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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Interesting, thanks. Some will see these things as nerdy but they are critical to the future of the game. I understand the report will be published this month btw. In my experience what tends to happen when regulation is threatened in other areas is you end up with a voluntary code of practice and alleged self regulation. A sop in other words. Fingers crossed it will not be so this time.
  2. It's a recommendation certainly. The question is, will the government accept it? My guess is the Premier League will oppose it. The big clubs especially do not like any threat to them doing whatever the hell they like. So, especially having been forced to back down on the ESL, they may be spoiling for a fight. The most likely scenario imo is that Crouch's proposal will be watered down as a result. I hope I'm wrong though.
  3. Please Dave, the prospect of two Mark Ashtons is too horrible to think about!
  4. Which doesn't square with giving Ashton free rein and allowing him to massively increase our costs. Saying one thing and doing the opposite doesn't create the impression of a man with a plan.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/nov/17/reading-agree-six-point-deduction-with-efl-for-breaching-financial-rules
  6. Expanded Condensed Version Wayne Rooney's Derby County™ are doomed.
  7. I would describe it as quasi-legal as the courts are explicitly excluded. Consequently it should not take 2 years to conclude. The EFL needs to find ways to speed the process up. Justice delayed is justice denied and all that.
  8. No, it was that other one against a different team. I remember it well.?
  9. Football for which we got a lot of praise in the media at the time in fact, though there are those with an agenda who seem to have forgotten.
  10. Indeed, the same Danny Wilson who spent a fortune by third division standards (think what the equivalent of the £600k we paid for Lee Peacock would be today for instance) and failed compared to Gary Johnson, who got promoted on a relative shoestring. Quite apart from the culture Wilson allowed that is. Though I can think of one forum member who would disagree.?
  11. The first sensible statement to come out of Derby during the entire saga.?
  12. Pah! I had to write my own DOS. With a quill pen.?
  13. As far as research goes I'm with the great Tom Lehrer: Plagiarize, Let no one else's work evade your eyes, Remember why the good lord made your eyes, So don't shade your eyes, But plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize - Only be sure always to call it please 'research'. ?
  14. I defer to your expertise in this of course. I think I am right in saying Arsenal deferred a payment due so there may be a resolution to the football creditor issue perhaps by rescheduling payments. HMRC is the key as you say. Might it lead to a party buying the club for a trivial sum but taking responsibility for the debt for instance? On reflection it may be more touch and go than I suggested!
  15. Sure, though I felt all along that the uncertainty made it harder to sell. The administrators weren't doing the club any favours by dragging it out. Much depends on whether there really are 3 credible parties of course and what can be agreed with creditors but I'd be surprised if this ends in liquidation now.
  16. Posturing, perhaps to impress the fans, who did indeed fall for it hook line and sinker. I have little sympathy for them, they cheered Morris on to destruction then expected special treatment because, well, it's Derby County innit? Glad the club should now survive but let's hope this acts as a deterrent to other chancers.
  17. The new Everton third kit perhaps?
  18. A btl comment on that panel: Looks like Sean Dyche in present-day Burnley town centre. ? I'll stop or I could go on all day.
  19. Further down: The only 2 things that can survive the apocalypse, cockroaches and Sean Dyche. ?
  20. As a long time follower of his work I recommend him as an antidote to taking football too seriously. Though he often satirises serious issues too. The comments are often very funny too.
  21. Leicester fans would say no. I also saw some comments from Villa fans after Smith was sacked describing Shakespeare as disloyal and worse, though I don't know on what grounds and whether it is justified. There is also some mystery as to why Richard O'Kelly, Smith's right hand man for years, left Villa suddenly before the season. Though I haven't researched the detail, I'm just repeating what Villa fans have said. How about O'Kelly for a coaching role btw?
  22. Yes, it is rather a rhetorical question!
  23. This implies that both parties were happy with an adjournment but the question is why? In a civil court scenario this would often result in the parties reaching a settlement. If the administrators were minded to drop the appeal they could have withdrawn it at the hearing but they didn't. Should we perhaps expect a sweetheart deal to emerge, justified on the basis that it is the only way to save the club? Though a less cynical possibility is that the panel told the administrators they had no prospect of success and suggested they go away and consider withdrawing to save some face.
  24. You may be right and I don't see Lowe as the solution but in response to the highlighted point above I am with Piercy in asking why are we playing hoofball when it doesn't suit our squad?
  25. Let's assume he was telling the truth. The obvious question to ask is how have we run up a top 6 wage bill to create a bottom 6 squad?
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