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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Let me guess, did they say "League 1 at best"??
  2. Both Scott and Semenyo have been name checked as potential Prem players recently in the Guardian. I believe their correspondent Ben Fisher may be a City fan. Fortunately he hasn't got round to Massengo yet. I may email him and ask him to stop it.?
  3. As I recall we offered him on loan as part of a package to get Pedersen from them. Could be wrong though.
  4. What he needed when he joined us was an experienced mentor to advise and rein him in. What he got was Mark Ashton, who made matters worse. The die is cast and I'd be surprised if he is in charge for their next game.
  5. Holden or Ashton or both thought he would benefit from a loan to Brum last season. After all we had Lansbury. Thankfully he is now in safe hands with Nigel.
  6. Can somebody tell them to shut up please? Other clubs might notice*.? *Disclaimer: it may be too late.
  7. I would have thought saying we look great going forward but not great defending was just a balanced and accurate view. To that extent our glass is half full, though I expect Nigel to fill the other half in due course though not necessarily soon.
  8. Agreed, there has been a huge improvement in the attacking football we play. Just frustrating that the attacking players are not getting the reward in terms of points they deserve.
  9. I'm sure Nigel will say much the same but our defenders don't seem to be listening to him. Groundhog day. The issue is not which player to blame this time it's that somebody will inevitably do it. No idea how we fix that if multiple players are at fault over multiple games.
  10. We're certainly building a midfield and attack to excite. In defence we are yet to dig the foundations. Let's hope Tanner and Atkinson turn out to be as good as the younger players elsewhere in the team.
  11. But if we have the same personnel in defence next season how can we be confident they won't carry on chucking goals away? As Nigel said after Luton, we can't go on having to score at least 2 goals every game to get anything. Yet days later here we are again. I despair.
  12. I see there is a Guardian editorial on this today: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/28/the-guardian-view-on-football-governance-there-must-be-no-more-derbys
  13. Yes, that's fair comment. Let's say he was a bit naive not to realise some parts of the media would jump on it for their own ends.
  14. Precisely. Just say it is a matter for the medics and leave it at that. I'm sure he wouldn't want the club doctor talking about team selection and tactics after all.
  15. Of course the owners are responsible and I have not suggested a bail out. But there have been serial failings by the EFL also. Where the EFL fell down on Bury was approving demonstrably dodgy owners. Parry has admitted they have not demanded enough of prospective owners of clubs and wants a tougher regime. I also don't recall them putting in anywhere near the time and effort into finding a solution as they are doing for Derby. We all knew there would be a brief fuss then Bury would be forgotten. And my point about the media stands. If only Wayne Rooney had been Bury manager eh?? On Derby, as Parry has also admitted, they acted far too slowly. On both counts the rules and processes have been and are being strengthened, which we hope will prevent further cases.
  16. Presumably a matter of time before they sell Derby Council House to Mel with local council tax payers saying what a genius he is. Shortly before the city goes bust. And it will all be the EFL's fault.
  17. Theoretically maybe. But do you really think the EFL see them as equivalent to Bury? They knew they could let Bury die with very little backlash despite their role in waving through dodgy owners. Likewise the media whose response to Bury's demise was basically "Oh dear, never mind, ooh look Man Utd have tweeted something we can make a clickbait story out of".
  18. Yet the BBC is still saying HMRC will accept considerably less than owed. I imagine this is being spun by the Administrators as I doubt it's coming direct from HMRC. BBC News - Derby County: EFL extends deadline for administrators to provide proof of funding https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/60146360
  19. It baffles me how you can become a Championship keeper and be incapable of dealing with crosses. It's bread and butter stuff. Or should be.
  20. Fair comment. But we have 2 keepers who don't deal with crosses well and that costs us goals
  21. Should have kept Niki Maenpaa. Much more reliable with crosses.
  22. Steve won't do that of course but if the Guardian report turns out to be correct there will doubtless be an uproar from some, maybe many, clubs.
  23. Law or policy? From the HMRC press release I linked above: ‘Fact: HMRC does not do ‘sweetheart deals’. HMRC makes sure every taxpayer, no matter what their size, pays everything they owe.’
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