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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Of which Reading only have to pay £8.5k. Still too much mind you.
  2. Well yes, posturing is the very word I used when Morris came out with his ramblings. The fact that he can't take on the claims seems to have been entirely missed by the fans, the Administrators and Morris himself. Which is what makes my brain hurt. Though of course Morris' aim may have been to get back in the fans' good books, which seems to have worked. They seem to be so gullible they make gasheads look like realists.
  3. I'm still puzzled as to how Morris could take the Boro claim on himself when he doesn't own the club. If he can and does is he not admitting personal liability? And would that not extend therefore to all debts owed? My brain is beginning to hurt.
  4. Alternatively, if he doesn't like the diet there we can offer a year's supply of Clark's pies for each year of his contract.
  5. You're right of course but were I involved I might look to benchmark our record against other clubs. Again if the data was available. For all I know Rennie does exactly that but it would be interesting to get his take on the current situation.
  6. All fair comment. There may be a PR issue in that by saying you are going to reduce injuries by making the players more robust you raise expectations. Better to under promise and over deliver.
  7. It did strike me when I read that Ashley had withdrawn his bid that the obvious solution would be for Morris to buy the club and pay off the debts now he is a hero with Derby fans again. As you suggest, he could fund that by selling the stadium at it's alleged market value. As he also seems confident he would defeat Boro's claim that shouldn't be a barrier.
  8. Allowing for a degree of variability would that not tend to lead to a roughly similar number of injuries across clubs over time? Perhaps it's a normal distribution with us consistently at the right hand side of the curve and if so why? I doubt there is sufficient data available to answer that mind you.
  9. Thank heavens our players are more robust these days or we might have an injury crisis.?
  10. As the cliche goes, data is not information, information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom.
  11. I'm not sure it's a question of the way we play more a constant stream of errors leading to goals.
  12. Has he issued a statement to that effect?
  13. I think there is a false logic in thinking having a third centre back means you will defend better. The opposite may be true in that all three may unconsciously think that the others will do their job for them.
  14. It does but the problem is defensively shit happens every week. Is it unreasonable to expect that Nigel might have delivered some improvement in that by now? It's the one area where he is having no impact at all.
  15. I'm still very much in his camp but he can't keep repeating that we have to stop conceding so many goals while failing to find any kind of solution.
  16. Ah, Oldham eh? If you can't see the Pennines it's raining. If you can see them it's about to rain.
  17. The FA has no credibility in this was Tracey Crouch's view when interviewed on the Athletic's Business of Sport podcast and/or Kieran Maguire's Price of Football podcast. Compromised by vested interests was her view, by which I guess she may have meant the Premier League. In any event she is clearly not impressed by the FA as a governing body in general.
  18. Though the QPR case was under an earlier version of the regulations so the comparison doesn't hold. The current version is much stronger and was agreed by all the clubs, including Derby. Of course both Sheff Wed and Reading have been sanctioned under the current regulations, though neither went into administration. In all 3 cases that was entirely their own fault.
  19. Dear me, largely rambling gibberish with no substantive arguments addressing the issues just more conspiracy thinking. I am inclined to repeat my original description of posturing. The sections on parachute payments are of course irrelevant to the case but he seems not to know that the EFL cannot unilaterally change them without Premier League agreement. That level of ignorance from a former club owner rather undermines his credibility. As does his written English - Grade C must try harder. ?
  20. That's exactly what I meant by posturing in my post too. Make it look like he's riding to the rescue, get Derby fans worshipping him again, while knowing he is not in reality personally exposed. Just pay off the debts you accumulated Mel and **** off. They'll put a statue of you next to Wayne's then.
  21. Exactly, he's posturing - again. Perhaps he will regain his heroic genius status with Derby fans as a result (they are an extraordinarily gullible lot) but this does not offer a resolution of the claims. The EFL has invited him to a meeting with all parties so why not just attend and make constructive proposals? Likewise the Administrators.
  22. I wonder if I should register a domain name that might make me a few quid down the line??
  23. From the BBC: Wycombe's American chairman Rob Couhig said: "Since last November, we have asked the administrators for a meeting to conduct good faith negotiations to resolve the issue between the two clubs. "Despite repeated requests, we have never heard a word from them. Perhaps, now that the request has come from the EFL, they will finally agree to meet and try to come to a responsible commercial solution. "As soon as I am told when and where the mediation will take place, I will fly back to the UK and personally attend." So the Administrators seem to have adopted Morris' tactic of delaying in the hope the problem would just go away. Quite how this helps the club is beyond me. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/60253222
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