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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. We were completely outplayed and Kalas was absolutely furious about our performance afterwards. When asked who would win the next game (Derby iirc) he said the team that was coached better. Which told it's own story I thought.
  2. FYI new anti virals have just been introduced: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/treatments-for-coronavirus/
  3. I don't subscribe to the stereotype that all footballers are thick. Some will be of course but you don't have to have academic qualifications to be intelligent. Troy Deeney for instance had a tough upbringing but if you listen to him talk at length it is obvious he is a thoughtful, intelligent and articulate man.
  4. I see the PL has arranged a meeting of managers for Monday to discuss the position. No word from the EFL yet, though they are not renowned for being quick off the mark. I also now discover that vaccination rates in the other major European leagues is very high (over 90%, Serie A being 98%). Quite what that says about our leagues I don't know frankly.
  5. Glad to hear it. It took a few days before my booster showed up on the app too. No apology required though!
  6. I see. I won't start a tutorial on randomised controlled trials given your position so let's leave it at the saying that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Extraordinary_claims_require_extraordinary_evidence
  7. I would be less harsh and say it's motivated reasoning, choosing to believe one source against the vast amount of evidence to the contrary because it fits with your preconceived view. We are all prone to it which is why I research the primary reputable sources to try to make a rational, informed decision rather than an emotional one.
  8. The answers to your questions are in the second link I provided above. You can follow through to the randomised controlled trials if you want clinical evidence from a reputable source.
  9. Your assertion was that vaccines do not protect, which is what I responded to. Otherwise see my previous post on anti virals. What drugs are you referring to, given the links I provided and the world wide research into possible treatments? Do you have an alternative reputable source of information I may have missed on existing effective treatments the NHS has not been prepared to use?
  10. We don't live in a world where risk can be eliminated. What vaccines do is greatly reduce risk. Do we want, say, 75% protection or 0%? Otherwise it's a bit like saying why bother with seat belts when some people wearing them still die in road accidents.
  11. Assuming you mean the NHS app, mine shows my booster.
  12. Given that aerobic capacity is so important to their job you'd think they would get it. Perhaps they could learn from Joshua Kimmich who refused vaccination and now has lung damage. Now he intends to get vaccinated. Better late than never I suppose.
  13. On a point of information, the NHS is to use new anti virals: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/treatments-for-coronavirus/ I imagine Pfizer's new anti viral Paxlovid will follow. This is earlier research on treatments: https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/antiviral-therapy/
  14. I see, so your focus is on that metric in respect of Omicron specifically. If I may say so that seems to be a common mistake, including among politicians and journalists. In current circumstances the key metric is likely hospitalisations. We do not yet know if it is less virulent than Delta though the signs may be hopeful. We do know however that it is at least 3 times more transmissible, which will translate into far more cases. The current R number is between 3 and 5, varying regionally, much higher than Delta So even if a lower proportion of people with Omicron are hospitalised than is the case with Delta the absolute number will be at least as high. The NHS is already at 94% capacity so we need to try to suppress those numbers. And of course Delta is still with us, cases having been at a consistently high level since July. Unless and until Omicron out-competes Delta we are dealing with 2 variants at once. It will be another couple of weeks before we have a clearer idea of the proportion of cases that lead to death, given the time lag between the two. South Africa is not a good comparator for the UK as the demographics are very different - in particular we have an older population. As to news reports, regardless of their media of choice, I would always urge people to go to the reputable data sources (on any subject) if they want to be fully informed before reaching a conclusion. We are all prone to biases but a bit of research can help overcome them.
  15. What is your source? coronavirus.data.gov? The Office for National Statistics? Johns Hopkins University or Our World in Data for a more global analysis? Have you downloaded the data to do your own analysis so as to reach your own conclusions? If so could you share? Or is it social media?
  16. Sorry, France has banned virtual flights from the UK.?
  17. I have drawn a wider conclusion over the last 2 years (though I already suspected): that as a nation, including many if not most politicians, we are close to being functionally innumerate. People (including many otherwise very clever people) often seem amused if they are not good at maths but as we can now see that has real world consequences.
  18. The Dunning-Kruger effect is the answer to your question I suspect: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/dunning-kruger-effect
  19. Unpossible, they look perfectly cromulent to me.
  20. I could be the ticket man at Fulham Broadway station What a waste. ?
  21. Quite, this is commonly misunderstood where people don't understand risk and probability. It's like saying the majority who die in car accidents were wearing seat belts therefore seat belts aren't effective as per this: https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/commentisfree/2021/sep/19/take-care-with-claims-about-unvaccinated-case-rates-covid
  22. I would often chat with his Dad, who used to video our games, before home games and young JP was invariably with him. Yes, I am that old.
  23. This is the question I wish somebody would ask him. Unfortunately I suspect even Twentyman wouldn't and even if he did he would likely get short shrift.
  24. Does this mean McGreal is not a good human then?
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