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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Don't know about strikers but there were loads of people who thought Frankie Artus was the next big thing and that GJ was victimising him. Guess who was right?
  2. I read Kirchner's last comments as saying sign off on the deal now because I am not going to fund the club after Saturday. Will be intetesting to see what happens on that. And of course the stadium sale is going to take time, even if you think it is acceptable for the local council to be handing Morris £20m. Still no news on any deal with HMRC, though I suspect any sweetheart deal will infuriate clubs who pay their taxes. Still not imminent then.
  3. So Cundy has had a run of games coinciding with improved results and with praise from Nigel but he doesn't want to keep him? Seems unlikely.
  4. I see, point taken. Having seen Kelly a number of times this season he has not been quite as good as I expected. There have been games when he has looked a complete defender and others when he has been too gung ho and not shown the composure I would expect. I think he is still some way from achieving his potential. Perhaps he needs to move to a better team to do that and it will be interesting to see if anybody bids for him. I'm not going to suggest Atkinson is a better player but I do see great potential. When we signed him Nigel said he would become a Premier League player so I'm looking forward to see how he develops.
  5. In any event Nigel said in a recent interview that he doesn't do so called marquee signings. So we are not going to get any Ashton style "look at me, I've signed a player we don't need from Chelsea" signings. A refreshing change though it will upset those fans who tend to demand "big names".
  6. I think your point is a bit of a straw man. WhoScored are simply rating performance for 1 month against, as others have said, measures that are not biased towards bigger clubs. Otherwise the team of the month might just as well comprise just Fulham and Bournemouth players. They are not saying he is a better player than Kelly overall and neither is anybody else. But because Kelly is a better player it does not follow that he has performed better in a given period.
  7. You forget that the owner of the 6th richest club in the country (© deluded Gasheads) refuses to do business with us because we didn't pay the £10m Matty Taylor was obviously worth.?
  8. I think it's unlikely Nigel will go with 2 inexperienced centre backs. Indeed he has said in the past that he wants experienced Championship defenders. Though if Klose and Kalas stay and given the form of Atkinson and Cundy he may focus on an experienced right back and not sign a centre back at all.
  9. My memory may be failing me but I'm sure I also heard recently, probably from Kieran Maguire or Matt Slater, that if they are relegated the club has to be sold back to the previous owners at a fixed price.
  10. Yes but why deal in facts when you can make stuff up??
  11. So if Klose gets injured we are left playing with 2 (or 3 depending on our formation) inexperienced centre backs. I doubt Nigel would want that. Nor do I think it is a given that Kalas will leave, though most people seem to be assuming that. If he did go we would need to sign an experienced replacement. Cundy has reportedly been offered a contract in any event.
  12. chinapig

    League AGM

    Thanks, I was going to post this. Imagine the chaos if leagues were allowed to each set their own laws.
  13. What I like about him particularly is that he has been knocked back at various times in his career but has kept going and is starting to get some reward for his persistence. That suggests a good character, something Nigel sets a lot of store by. If he keeps working hard we could have a very good player on our hands.
  14. Nigel actually said recently that people assume he prefers 4-3-3 but that he likes to have 2 up front with 1 behind them. So exactly what we have now. He also talked about currently playing a back 3/5 out of necessity, which implies he might prefer a back 4 with the right players. But he half dismissed the need for a defensive midfielder, saying what you need is a reliable defence. Short version: I have no idea what he is going to do.?
  15. Not Mitrovic? No ambition at all. ?
  16. Yes, but it was a Bristol Blue tinpot. Classy touch. ?
  17. But Quantuma told him in their usual good faith so it must be true.
  18. I see Rooney said yesterday that he expects the takeover to be completed within 10 days. Imminent again then.
  19. Turns out Weimann wasn't a right winger after all. Who'd have guessed??
  20. Nigel spoke approvingly of him yesterday so I'd be surprised if he doesn't get a contract.
  21. chinapig


    You make a good case, though I would suggest that at Championship level an average 10 goals each for your front 3 is pretty good. Mitrovic is very much an outlier and history shows that sides get promoted without having a striker scoring 20 goals or more. Of course the target for Liverpool's front 3 would have been much higher simply by virtue of the fact that they are some of the best players in one of the best teams in the world. As to needing more, that might come from within perhaps through Semenyo having a full season and delivering more goals. But at the current rate we are among the higher scorers in the Championship so we don't actually need more goals imo. We are unlikely to be able to afford strikers better than those we have anyway so for me the key to progress is to concede far fewer goals. Which seems to be Nigel's priority.
  22. The skip and bin photographer of the year award would have been a foregone conclusion too.?
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