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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. He will but will even he be prepared to ask why he let Ashton run amok? And if he does ask will he get an honest answer? Or will Steve just repeat that it is his club and he'll do what he pleases?
  2. I could live with him saying that (it's true after all) if he was prepared to admit he got it wrong in recent years. He really can't talk about being sustainable then allow our costs to spiral without admitting he has made mistakes.
  3. Yes of course but for me it would be good practice to have independent voices nevertheless, especially as the main shareholder does not sit on the Board. Memento Mori and all that. It's not as if the actions of the previous executive benefited the shareholders after all, since we are further away from the alleged objectives than before.
  4. In an ideal world you would have a majority of non-execs. But we know Steve doesn't like being told he has got something wrong so that's a non-starter. Which pretty much leaves us with Jon holding the executive to account. Or not. Corporate governance is one of the game's many weaknesses though.
  5. Ashton's bonus from Steve for doing such a great job perhaps??
  6. Derby no less did exactly the same. Whereas we seem to be terrified of the opposition on a regular basis. We have players with ability but not many with the character to go with it. I'm sure Nigel will focus on finding players with character in a way the previous regime didn't.
  7. They should, especially the PL, but they might have had to pay TV money back so they let Covid do the job for them. Never mind the welfare of players and staff eh?
  8. Only if he poaches Ashton from Ipswich surely??
  9. And the PFA is refusing to publish the report on the independent review. What have they got to hide I wonder? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59584538
  10. Yes, I remembered this article from last year: https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/feb/11/premier-league-clubs-australian-bank-macquarie-loans-tv-earnings
  11. Or not: https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/dec/20/liverpool-call-rejected-as-premier-league-presses-on-with-all-festive-fixtures
  12. chinapig


    Perhaps if we removed the comfort blanket of having a big man to hoof it towards we might actually start passing progressively? Unless hoof it towards Martin is exactly what Nigel wants of course.
  13. Sweeney/Derrick/Tainton/Merrick. The current squad are not fit to lace their boots.
  14. Is that commendable honesty or throwing players under the bus? Depends if your name is Johnson or Pearson it seems. It's not as if we are in a financial position to replace them so why say it at all? And he also signed Simpson, who he has decided isn't good enough to start.
  15. I think it's unlikely we can afford a striker but I think we can conclude that Martin is among his favourites whatever he does. Though our defending is so dreadful I'm not even sure a striker is the short term priority any more. With Baker's welfare a real concern, Atkinson regressing and Vyner just not good enough I think we have a real dilemma.
  16. Getting rid of Adam was symptomatic of the cultural decline of the club.
  17. All managers have players they regard as undroppable regardless of performance. Martin just happens to be Nigel's.
  18. It's not commentary it's propoganda. If they told it like it is they would be fired on the spot. I don't know what else you would expect from an in house operation.
  19. Omg, coordinated pressing! What next, more than 70% passing accuracy??
  20. How were they going to squeeze the 3,000 fans they always take away onto 7 coaches?
  21. That's the point I think. Our Prime Minister is on record as saying "**** business" after all. Meanwhile we have a network of local public health experts around the country who were sidelined in favour of giving £37b to the private sector to run a "world beating" test and trace system that was anything but run by a woman who happened to be a Tory life peer married to a Tory MP and who screwed up at TalkTalk. Imagine how even a fraction of that money could have helped small businesses.
  22. Of course you are right on a rational basis but I understand @big p's righteous anger. It reflects the long standing problem that we badly under value those who provide truly essential services, often "rewarding" them with poor pay and conditions. I don't expect that to change in what's left of my lifetime.
  23. Extraordinary isn't it? I immediately crossed Taylor off my list of future City managers.? And the questions have been answered Matt. Guess what, you don't get gigantic swollen balls after all. Does he not appreciate that Covid causes respiratory problems? Has he not read what Joshua Kimmich has had to say? Or what Kevin De Bruyne said about struggling after 2 or 3 sprints? Perhaps Exeter don't have a club doctor he can talk to if he is incapable of finding out for himself?
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