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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. OK, fair enough. One thought that does occur: do we have to overpay on wages because of where we are? London, midlands or north west clubs all have other clubs near. We don't, so if you settle here, there's more of a risk of upheaval? Just a thought.
  2. Sorry, but those accounts are for the whole club, are they? Not just playing staff. And for a realistic comparison, you'd need to benchmark them against what other teams in the same league were spending. Year-on-year comparisons aren't valid as the spending needed to be competitive in the Championship has risen ahead of inflation.
  3. I recall at the time in the 2015/16 season, plenty were screaming for him to go. He was pig-headed over signings that summer, our squad was terrible and too thin. I suspect some of the love is because many on here don't have that much history - younger fans would possible remember GJ's time, but that's it. I've seen us come up from the third tier under Jordan, Ward, GJ and Cotts. All wonderful seasons but 3 of those 4 managers got binned within a short time.
  4. Top bloke, sure Motivator? Possibly But we were in the process of being relegated. Cotts refused to change his strategy and adapt to the fact that our formation and style were being caught out. He was also pig-headed about transfers - a lot on here complain about Ashton's role, but IMHO it can be directly linked back to the summer after promotion - when Cotts demanded players X, Y and Z, but then disengaged when they turned out not to be feasible, meaning we signed no-one.
  5. Having met him, he's actually a perfectly nice guy.
  6. I never wanted Warnock anywhere near us. Pulis was bad enough.
  7. Christ, did we play Millwall the day before?
  8. Having lived in Oxford and met a few Utd fans, there's no love for the blue few there. Wouldn't Oxford need to build their fourth stand to accommodate all the knuckle-draggers?
  9. But if he adds goals, that will prove you wrong. Will you cope?
  10. Love it. Hope he celebrated both goals.
  11. Mine is God Taylor, but that was many years ago. It's a different game now, more technical, much faster, better pitches, different balls (oo-err). If we're looking back to that era for a player we could do with now, I would suggest Dave Rennie. Or maybe Shelton.
  12. Alan Walsh was a striker that Cooper converted to a winger. And he last played when I was in my late-teens/early 20s. I am 51 now. Let's look forward (sic), not back.
  13. :laugh:, as often as not, Smith's crosses ended up hitting a bus outside the ground.
  14. Mmmmm, I'm not sure it wasn't always there. My Grandad (RIP) recalled times when colleagues nearly came to blows at work over football - working with Cidereds and Sagheads was no different even back in the '40s (he was from Cardiff, BTW!) As others have said, I think trouble existed, but it wasn't as organised or as widely publicised. The 1970s was when it all really kicked off. My personal recollection is of games in the '80s, Millwall at home in c.'85??? We lost 1-0 and it literally turned into a riot, police dogs, horses, the lot, fans in the Dolman ripping up seats and throwing them at the Millwall fans. I was in the old enclosure and utterly terrified (I was 15). City had a pretty poor reputation back then, probably deservedly so. Our record on racism towards players was nothing to be proud of, either.
  15. I bet Hurst still never has to buy a drink down our way. Apparently he was literally dead on his feet when he scored.
  16. My much-missed Grandad had one of those...
  17. Well that's a sad loss for his family, but at least they now know.
  18. It's tragic, a young man, etc. I'msorry for his family and offer my condolences. I do think Cardiff and the media have overdone it, though. Anyone remember Dean Horrix?
  19. I forgot to mention the weather, we went at them crazy batshit at the start, and paid for it later on. A decent point.
  20. Agreed, he's a class act. Happy to take a point, we looked a work in progress with some rusty legs. Not sure about 442, we looked better when Smith came on and we moved to 433. Some loose passes and sloppy mistakes, but some flashes of real quality. Mid-table.
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