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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. When did we claim Eisa was a marquee signing?
  2. We meaning SL presumably. Good of you to spend it for him though. Personally I prefer a club that plays by the rules, doesn't have a dubious owner and doesn't have a relationship with any shady so called super agent. But I appreciate some fans would welcome any passing oligarch or dictator if they were prepared to gamble with the club's future. Perhaps a Jordanian 'billionaire' is the answer?
  3. Brownhill behind the front man is a better option imo. Can find a pass around the box and would be more effective defensively.
  4. Far too rational, don't you realise we have been relegated on day one? Mind you at least West Brom have gone down with us. ?
  5. Oi, Robbored is official tannoy correspondent around here!
  6. If Watkins was concussed is there a mandatory period he can't play for? Taylor Moore is injured I believe. Haven't seen anything from the club on either though.
  7. Since when is Doidge a 'big name'? If that's how he is seen by the Gas it is just another sign of what they have become. If he is then Eisa would be as well, not something any of us would claim.
  8. Kodjia was reported as £14m including add ons. £11m up front iirc. Still figures the Gas can only dream of.
  9. So the gap can now be quantified in yet another way: Our top scorer = £10m Their top scorer = £0.75m So a Reid is more than 13 Harrisons.
  10. They look like they have been washed on too hot a setting.
  11. I also fail to follow the logic that an accusation on a public forum that a disabled person was seriously assaulted in our stadium is none of our business. If I were to make a similar claim about an incident in their stadium would they ignore it with a shrug on the grounds that it was a private matter for OTIB? Nor indeed do I see how such an allegation of a serious offence, one that has not only not been withdrawn but has been revived, is no business of the police. I can only speculate that there are other reasons for them wanting discussion to be shut down.
  12. Good, you come across as a reasonable person. So invite Julie to register and clamp down on any abuse. Not special treatment just the respect any forum user ought to be entitled to. I seem to recall she also offered to act as police liaison for Rovers. It would be a positive step if club took her up on that too.
  13. My experience is historic, a time when the police had more resources, and might not happen now. I don't think for a moment Julie would investigate without the agreement of a superior officer though. Let's face it, given the persistence of the allegation the police would be accused of bias if they did not investigate. Bit of a no win for them.
  14. Julie doesn't say she was denied access, she says her presence was not welcomed by forum users. No point in her being there if she's just going to get abuse. Perhaps if the mods put a stop to that a constructive relationship could be established?
  15. In a sense we may be violently agreeing. I'm not talking here about the standard required for the police to refer to the CPS or the latter to proceed to prosecution, least of all to be acceptable to a court. None of those is met by what is in the public domain imo. Rather I mean evidence sufficient for the police to investigate. I have been in the position of knowing a crime had been committed in the absence of a complainant and felt it my duty to report it. The police investigated, though it went no further because they could not gather the kind of evidence to which you refer.
  16. You may be mixing up evidence and corroboration. A person's word is evidence, even a third party's. It may be dismissed as hearsay however in the absence of corroboration, e.g. cctv, an eye witness. It would be quite wrong imo for the police not to investigate such a serious allegation, particularly Julie who would be subjected to accusations of bias.
  17. He appears to be standing on a training ground. Must be a novel experience.
  18. Not unless Wael moves to Israel. Which seems unlikely.
  19. What a sage comment. I assume you've had Rosemary?
  20. Very thought provoking comments, thanks. I suppose my point was that managers of the old school are often not much interested in, for instance, a club's academy as it may not deliver until after they have left. The same applies to signing the dreaded 'ones for the future' if they think the next manager will be the one to benefit Rather like politicians not looking beyond the next election. And if the aim is a regular turnover of players for profit stability becomes harder to achieve. This goes beyond LJ I think and I strongly suspect financial stability is a higher priority for SL.
  21. The plan is certainly set in stone, the key point from SL's point of view being to make the club self sustaining. That's why we will continue to see player turnover if we get acceptable bids. While I don't think LJ is in immediate danger, a continuation of current form well into next season could well lead to his demise. That's what happened to Millen, to whom SL was equally close. Part of the point of the structure is that the strategy stays the same regardless of who is head coach. Which may deter the kind of replacement many fans want as well established managers tend to want complete control and are often not much interested in planning beyond the length of their contract.
  22. He's turned into a much better pundit than I expected. Was excellent on Sky during the cup run too.
  23. Does having an apparitions specialist prove you don't have a ghost of a chance of attracting investment?
  24. You may want to respond to somebody who said it was. My point is that people's view is influenced by the distribution of results, or perhaps performances, over longer periods, which looks uneven. Leaving aside those who are perpetually angry, or simply dislike LJ and want him to fail, much of the anger on here comes from disappointment when the highs become lows. When people calm down a more balanced view tends to emerge.
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