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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Because Spence would have chosen us over Forest? Doubtful.
  2. Yep, the media go on about Cooper but Corberan has achieved more with less.
  3. I would add Clive Whitehead who, like Curle, played right wing, full back and centre back. Though not all at once.?
  4. True of course but we know that clubs talk to the agents of in contract players all the time. It's often publicly reported that it's happening and nobody bats an eyelid. When was the last time a club was sanctioned for tapping up for instance?
  5. It's Golazzo, an Italian word. James Richardson does an occasional history of Italian football podcast of that name with Gab Marcotti and James Horncastle.
  6. Maguire said the same a couple of weeks ago. Which is fine if they have met the conditions.
  7. What is it they don't understand about a player being out of contract for God's sake?! It seems likely for instance that Cundy is talking to other clubs right now, which is fine, he is free to do so. Klose may be doing the same, no problem. But again for the benefit of any Luton fans visiting : HE WAS OUT OF ******* CONTRACT!
  8. I would say it was down to the player's agent to tell Luton he was rejecting their offer.
  9. Their passing and movement is excellent, very good to watch.
  10. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/bristol-city-signing-kal-naismith-7139147 James Piercy has quoted what Nigel said recently: Luton is a really good story. Their problem, of course, is: if they don’t go up this year, can they keep their players? [audibly guffaws] The likelihood, with the players out of contract is no, because a lot of those players will try and cash in, and their agents will cash in on their clients having a good season. Something that seems to have taken their fans by surprise. Not too bright then.
  11. Ah, the days when any shady character could buy UK citizenship. Next step the House of Lords??
  12. They may find, as we did after getting to the play off final, that doing it again is not easy. And if their average weekly wage is indeed £6k then there is bound to be a risk of losing players to other clubs. Their financial management has been very good but this is an inevitable consequence. Why are they surprised?
  13. I'm not sure Dundry can be called a mountain.
  14. Apparently Nigel said he wanted deals done before the players report for fitness testing (10th June I think). A man of his word then.
  15. He said in a recent interview that people are wrong to assume this as he prefers to play 2 up front with 1behind, so more like 4-3-1-2.
  16. Deal to be finalised on Tuesday it seems: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61605694
  17. Never apologise Tom, we all appreciate the great job you do for us.
  18. Followed by "It's never happened before, honest". Or so I've been told.
  19. I'm told he was late turning up today. He was found wandering up and down Ashton Road trying to find the house you have to go through to get into the stadium.?
  20. Judging by his interview he expects to play centre half but is happy to play left back or midfield. 3 signings in 1.
  21. Perhaps but I think I see Nigel's cunning plan. Team for next season taking shape: Bentley/Kalas/Klose/Baker/Atkinson/Cundy/Davies/Horsfall/Idehen. So just 2 more centre backs needed and we're sorted.?
  22. Yep, Kieran Maguire reckoned the average weekly wage for Luton's first 11 was £6k.
  23. As Gary Johnson said, some of them like being footballers but don't like playing football.
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