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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Parry also told Kieran Maguire that offsetting the sale of fixed assets against FFP was included at the insistence of the Premier League. You have to wonder what their motivation was.
  2. My understanding was that they could start next season in admin as they weren't in admin at the start of this season. Of course they would still have to prove they have funds to continue after this season 's funding runs out. Which still means the only real solution is to find a buyer pronto.
  3. So, approximately the 42nd time a preferred bidder has been imminent. Is this a record??
  4. Batistuta (possibly my favourite striker of all time) and Montella. That is some company to be in. Yet Tammy wasn't good enough for Tuchel from day one. Much better to pay £90m to have Lukaku lumbering around. Just think, if they hadn't spent that they could afford to pay for their next flight to an away game.?
  5. I thought he was very reasonable and informative in Thursday's press conference so I was disappointed with his response. He is an expert so if I was to ask him a question I would hope he would give me the benefit of his expertise rather than put me down. Unless I claimed to be an expert myself*, in which case I might be fair game. *spoiler: I'm not.?
  6. If he did given our luck he would pull a hamstring during the celebration.?
  7. Remember he has already said there is a conspiracy by referees against them to add to all the other conspirators. I saw the second half and the penalty they were given was very soft. Otherwise I don't recall any other penalty claims.
  8. Oi, it's a High Performance Centre, show some respect.?
  9. You may very well think that, I couldn't possibly comment.? Judging by what Gould has said it was all going swimmingly until Covid robbed us of a guaranteed £30m in transfer income. Yeah, right.
  10. The reason for selling the family silver was to enable us to keep increasing the wage bill. Whether that improved the team doesn't seem to have been a consideration. Quite how that is great as either a financial or football strategy defeats me but it has left us in the mess we are in. Steve has got off remarkably lightly given it was his master plan. Not that he would ever admit to a mistake.
  11. Except that we tend not to build on better performances but go back to square one. I hope that might change but recent history suggests it won't.
  12. If I was him I'd be asking my teammates if they might consider doing their jobs so he doesn't have to carry them. Though less politely than that.
  13. I'm at a loss as to what you do about a group of players that are apparently so mentally weak. Other than replace them, which we are in no position to do. It's such a habit now that I see no reason why it would change. The forwards must be sick and tired of being expected to score at least 3 goals a game.
  14. Certain club owners might love Ashton but I suspect experienced managers less so. I can't imagine JL would impress anybody either. Then Cook finds Ashton is his boss at Ipswich, poor sod. There was only going to be one winner there.
  15. A statement empty of content as usual though I note the word imminent doesn't appear this time. Good faith my arse.
  16. It was a second yellow. VAR does not review yellow cards.
  17. Thanks, encouraging stuff, other than the Premier League presumably not playing ball. But the acid test is whether a Bill appears in the next Queen's Speech. I won't hold my breath until then. The Premier League is rich and powerful and rich and powerful people tend to get their way with this government. So I still fear a watered down version.
  18. Kieran Maguire covered the "sale" of the Stoke stadium in yesterday's podcast, the point being that because they "sold" in May it still counts towards FFP. But he didn't cover the impairment issue, which was disappointing. If I used Twitter I would ask for his comments. But I don't so I won't.?
  19. One of his better press conferences I thought. Didn't feel the need to dig journalists out for starters. Even when he said to one of them if they wanted to ask a blunt question just ask it he had a smile on his face. Also confirmed his preference for a back 4, we just don't have the right players at present, especially at right back. Clearly wants defenders with more nous.Though seems very happy with Jay these days.
  20. Indeed he did. He also said we have unreliable markers at set pieces who tend to lose their designated men. So it is not a question of zonal marking as some have said. Which means, in his view, that we have to find an alternative approach or eventually replace those concerned. All of which seems self evident to me. You can coach players until you are blue in the face but if they keep losing their men then it is ultimately down to them.
  21. Maguire suggested that they ended up with Quantuma because no reputable insolvency practitioner would take it on. Their particular concern was that Morris had not put the company owning the stadium into administration.
  22. So the conspiracy against sporting integrity's Derby County has now gone international??
  23. The only way we can answer your question is if somebody puts it to Nigel directly what the plan is when defending set pieces. Indeed they could put the excellent analyses from @Davefevs @Cowshedand @Harryabove to him and ask for a response. They won't of course and he would probably give them short shift if they did.
  24. Nigel has called players out on a regular basis. No doubt justified but he has done it nevertheless.
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