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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Problem was we never found out as he didn't play. LJ said he had to be persuaded we should sign him which possibly indicates he was Ashton's choice. Same for Eisa and Adelakun I suspect.
  2. An enlightening interview with Richard Keogh in The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/oct/01/richard-keogh-waking-up-paramedics-car-crash-derby-sacking-blackpool
  3. If you don't do anything you won't get injured
  4. Wallace is one of the most underrated players in the Championship imo. I'm surprised they haven't had a big money bid. Same for Cooper for that matter.
  5. Blimey, if you mastered differential calculus you're already way ahead! Personally I'm not so much a young gun as a rusty old musket. ?
  6. The GCSE version https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zx7rk7h/revision/3 You'll have to look up range, interquartile range, median, lower quartile and upper quartile of course. ? Happy to help. ?
  7. "Now children, if that man offers to buy you players just say no!"
  8. Not suitable for children surely?
  9. I assume Ashton will be eager to sign 19 new U-23 players asap.
  10. As we always should be. Footballers are human beings too and we never know what they might be going through privately.
  11. Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye originally by Steam in the late 60s. The most well known version in the UK was the one by Bananarama.
  12. Zigger Zagger was also a play (and a TV series and a movie I think) about football hooliganism.
  13. And of course ?He's here he's there He's every ****ing where Gerry Gow, Gerry Gow?
  14. Both were used as I recall depending if we were home or away. We were so sophisticated with our songs in those days. ?
  15. ?As I was walking down Stackpool Road Singing singing City are the Champions I saw Don Megson* lying there eye-o ,eye-o I said to him what's up my friend He said the East End's here again Singing singing etc...? *ask Grandad kids!
  16. ?I'd walk a million miles for one of your goals my Galley?
  17. No single metric in any walk of life is useful in isolation. As you say, % possession adds no value on its own. You need to look at the package of key metrics, i.e. those that have a significant impact on outcomes and where appropriate the relationship between them. And you don't just need competent analysts you need subject experts to make judgements based on the results. You could give me data on something you are expert in and I could do an analysis but only you would be qualified to make decisions based on that analysis. The role of an analyst is to support decision making not replace it. Good managers know how to use analysis as a tool to supplement their own knowledge. As true of football as of any other field.
  18. Happens if you give a shyster of a CEO complete control and let him run amok. It's called being self-sustaining apparently. ? Thank heavens for Gould and Pearson as opposed to Ashton and Johnson.
  19. Good point. Must do his confidence a power of good that Nige has trusted him to start 2 tough games in succession too.
  20. Fingers crossed he stays fit. Always thought he could be a key player for us so maybe now is his time.
  21. I agree that was unjustified. But there is such a thing as motivated reasoning, a trap you may be falling into as we all do from time to time. Motivated reasoning is a phenomenon studied in cognitive science and social psychology that uses emotionally biased reasoning to produce justifications or make decisions that are most desired rather than those that accurately reflect the evidence.
  22. Special pleading as I say and ignoring the costs side. Could be expressed as "we would have got away with years of financial mismanagement and cheating if it wasn't for Covid." Will be interesting to see if the administrators choose to carry on with Morris' delaying tactics, though I doubt potential buyers would welcome more uncertainty.
  23. I would nevertheless suggest that any reasonable person properly instructed as to the law as the lawyers say would apply the same logic i.e. that the impact of Covid was not unique to Derby, and therefore dismiss the argument. The "we lost more than those little clubs" argument ignores the possibility that the clubs you disdain might have lost a smaller amount but an equal proportion of their income and amounts to special pleading. It also ignores the costs side of the equation, those costs having got out of control over a period predating Covid. Still, Honest Mel is Innocent t-shirts could be a new income stream I suppose.?
  24. The supplementary rules already allow for adjustments for COVID-19 and apply to all clubs equally. So you can't just pluck a figure out of the air. Assuming you ever come up with any actual accounts. Shockingly there is no special provision for Derby, so more victimisation by the EFL.? 1.1.7 COVID-19 Costs means lost revenues and/or exceptional costs incurred by a Club that are directly attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic and that are identified and calculated in accordance with such guidance as issued by the Board; and: 1.1.11 P&S Calculation means, save as indicated below, the aggregation of a Club’s Adjusted Earnings Before Tax for T, T-1 and T-2. In respect of Season 2020/21 only, the P&S Calculation shall be the aggregation of: (a) the mean of the Adjusted Earnings Before Tax of T and T-1; and (b) the Adjusted Earnings Before Tax of T-2; and (c) the Adjusted Earnings Before Tax of T-3;
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