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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. The astonishing thing, if the thread is representative of the forum in general, is that the majority still seem to support Wael.
  2. It's the Mem. You can tell by the size of the crowd.
  3. They have the tents already but do they have desert ready sprinklers?
  4. We hit something of a low under SO'D when drawing at home with Orient was treated as a triumph. Anybody who complains about us currently might care to remember that. Me included.
  5. Following on from his ludicrous comparison with Sheff Wed he is clearly under instructions to deflect attention from their pitiful facilities. Dopey was giving the owner grief so Wael has found himself a replacement who will toe the line. Their gullible fans will no doubt fall for it as usual.
  6. It's amazing how many of them are still kidding themselves that the silence from Wael might mean there is a secret master plan.
  7. Much like the takeover that was definitely happening in October.
  8. Fair enough, the problem is the owner. Yet until now there has been barely a complaint from their fans against him. Loyalty is not their defining characteristic, however much they kid themselves that everybody thinks they're the best fans in the country, it's gullibility.
  9. It's only valid if you can demonstrate that there is an actual correlation between the performance of the 2 clubs. If you have the statistics to support your claim, fine. Otherwise it's just an assertion. In any event, shouldn't it work the other way around? Shouldn't Rovers perform better when we are doing well? Or does the alleged effect only work in one direction?
  10. Apparently they will return in their droves when their new stadium is built. I understand they are now looking at sites in Narnia.
  11. Fear of the opposition seems to dominate LJ's thinking.
  12. Indeed, leave out both Taylor and Weimann and you have an attack with no energy.,
  13. He also seems to have failed to notice that we have sold the likes of Kodjia and Reid without LJ throwing his toys out of the pram. Furthermore that the financial gap between us and big clubs in our own league is likely rather bigger than the gap between them and most clubs in theirs.
  14. Not a good publicity photo. You can't see the concourse, coffee shop, bars, food outlets, big screen and so on. They must be there because we know they are up there with Spurs when it comes to stadium development.
  15. In pretty much every post match interview he starts by saying it's his responsibility then makes it clear he doesn't mean it by slagging off the players.
  16. Don't worry, if the alleged takeover happens I'm sure they will be the 6th richest club in the country. Again.
  17. 'Think you’re overlooking the major fact that we keep selling our best players and goal scorers. Very difficult to replace for a fraction of the fees we receive. Not sure anyone could replace Harrison Taylor Bodin etc for the money we’ve spent (200k Payne, 350k Nichols, Bennett 0 but let’s say 100k for extra wages and signing on fee).' Reid sold for £10m Weimann bought for £2m Fraction of fee 20% QED
  18. Self delusion of a positively pathological kind.
  19. Complete performances are rare, most teams will do well to get a handful in a season. The key is to pick up points from the incomplete ones.
  20. You mean we're not in crisis? Why wasn't I told? ?
  21. Agreed, Fammy could be a great impact sub, which will also give him time to build up match fitness.
  22. Indeed, and in away games at that! All the stuff about Flint, including how we were going to replace his goals, was a red herring. With or without him we had to stop conceding so many goals. Let's hope these 2 clean sheets are the start of a trend.
  23. Ah, but that's just what the other shoppers are expecting. Gotta keep them guessing.
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