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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. He's a tyre kicker but it would add to the entertainment value.
  2. So who are the parties delaying and undermining the process? Is this another attempt to blame the EFL knowing Derby fans will lap it up as usual and deflect attention from Quantuma?
  3. Yes, the EFL are satisfied Derby have enough money to finish the season. As it stands there will then be no money left and liquidation logically follows.
  4. Only if the council is prepared to cut £20m worth of services to fund the purchase of a football stadium.
  5. Last week's statement was: Joint administrators Quantuma issued a statement on Friday saying they will "assess the merits of all bids received over the weekend of 26-27 March and identify their preferred bidder". "This will be the bid which we feel best secures the long-term future of the club," it added. "Early next week, the joint administrators will commence discussions with the EFL. "Further to their approval to proceed, we will then be in a position to publicly name the preferred bidder". So another deadline missed - all in good faith of course, no question of misleading anyone and naturally it's somebody else's fault.
  6. We come away from games with an impression of what a player did but we think it is an accurate memory. We like to think we are objective but that impression may be distorted by whether we rate the player or not also. Which is why visualisations like yours are so useful. Looks a pretty balanced range of passing to me. The key one being the pull back on the half volley that set up Sterling's goal. Most players would have taken a touch first and the chance might have been lost.
  7. Under Bemmy Down with a secret entrance via Parson Street station.?
  8. As usual they discount this story and claim Percy knows nothing and/or is making it up. They don't seem to understand that journalists have sources, they just don't go around telling the world who those sources are. They do the same with the likes of Matt Slater and Kieran Maguire. Still, Morris may yet come to the rescue and regain hero status perhaps. Which would be a case of "ok, I burned your house down but look, here's a caravan to live in".
  9. You mean they have sussed that we are the secret masterminds behind the global conspiracy against plucky Derby County and that Morris was just our front man? Don't mention that Quantuma are actually working to our orders. I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it.?
  10. Quantuma claimed they will present details of the preferred bidder to the EFL this week. I find it hard to see how there can be a preferred bidder if none of them meet the minimum requirement in terms of satisfying the creditors. Quantuma tell us they are acting in good faith and of course I believe them* so what am I missing? *not necessarily true.
  11. Is that a suggestion??
  12. So Derby's future is still up in the air.
  13. Not the first time. Remember Carey was allegedly disgruntled that he was paid less than players who had been brought in and left for Coventry. And Nigel has made it clear he doesn't want a significant disparity in wages across the squad. Some players are always going to be paid more than others for a variety of reasons but you have to keep the range reasonable to avoid dissent in the camp.
  14. We will find out if it is imminently imminent imminently.
  15. Naming the preferred bidder is imminent. Again. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/60880336
  16. He seemed to be convinced of PL interest but it was reported at the time that his agent told him otherwise and that he should sign a new contract with us.
  17. 12 months is comfortably within Quantuma's definition of imminent after all.?
  18. Yes, excellent post there. A model of how to be perfectly clear about how perfectly unclear things are.?
  19. A bogus claim imo. More a case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. Then over valuing the stable.? Doing everything you can would involve managing your finances properly in the first place by not constantly signing more players leading to a bloated wage bill. Much like us in fact.
  20. Burnley seem very unlikely, he's not 6 feet 6 .?
  21. The 5 pillars model was effectively replaced by the bonkers (as Nigel put it) idea of continually increasing the wage bill well beyond what is sustainable or justifiable and gambling that we could keep bringing in big fees to fund it. Not only did it not work it seemed to have no connection with any actual football strategy. Not surprising given Ashton had control over all day to day football activity (the club's words) while having little or no football expertise. As an aside, when interviewed on the Price of Football podcast recently the Luton CEO reckoned their budget was in the bottom 3.
  22. Quite. Hope you the data science is going well. As an example, RB Leipzig recently appointed the senior analyst from The Athletic to their recruitment team. Admittedly I didn't see the job advert but it's probably safe to assume that it didn't say no qualifications or experience required, anybody with a laptop can do it.?
  23. So it will favour the richest clubs? I'm shocked I tell you, shocked.?
  24. Do we reckon Ronaldo might like to own a League One club? It would be typical of his humble attitude after all.?
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