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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Has been linked with Leeds before and would suit them well. Last night he was more involved in attack than under Dyche when he seemed to have a more limited role.
  2. Either would have other clubs who meet their tax liabilities in full up in arms I would have thought.
  3. Yes, and also said people assume he prefers a flat 4-3-3 but he likes to play 2 up front with 1 behind. Which is pretty obvious from watching us anyway. Pretty much dismissed the importance of a defensive midfielder as you imply.
  4. Quantuma and Kirchner seem to have said nothing recently about paying the debt to HMRC. Not so much as a bland "constructive talks are ongoing" statement. Have I missed something?
  5. I know Junior was short with a very young looking face but I think he was older than 9 when he played for us? And unless when you started your hero was John Galley or someone earlier than him you are not yet officially old.?
  6. Interesting, thanks, and agreed. I guess when some people talk of a back 4 they are thinking of a traditional flat back 4 where full backs are very much defenders. More Burnley than Brighton so to speak. Full back is the most interesting position for me in the modern game to the extent that the term full back doesn't seem adequate any more! If we take Walker, James and Alexander Arnold as the 3 main options for the England team, they're all called right backs but each performs a different role for his club. So you might need to set the team up in different ways to get the best out of the one selected.
  7. A moot point I think. Liverpool's centre backs play a high line and split wide with Fabinho ahead of and in between them. Their full backs start high up the pitch. Is that a back 4? Man City tend to push their full backs into midfield, with Cancelo more forward than Walker. Is that a back 4? There are so many variations these days it's harder to say what a back 4 even means! What variation Nigel prefers, if any, I have no idea. My guess is he is a more sophisticated thinker than people believe though.
  8. Yes, he found that very few employees of the local brewery contracted cholera as they were allowed to drink as much of the (weak!) beer they brewed as they liked. If they drank water it was from the brewery's own pump not the one that was the source of infection. Brilliant detective work.
  9. Yes, she was a hero in more ways than people realise. I'd add Dr John Snow whose use of dot maps and statistics traced the 1854 cholera outbreak in Soho to a single water pump and effectively gave birth to epidemiology. Of course both he and Nightingale got a lot of resistance to their use of statistics. Some things never change.?
  10. Kieran Maguire said he had talked to backroom staff at Derby who spoke very highly of the support Rooney gives them, in contrast to some others at the club and, of course, no longer at the club. He has certainly enhanced his reputation.
  11. I'm sure Kirchner has already priced that in. As far as we know there are no other bids. His may still fail if HMRC and the EFL aren't satisfied of course. This is far from over.
  12. I'll add my thanks to those from whom I have learned so much about finance and property in particular. More fans should take note, these things are so important for the game as a whole. Please respect the day of national mourning for Derby the media will now declare.?
  13. Lawrence sent off. More proof that referees are part of the conspiracy against Derby.?
  14. It's a technical offence and a goalkeeper cannot be sent off for handling the ball inside his own penalty area. So the ref was right as you say.
  15. Superbly coached team, much more than the sum of their parts. Finished 20th last season with the worst defensive record. Shows what can be done so don't despair folks.?
  16. Maguire reckoned Kirchner is trying to persuade the EFL to deduct 15 points this season so he presumably accepts there will be a penalty. But Maguire reckons there is no chance of him getting what he wants.
  17. Kieran Maguire said again this morning that on the basis of his bid HMRC are going to have to compromise their position and that unsecured creditors are going to have to take "an absolute hammering". Far from a done deal still.
  18. No, they were forced into relegation by Mel Morris, who was cheered all the way by Derby fans who thought he was so clever. The EFL simply applied its rules as it should. No sympathy at all.
  19. Pigott, Bonne and Chaplin starting on the bench. I wonder what the aggregate wages are for those 3? Not cheap for League 1 I suspect.
  20. Enoch was more of a gentle giant. I remember GJ saying Enoch had told him he wanted to play alongside a big man. Gary's response was "Hasn't he got any mirrors in his house?" ?
  21. What is this "clean sheet" of which you speak??
  22. Do the right thing and form a protective shield around @Mr Popodopolous?
  23. "Sign this if you want your pay off and a good reference" .
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