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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. It's hard to see how they can claim the stadium was worth £81m but is now only worth say £20m. Or at least they can claim it but there should be consequences.
  2. Ah, yes. I suspect the lion's share of the alleged £7m would go to Boro but less than 6 figures to Wycombe does look odd. Perhaps they meant less than £1m so 6 zeros?
  3. Well, the BBC reported last week that the total cost of meeting the claims from Boro and Wycombe was thought to be £7m so that may be right. Which suggests that the two clubs had decided to compromise their claims, possibly based on legal advice.
  4. Man City have multiple ways of setting up that they can vary between and within games. That's what you can do with top quality players and coaches. Pep doesn't just tell them to go out and get stuck in, it's all structured and relentlessly practiced. In fact it's exactly the structured nature of their game that leads to some people regarding them as boring. Remember the stories of him painting marks on the training pitch to show Sterling what his starting positions should be, even physically moving him to get it right?
  5. Hear hear. Sadly we live in an increasingly angry and polarised world, amplified by social media, in which many people seem to feel compelled to take (to put it politely) dogmatic positions. Why not be open to evidence and persuasion and the possibility that we might be wrong? Why not like a post that you disagree with because you think the poster has made their point well? And where we are not persuaded just agree to disagree? Do unto others and all that.
  6. On reflection what came to mind was the game we won 1-0 there under LJ against a much better Swansea side than the current one. We scored early and from that point the front 2 and midfield blocked their passing lanes, they couldn't get going and I never felt we were in danger. It helped of course that we had better defenders but there was structure and discipline with players knowing their job. I can't remember the last time I could say that of a performance and I don't expect to say that any time soon.
  7. Yes, the best way to motivate people is to recruit those who are self motivated. Then try not to demotivate them!
  8. A recruitment team that is headed by an analyst isn't it? I'm staggered that since Ashton's departure we seem to have done nothing about appointing a football man to head things up. Are we waiting for Steve Walsh?
  9. He doesn't have much choice when it comes to defence with Tanner and Atkinson out though I can't see that Cundy can make it any worse. Doesn't help mind you that Simpson is so bad he can't get anywhere near a start in a terrible defence. That one is definitely down to Nigel. Across the squad I can see 8 going in the summer.
  10. Assuming Moore, Simpson, Vyner and one of our keepers goes then those are the positions we need to recruit for. Though there will be the usual fans insisting a striker is the priority.
  11. Possibly because the regs allow for agreed penalties. So Reading may have got credit for fessing up.
  12. The BBC reported that Wycombe's owner was flying back from the USA this weekend for talks iirc.
  13. I assume he's standing with all the City fans in the away section wearing Mansfield scarves.?
  14. Haven't the Administrators insisted that Wycombe have not actually made a claim? And who could possibly doubt them??
  15. His record certainly stands up but if his Preston side are anything to go by he'll soon have them diving, time wasting, faking injuries and whinging to referees. Good manager but hard to like for me. Mind you some might say the same about Nigel I suppose.
  16. Yes, but apart from that. Actually, no, you've got it.?
  17. No doubt you are right. I would guess the first is more likely as the second would mean the claim is technically unresolved still and would take time and attract legal costs. Why Morris couldn't have done this months ago is another matter.
  18. Yes but what about National League Division 5 player of the month? None of our players has ever won that. So there.?
  19. Thanks, intriguing and good news. Assuming Gibson hasn't dropped his claim does this mean Morris has agreed to pay a given sum to Gibson or Boro as a private individual I wonder? As per your previous post I wonder what HMRC's view will be.
  20. Excellent points and pleasingly free of special pleading. Does Gibson really need to tell Morris that he can't take on the claims though when it's obvious to anybody who gives it a minute's thought? If Morris doesn't get that already it goes to confirm my hypothesis that wealth doesn't necessarily correlate with intelligence.?
  21. Anecdotes are no substitute for systematic evidence. Knowing people who smoked all their lives and lived to a ripe old age doesn't mean that smoking doesn't kill for instance. Bear in mind also that omicron is more infectious but less severe than delta. Plus once you start removing mitigations like masks and social distancing a spike in infections is exactly what you would expect.
  22. Another basic point some people still don't get. Like saying the majority of people killed in road accidents were wearing seat belts therefore seat belts don't work.
  23. I'm not sure @Merrick's Marvelswas implying there is no need to be vaccinated because you can still be infected but ,yes, the point some people miss is that vaccinations significantly mitigate risk they don't eliminate it and don't claim to. Failure to understand this basic point can lead to bogus anti vax arguments.
  24. This from a man whose party says fraud isn't really a crime so as to massage the official figures and is therefore prepared to write off billions in fraudulent Covid claims. Not much concern for taxpayers losing out then. Given this logic can we take it Derby cheating doesn't really count either? And when can we expect Mel Morris to be nominated for a safe Tory seat?
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