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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Very odd to take your top scorer out of the attack certainly.
  2. Not going to happen unless they move the whole club to Portugal first.
  3. Championship ready dug outs mind you.
  4. Havanatopia, you have set the bar higher than ever with this week's effort. Bloody brilliant.
  5. Havanatopia having surpassed himself I was about to post 'let's see Big Tone summarise that'. You've only been and gone and done it.
  6. I imagine the pressure of playing at a packed Mem must be in tents.
  7. That's the Championship for you. Not subtle maybe but can be bloody exciting.
  8. We now seem to have a squad where everybody pulls together. Not a 'maverick' in sight.
  9. Did anybody predict 4 points from Reading and Wolves away? Proud of the team.
  10. Interesting that LJ said he considered playing Smith at right back but went with Zak. If he had gone with Smith he would have been criticised for not backing our young players. No point talking about a pathway to the first team then blocking it.
  11. Having lost Tammy we were almost bound to be weaker in attack so it was vital we tightened up defensively, which we seem to have done.
  12. Tactical clarity certainly but totally predictable yet as with Brum and Brentford we had no idea how to counter it. LJ reminds me increasingly of Millen, highly qualified but somewhat hapless when faced with practice rather than theory.
  13. There is a problem with a lack of variety in the squad imo. So we end up subbing lightweight players who don't like a physical battle with more of the same.
  14. I think this is exactly it but it turns into passive performances. How about Pochettino style double training sessions to get them fit enough to maintain the tempo?
  15. It amazes me that a coach cannot see the glaringly obvious. I was equally surprised when he said recently what great options we have in midfield.
  16. Utterly inexplicable tactics and performance. At half time at Brum we were sitting pretty then LJ seems to have decided to drop the energetic style and since then has apparently deliberately surrendered the initiative to the opposition. Baffling and I hope we get an explanation as to why this is thought to be a good idea.
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