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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Where is Nigel in the betting? After all you were told unequivocally on their forum that he had applied were you not??
  2. Having listened again and as Mr P has now posted also the PL imposed the rule allowing clubs to sell stadiums.
  3. Sorry I wasn't clear in my post but my recollection is to stop it. I may have to listen again though, my memory not being what it was. Old age never comes alone!
  4. The podcast is freely available. I get it via Spotify for instance.
  5. I can't see how anybody can object to the proposed salary bearing in mind we are paying multiples of that for some pretty crap players. And that we were paying Ashton £500k for being utterly incompetent.
  6. Tracey Crouch makes this point, as does Rick Parry, in recent interviews on The Athletic's Business of Sport podcast. Parry also said btw that it was the Premier League who insisted the freedom to sell stadiums be included in P&S rules as a condition of so called solidarity payments. I had not realised that was the case.
  7. They have already appointed their new manager.
  8. Those outlandish comments are important because they reveal the (unsurprising) Premier League mindset. As a side effect it also confirms that it does not follow that because somebody is rich they must be intelligent.? This has to go through Parliament and the Premier League knows that these absurd arguments will find favour with plenty on the right of the Conservative Party (and maybe key people in Cabinet) and may serve to frustrate the aims of review. The propaganda war has only just begun and I for one fear that the financial elements of the review will be neutered and we will be left with the usual promise of self regulation by jolly decent chaps that has failed the game until now or a regulator with inadequate powers and no teeth.
  9. I see David Squires has waded in on this as well: https://www.theguardian.com/football/ng-interactive/2021/dec/07/david-squires-on-premier-league-regulation-and-the-great-chinese-famine ?
  10. Actually I have been sentenced to a year in a Premier League Cultural Re-Education Camp.
  11. The most ludicrous comment was from Angus Kinnear (Leeds CEO): Enforcing a philosophy akin to Maoist collective agriculturalism (which students of The Great Leap Forward will know culminated in the greatest famine in history) will not make the English game fairer, it will kill the competition which is its very lifeblood. So Tory MP Tracey Crouch is in fact a secret Maoist. Who knew?? Nice bit of satire here from Jonathan Liew: https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2021/dec/07/football-people-led-review-governance
  12. If they thought they could get away with it the Premier League would become a closed shop with member clubs appointed. In any event it's rich and powerful so the Crouch recommendations will likely be watered down to it's benefit.
  13. Another club that went down the "let's appoint the assistant, he's a decent chap. And cheap" route.
  14. That's just a convoluted definition of opinion, which is subjective. Facts are objective. You only have to read a matchday thread to get that people watching a game don't "see" the same things. It's all filtered through our preconceptions, including any bias for or against particular players. By all means stick to your opinion but don't suggest it is fact.
  15. But they will be competing with the Gas for them when Joey is sacked surely?
  16. Maybe but he's nobody's puppet. Let's face it Ashton would be scared sh1tless!
  17. Ashton's own words were: "At this moment, there is no one lined up to replace Paul. There will be an extensive search to find the best replacement for the club.” So a rigorous 6 weeks ahead then.
  18. I'm all for managers and players having a go back from time to time. They can get dog's abuse but if they give anything back the abusers start clutching their pearls.
  19. So he would still be happy to take orders from Ashton? Intriguing. What about the book he said he could write about what went on behind the scenes here I wonder? In any event it would end in tears with Ashton looking after his own interests as usual.
  20. I doubt Johnson would want to go anywhere near Ashton again. I look forward still to LJ's revelations about what went on between them.
  21. I wonder what patsy Ashton will appoint to take his orders now he can bring in his own man? 2 former England age group coaches are available for instance.
  22. Come to think of it their Administrators said a few weeks ago that they would be signing players in January so perhaps they could take Palmer off our hands??
  23. Fair comment up to a point. But a significant proportion of their fans were cheering Mel Morris on as he was wrecking their club, happy and convinced that he could succeed in cheating the system (and by extension the clubs who played by the rules). Well done to them for sticking by the team but a bit of self awareness would not have gone amiss.
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