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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Mods, can I set up a standing order for a 'He's not a goalscorer ' post please? ?
  2. Just in time for them to spend big. There's a striker at Salford they have an eye on, though wages may be a problem.
  3. It's an exchange scheme in return for all us gert teds who sneak into all of their games.
  4. Link would have helped.. https://www.theguardian.com/football/ng-interactive/2018/aug/21/david-squires-on-familiar-patterns-emerging-in-the-premier-league
  5. If only to bump this thread see today's David Squires cartoon (always recommended anyway) third panel. ?
  6. Because Kelly was earmarked for left back and the others are injury prone. Hegeler in addition seems unlikely to play for us again, assuming he is ever fit. We sold 2 centre backs, sent one out on loan and brought one in, a net reduction of 2.
  7. Given the game is pretty much done it was an ideal chance to give Eisa some game time. Decisions of a man under pressure.
  8. That didn't happen until after the injuries struck. We sold 2 centre backs and sent another on loan, LJ said Kelly wasn't ready to play there so we were left with 4 injury prone players for the 2 positions. Once Webster was signed I don't recall any cries for us to sign another despite the risk that we would end up in this position.
  9. Another centre back should have been signed certainly. Yet I don't recall any clamour for that from the fans.
  10. And we made a considerable profit on transfers. People tend to forget that a, if not the, key part of the strategy is to improve the club's financial position. SL seems to have put his foot down on that this summer. Whoever the head coach is they will have to live with that constraint.
  11. 2 centre backs injured, and injury prone. 2 centre backs sold and at no time have we been linked with signing another, other than vague talk about maybe trying to borrow one. Given our injury record I expect it to be announced soon that Wright and Baker need operations.
  12. The great weakness of modern coaches imo is that they seem to have very little interest in defending. LJ rarely seems to touch on the subject
  13. So they haven't grasped that they already have debts that are secured on the ground, with the risk that carries?
  14. Blimey, so does that mean it's turned all Family at War then?
  15. So he thinks the fans are betraying him rather than the other way around? It will all end in tears. Of laughter. ?
  16. But surely Wael, like Brutus, is an honourable man? Though sadly, Shakespeare doesn't tell us whether Brutus had a really nice sundial. ?
  17. The bizarre, though characteristic, thing is that their fans seem to be largely satisfied with the interview.
  18. Despite the perennial who is going to score the goals complaints our problem is still defending, as it was last season. LJ just doesn't seem to recognise it, along with many of our fans. Meanwhile Weimann, written off before a ball was kicked, has 2 in 2 despite getting very little support. Funny old game.
  19. The midfield would be less of an issue if we played 4-3-3 but LJ absolutely refuses to budge from 4-4-1-1.
  20. He does seem to live in a rather sad fantasy world doesn't he? He doesn't need a lawyer to tell him when you are in a hole stop digging.
  21. Well said. It baffles me that LJ seems to be unwilling to even consider 4-3-3. I guess all coaches have their preferred formations and blind spots but I do find it frustrating that he seems to have ruled it out entirely.
  22. Typical of him to slag off his players - remember they were all bog standard last season according to him - then stick in the bit about being to blame, which he clearly doesn't mean.
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