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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. So if it's not Gould's job and Nige is too ill to do his what do we do to improve? If it's not been collectively agreed already we are well and truly stuffed.
  2. chinapig


    Perhaps under orders from Steve because he thought it would shut the fans up? In which case a serious error of judgement.
  3. chinapig


    So GT should have asked why this is not the case and hasn't been since Ashton started infesting the club.
  4. So we have a squad with play off quality? Exactly what Ashton said repeatedly. It was rubbish then and it's even more the case now. Gould is, thankfully, a better man than Ashton but he seems to have the same belief that the fans are stupid enough to swallow the party line.
  5. chinapig


    So we may now face months where the entire show will be run by a recently appointed assistant manager and a temporarily promoted u23 coach? That should stop the rot then.
  6. So a change on the previous recruitment policy then??
  7. chinapig


    "We are committed to transparency so I want to give the fans an important update. Therefore I can today confirm that we are still crap."
  8. chinapig


    Don't forget that Chris Hughton is out of work.
  9. It came to light around the time of the play off semis against Palace, though I suspect it may go back further. Just not fond of Colin's behaviour I fear.
  10. I take lack of desire to mean players don't give a toss. Which looks about right to me.
  11. Of course not but we can't ignore the evidence of what has actually happened even if we have been supportive. It's looking more and more to me that, taking his health into account also, it would have been better to have him as DoF and let him choose a head coach to run the team.
  12. Steve has been asked for his comments, which were: "It's my club and I'll do what I want".
  13. The best way to motivate people is to recruit people who are already self motivated. I see little evidence of that in our squad.
  14. And how many players will lose any sleep tonight I wonder? Their whole attitude is distinctly meh.
  15. We all know the answer. Pod should be wrapped up in 30 seconds them.
  16. Lansdown thoroughly dislikes Warnock so no chance.
  17. But predictable and nobody appears to have a clue how to change it.
  18. Martin played the ball backwards so Weimann was onside. In fact he had to take half a step back to shoot.
  19. As far as Williams goes we were told he would be back in 2 weeks. Then that he was back on the grass. Presumably it will now be a case of back after the international break. Disturbing echoes of last season in fact.
  20. It is a concern, through it depends whether they are contact or muscular injuries. Probably a good idea not to post any more videos on the OS about how great our fitness regime is for a while.
  21. That's the problem Dave, we have to hope as there are few signs that the softness is going away. Mind you, being a soft touch has been the default setting of the club for an awful lot of the (very long) time I have been a supporter. Let's hope Nige is around long enough to change the culture.
  22. That's the crux of the matter with Palmer. Lots of talent but no football brain. Multiple managers have been unable to coach that into him so he seems unlikely to change.
  23. For me the signing of Fammy was a pivotal point as you suggest. When he came in LJ said he wanted to play a quick passing, high pressing game, which was music to my ears and which he delivered for a period. But as soon as you bring in a big man to lead your attack that goes out of the window. Then he never found a way of playing that fitted Fammy's strengths (clue: he isn't a target man). I have no idea why he went down that road, though I wonder whether Fammy was one of those "trading club" signings - get a season or two out of him then sell at a profit and ignore whether he fits a playing philosophy.
  24. Anybody think the manager might have lost the dressing room??
  25. The MA could be a tribute to Mark Ashton who, as we know, was everything from architect to bricklayer for the HPC.?
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