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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. Why is anyone surprised? If I was JET, I'd want to move forward with a career that stalled at Ipswich having promised so much If we get a handsome return on him, then happy days - we can use that money for other players, etc. Read "Why England Lose" about how Lyons achieved success - they used "moneyball" principles: get in a player who is undervalued, bring him on, and sell him as soon as anyone offers you more than you think he's worth. Use the money to buy more players, etc. etc.
  2. Is it cold in Bristol today? It's toastie warm here in Bucks
  3. Errrr...hmmmm....Tinman used to play on the left? Surely that's in last 20 years. I was going to say Alan Walsh, but then realised just how old I am...
  4. :laugh: that wasn't from the Bucks Herald, was it? That esteemed organ with which I would not line the cat's litter tray - I'm surprised that they manage to get the date right on their paper, it's such a festering pile...(apologies if you work for them ha ha)
  5. <br /><br /><br /> I'm not sure what you mean, and I'm not going to ask, as you're probably bigger than me
  6. <br /><br /><br /> Oh, sh17, mate, thought you were joking Many apols
  7. <br /><br /><br /> Can't I have a rest? I've only just finished with Stacey
  8. <br /><br /><br /> I've just cum in Stacey Penton, Great news
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