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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Why did the high pressing, quick tempo style get abandoned after a game and a half?
  2. The Waghorn who was dismissed on here as not good enough for us? 3 goals in the last 2 games.
  3. Seem to have adopted 'rope a dope' tactics. Sit back, surrender midfield and hope to land a sucker punch.
  4. And second half at Brum. We have suddenly become a passive team for some reason.
  5. They stole a whore from Plymouth? Stealing a ground pales into insignificance by comparison.
  6. Yes, we are too easily overpowered or bypassed. Some power in there would help but no sign LJ thinks so. Seems to me we have just got used to not picking up points away and I'm not confident we have the wherewithal on or off the pitch to change things.
  7. Be fair, he was right. Things like that don't happen to them.
  8. Unfair. I think you will find they are world famous.
  9. Sounds like a village green to me. Has a rare species of newt been found yet?
  10. Counter arguments: 1. Their owner is considerably richer than Bournemouth's. 2. They both have crap stadiums. 3. Er, that's it. You win then.
  11. Can't they just buy 2 tier, Championship ready tents and double their capacity? Seems just as logical: if you erect the tents they will come and all that.
  12. The man is in a bad way and if they had any decency our Gas friends would not exploit him when he is in a vulnerable state. It's a small scale version of the way people exploited Gazza imo.
  13. They've upgraded the Boardroom and the catering to Championship-ready standard as well then.
  14. I can see that as a Lowry painting, it's so bleak.
  15. It's odd that they didn't given that: a) they have a richer owner than us; and b) they sold their best player for £10m. Doubtless they will still be coming for us next season though. Be afraid, be very afraid. Or possibly not.
  16. Agreed, down with this sort of thing! It brings the forum into disrepute.
  17. Or a village green perhaps? Plenty of room for walking dogs, the gap is so wide.
  18. Not necessarily. I believe 4 of the top 6 do not have a 20 goal striker. We got to a play-off final without one. 20 goal strikers are rare so having a better defensive record and spreading the goals around the team may be more realistic.
  19. I have no idea as I have no inside knowledge so I don't make assumptions then state them as if they were fact. For example, the improvement coincided with JP's departure but that doesn't prove a causal link. I just settle for being pleased with the turnaround.
  20. You've spoken to the players I take it? Or are you just making an assumption?
  21. There were some Brum fans complaining Rowett's football was boring. Mind you he was also reported to be talking to other clubs while at Brum.
  22. Another great win for you today. I'd make Simon Grayson Championship manager of the year for what he has done with limited resources.
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