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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. I've lost count of how many times this has been explained. Here is the latest thread: https://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?/topic/214252-ffp-or-not-prepared-to-spend-the-actual-stats/
  2. Yes, I'm afraid it leads to a team playing with fear with predictable results.
  3. Please tell me they didn't say he'll be back after the next international break!?
  4. Didn't the administrators say they needed to raise a £5m loan to get to January?
  5. Thankfully Steve is no Mel Morris but he allowed Ashton to gamble on the transfer market inflating for ever and us having an unbroken run of players to sell for big money. So our costs ran out of control, which is why we are where we are now. You'd think that someone with Steve's expertise would know that markets can go down as well as up and that he would have ensured costs were controlled. There again the history of the game is riddled with successful businessmen who don't apply the same principles when they buy a football club.
  6. Our next accounts will be horrendous so there is not likely to be money to spend for some time yet unless we sell imo. We may be stuck with what we have.
  7. So you missed Nige saying he wanted a striker but we didn't have the money and would have to sell to buy? And presumably you have missed the multiple times our financial position has been explained on here?
  8. It's a worst case scenario but my thought is if Derby win their appeal against the 12 point deduction on grounds other clubs regard as spurious owners may decide it's not worth complying if there are no or insufficient consequences. Given the Sheff Wed precedent there is also the possibility the 9 point penalty could be reduced on appeal. So we could reach a point where owners are so exasperated they conclude that no regime will work so simply give up on it and we are back to a free for all. Of course the clubs could significantly beef up the powers and resources of the Board and Executive but I doubt that will happen unless there is government pressure. I have already said why I think that won't happen. Who knows in the meantime what the knock on effect of potential changes in UEFA policy might be?
  9. It would also likely be the death of P&S so unless the government agrees Tracey Crouch's recommendation* for an independent regulator it will be a free for all. *they won't as the Premier League will object and money talks. They just have to agree to pay for Boris' next holiday. ?
  10. Neither of the things you describe amounts to personal data so it's a bit of an apples and oranges comparison.
  11. In fairness if we were in the same boat I suspect most of our fans wouldn't bother to inform themselves on the numbers or the regulations. After all we still have some who insist Steve uses P&S as an excuse not to spend money. What you tend to get is a majority arguing on emotional grounds, which is not unique to Derby fans. I may think @AnotherDerbyFanfalls into motivated reasoning but at least they examine the numbers and regs to make their case, which I can respect
  12. I was simply making a comparison between the EFL's naivety and weakness and how the courts treat parties who are taking the piss and wasting the courts' time. Not suggesting clubs could take court action.
  13. The courts would regard them as vexatious litigants and bar then from further actions. Sadly the EFL has no such authority and wouldn't have the guts to use it if it did. Weak and naive are two words that come to mind. Let's hope Tracey Crouch gets the external regulator she wants.
  14. Iirc the EFL said the revised accounts were submitted within the agreed, slightly extended, deadline.
  15. Wasn't Wigan's appeal essentially that they had been screwed by a crap owner who put them in administration for his own purposes so they should be let off or am I misremembering? More a case of feeble grounds for appeal than a disgrace perhaps, though I don't recall if there was any attempt to cook the books admittedly.
  16. Does that mean that decisions will have to be made by the EFL or on appeal with some of the evidence missing? Surely not?
  17. I tend to accept what @Silvio Dantehas to stay but yours is the point that remains for me. As a player my minimum expectation might be that the data published about me has been independently validated. If it hasn't though, how do I know if it's accurate short of commissioning my own analysis, perhaps via my club? And if I find it to be wrong what redress do I have? I think this legal action will fail but I can understand the concern. Data has, or should have, an ethical basis too.
  18. True though the other side of the coin is that markets don't like uncertainty. So if the process is dragged out for another few months is any potential buyer going to commit? And do the Administrators have to borrow to fund the club for another few months, assuming they have achieved their original aim of raising a loan to fund it until January? Just looks like a continuation of Morris' delaying tactics to me.
  19. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-58873132 I found this interesting. I can see the players' point. Imagine all the data about your performance in your job being harvested, analysed and published online with your name attached to it but without your permission or any compensation. Nor do you have any way to challenge its accuracy. It will be interesting to see how this action goes. @Davefevsyou might be interested too.
  20. Arsenal certainly wanted him and it was reported that Spurs and Villa were also interested but Chelsea weren't prepared to sell to a Premier League club.
  21. If Rennie chose it an analyst needs to have a word. If an analyst did they need firing! ?
  22. Don't know but Sachin Nakrani is Sports Editor for the Guardian, Max Rushden hosts the Guardian Football Weekly podcast and David Squires does a weekly football cartoon strip for the Guardian so they can expect to be mocked in the national media this week. Again. ?
  23. OK then, why did he turn down the Celtic job if it wasn't because he is waiting patiently for Wally to give him a call? Only possible explanation surely??
  24. I seem to recall a season under Alan Dicks when we couldn't win at home but won something like 13 away games.
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