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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. It's not a "pretty widely known fact" that people can't catch COVID twice...which is what you claimed
  2. Nige, as a fellow long-COVID sufferer, rest. Then rest some more. Get well, come back, fix this.
  3. He was a player who made the most of his talents, although he had his limitations. "Talentless"? Absolutely not. We could do with that sort of bite just now. I've got a soft spot for Macc, so might give it a watch.
  4. Horrible news, JP was an absolute beast for us, holding together our back four.
  5. As someone who's currently recovering from a bout of respiratory problems, possibly related to you-know-what (which took me out for 3 months earlier this year), I wish him a speedy recovery.
  6. As a fellow long-COVID sufferer, best wishes, and look after yourself. M PS: @Dollymarie: happy birthday, #legend
  7. Errr...to try and head off the speculation?
  8. Amusing to read the responses here, and the speculation about the manager's health - see my separate thread, in which my question about Pearson's long-term health results in getting slaughtered. What's Gould supposed to say? By law, you can't get rid of someone who's legitimately ill without their consent. And there's a lot of uncertainty and unknowns about long COVID (if that's what it is*). So he's hardly going to announce on air that we're binning an employee. *Source: I've got it
  9. Apparently, according to almost everyone we're not allowed to talk about Nige's health. See my thread.
  10. Nope, I'd like the industry gone, too. But that's unrealistic, so certainly much more heavily regulated. And taxed. Trade in human misery.
  11. Personally, I loved that acid yellow Adidas (I think) away kit from a few years back.
  12. Not a view shared by everyone, I think it's vile.
  13. I have a strong sense that he was battling with issues 'off the pitch': maybe some form of addiction or relationship issue. He was excellent at Bolton. ...and there we go. As a fellow traveller, I understand.
  14. I think the betting industry is rotten, full stop. And those betting ads on TV, YouTube, etc disgust me. Happy to see it banned.
  15. I guess I got an answer to my question...?
  16. Let's face it, we're in no position to crow. Without our sugar daddy, where would we be?
  17. Spot on. Needed one of the more experienced lads to take a second to have a little chat, encourage him. TBF, the away fans were giving him a lot of encouragement.
  18. He was getting murdered in the first half due to a lack of cover, often found himself facing two or three. Grew in confidence after the half time change, needs to remember to do the simple things.
  19. ...and she wasn't gross and a total cokehead
  20. That's your credibility shot, then?
  21. Interesting comparison with us. Like us, they are in a mess. Don't know if Hughton's been given the scope that Pearson has, but it's a long job. I am sure he would have turned it around. Where do the Florists go now?
  22. Dave, you've got to stop all this talking well considered, sensible stuff, this is OTIB, there's a time and a place...
  23. "A broken clock is wrong twice a day" Errrrrr...oh dear
  24. Bloody hell, that brings back memories...made I larff
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