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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. God help us, it might be Sam Matterface.?
  2. Classic laughable barrack room lawyer gibberish. I know all clubs have a moronic element but they do seem to have more than their fair share.
  3. SSN saying the extension is to next weekend only.
  4. SSN reporting that Ashley has been in touch with Quantuma but had no reply. They have a history of not replying to emails from the EFL of course. They do not seem to know about any extension for Kirchner though. Also that they do have access to more loans if necessary, presumably from MSD. But that would just add to the debt of course. Sh1t creek appears to be a paddle free zone.
  5. Which implies that Kirchner is not prepared to fund the club pending the still imminent sale.
  6. Of course, how silly of me a 3 year old could understand it. Anybody know any 3 year olds I can ask??
  7. Morris owns the company that owns the stadium, which owes £20m+ to MSD. That company is not in administration so liquidating DCFC won't help Morris in that respect surely?
  8. Players mature at different times, there is no hard and fast rule. Opinions will differ of course but what exactly has he done for you to conclude that he thinks he is too good for us? One thing that I haven't seen in him is arrogance; quite the opposite in fact.
  9. They would also lose Spence back to Boro (and from there to the PL probably) and Garner unless they can borrow him again.
  10. You are such a pessimist!? What Nixon is missing is that we are already spending rather more than a bit less.
  11. Quite so. Plus motivated reasoning*. * something else for people to google.?
  12. Nothing that 20 new signings this summer can't fix.?
  13. I actually think they may be the best coached and organised team I have seen in the Championship this season. Corberan has a good pedigree, which shows. They have a financial advantage over us for sure but we are not talking about Fulham level wages I suspect.
  14. I will spend the summer watching the England Test team sweep all before them. Or possibly not.?
  15. I am more optimistic on that front too despite Gould saying a while ago that we would be prepared to take a hit. Just managing expectations I think. As I said I'm sure we have been talking to the EFL to get our ducks in a row.
  16. The, to me surprising, statement from Gould that we will have the same budget next season implies that we either expect to be ok as far as FFP goes or are willing to accept some sanction - say a 6 point deduction. I assume we have been having ongoing discussions with the EFL in any event.
  17. Yes but he also said "we have knowledgeable fans" , which if nothing else proves he doesn't read OTIB.?
  18. You may be shooting at the wrong target. @Derby_Ramis rather more sensible and informed than the kind of people who tend to post on the Derby forum. That's where you will find arrogance, special pleading and conspiracy theories, especially that it is all a plot against them by the EFL. Pathetically, they have blocked access to their forum from here. In a sense it is right to say the EFL were dug out of a hole in that Derby are favoured by the majority of football writers (because they used to be good decades ago and, you know, Brian Clough and stuff) as only a small minority have bothered to find out the facts and read the EFL regulations. Too much like hard work when they could be writing about the same old Premier League clubs. So if Derby had run out of money and been expelled the media narrative might well have been to blame the EFL. That would have been reinforced by local MPs as there is political capital in it for them. Whether that is @Derby_Ram's reasoning I don't know and I often disagree with them but you can at least have a debate with them. But maybe they actually mean it's all the EFL's fault, in which case your post stands and I withdraw all my comments above.? Anyway, the money runs out this weekend so there are interesting days ahead!
  19. Yes, disgusting alleged behaviour: https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/may/06/john-yems-leaves-crawley-town-after-allegations-of-racist-behaviour
  20. So Leicester and Stoke are options for ground sharing and DCC are indeed negotiating the potential purchase of the stadium. That is ongoing though so Quantuma will either need to extend the exclusivity period or allow others to bid. The question is whether Kirchner will continue to fund the club during any extended period and if so for how long?
  21. Yes, fans love to see defenders flying into tackles but the best defenders rarely need to. How often do you see Virgil Van Dijk go to ground for instance?
  22. As you mention lawyers, Kieran Maguire said last week that Quantuma shelled out £145k on lawyers with the intention of appealing against the points deduction for going into administration. An appeal with no hope of success that they didn't pursue.
  23. I wouldn't expect Derby fans to be bothered, particularly those who quickly switched the blame to the EFL thus letting MM off the hook. Presumably local taxpayers in Derby will suck it up as too there seems to be no obvious controversy about it. That doesn't mean there aren't matters of principle and precedent applying to the game as a whole that others, particularly other club owners, aren't allowed to raise. CK is going to have to do business with other clubs (including signing 40 players it seems!) so he'd probably be wise not to tell them to suck it up.?
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