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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. So if for example HMRC agree that Derby need only pay 25% of the debt I assume the EFL would not be able to impose another points penalty for failure to pay even though they would in fact have failed to pay 75% of what was due. What a tangled web. Still, as long as football creditors get their money ... But of course HMRC do not do sweetheart deals do they? https://farnellclarke.co.uk/resources/hmrc-sweetheart-deals/
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/jan/25/derby-county-what-is-going-on-and-will-club-survive-key-questions-answered The Guardian is now suggesting HMRC may accept significantly less than they are owed. Hell of a precedent. Perhaps all clubs could now withhold tax payments on the grounds that they can't afford to pay?
  3. I remember the 3-2 home win vividly. One of the rare occasions when despite being 2-0 down I felt confident we could still win. What happened to the optimism of my youth??
  4. Appleby still allegedly working on a bid including the stadium I see. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/60105675
  5. Thanks, so the Carlisle Capital bid I assume.
  6. Can you expand on what the positive progress is?
  7. If only we knew what the definition was.?
  8. He's such an impressive speaker. Future management material for sure if he wants it .
  9. Yes you're right of course. For some reason I have a memory of him talking about growing up in Blackpool. Old age never comes alone.?
  10. Brown paper bags are so yesterday. Paid in bitcoin these days surely??
  11. Given the lyrics to Cheap Day Return start with "on Preston platform" I reckon you reference the wrong game.? And wasn't Ian Anderson born in Blackpool?
  12. Quite. I remember well when many fans insisted Frankie Artus was the next big thing and GJ was victimising him. Guess who was right? As you say let's hope he has a good career to come. For all we know it might yet be with us.
  13. From a team who tried to play by their own FFP rules. Not a lot of self awareness with Derby fans is there?
  14. A helicopter as well now. Maybe it's the drone's Mum?
  15. Barry Bannan scored for Sheff Wed. Don't mention it to @Robbored. I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it.?
  16. The convention is that laws cannot be applied retrospectively certainly. Does the law in any event really allow companies to only pay 25% of sums due to HMRC? Derby may again reap the consequences of constantly delaying the process. The tactics the Administrators are now trying suggest that they do not believe they can secure a sale nor even name a preferred bidder despite their regular bullishness. And having secured initial funding in the form of another loan from MSD why weren't the Administrators immediately seeking funds to get to the end of the season? Were they gambling on a sale being completed by now? Why did they need to be told by the EFL that they needed to provide proof of funds when that is common knowledge?
  17. So Samuels is another one who doesn't get that the EFL is not a party to the disputes between the clubs concerned. Nor do the Administrators and their antics get a mention. Seems to be a bit much to expect some journalists to do actual research before pontificating. Next up: HMRC should leave Derby alone because, you know, Brian Clough and stuff.
  18. The elusive preferred bidder that has been imminent for weeks I wonder?
  19. Possibly but the white knight will have to come up with £50-60m plus any sums that might be payable to Boro and Wycombe and enough to meet the costs for the rest of this season but will still not own the stadium. A big ask.
  20. Kieran Maguire is on today's Guardian Football Weekly podcast talking about Derby: https://www.theguardian.com/football/audio/2022/jan/20/bergwijn-brilliance-and-the-inside-story-at-derby-county-football-weekly-extra-podcast
  21. Have listened again and there is some discussion of Boro's claim. Points to note: Boro threatened to sue the EFL for failure to rigourously apply the rules. Parry admitted that they were too slow (as many of us have been saying all along). I don't recall Derby fans complaining about the delay at the time, only some of them cheering Morris on for having the EFL on strings.He should perhaps have gone on to say that Morris wanted to drag it out to avoid an earlier points deduction that would have relegated Derby instead of Wycombe but I guess he was being diplomatic. There is no reference to authorising Boro's claim. This makes sense as the EFL is not a party to the dispute so cannot authorise it or not. What is not clear to me is whether the arbitration is in progress. Perhaps it has been held up given Boro's claim that the Administrators had not replied to their letters? On the reform front an independent financial unit is being set up to improve the process. Better late than never. So the EFL is to blame to the extent that that it failed to be tougher earlier but this still seems to fall short of victimising Derby.
  22. It may be the Athletic podcast from December. Search your podcast app of choice for The Athletic Business of Sport: EFL Chair Rick Parry On Regulating The Football Pyramid. I'd have to listen again though so I may be wrong.
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