for the '70s, went a couple of times but in the schoolboy enclosure ?
  14. Visit by Millwall around '84/5 sticks in my mind ? Games against the Sags could be pretty rum affairs, e.g. Devon White (IIRC) getting bananas chucked at him ? Going to watch us at the IKEA stadium for an evening game was quite something when you're 15...!
  15. The Walshy shuffle...Biff creaming them in from 30 yards...memories. Massive racism, awful facilities, appalling pitches, ever-present threat of violence...not-so-great-memories.
  16. Perhaps we should try and use the overpaid dross? If you're in a hole, then sometimes you have to use what's available, not moan about what you can't have?
  17. I don't think Brentford are a realistic benchmark. Very few clubs have done what they have; for every Brentford, there's far more Stokes, Sunderlands, Portsmouths, who have been at the top table, got their parachute payments and wasted them.
  18. The fact is that there were points deductions, and you only have to look at the points totals of teams around us to see the impact - half a dozen sides on less than 50 points, clear indication (to me) that everyone has set the bar lower - and that also, like the Prem, there's a clear gap between the good and bad teams in the league.
  19. Spot on, a big issue being that we don't have parachute payments and can't offer the same sort of wages as those clubs who do.
  20. To be fair, Uncle Pete got quite a few wrong...? As for Burt's golden June - absolutely, spot on. But everyone admitted that we identified a whole series of players as targets that summer, and basically got the lot! That happens very infrequently, as does the fact that ALL of them performed at an astonishing level.
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