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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Got in from work. Is this that fake news thingy I keep hearing about?
  2. No attempt at all to track Wallace, just jogging behind him. Sheer lack of effort inexcusable.
  3. I'm not sure if he left Burton when we were going well under SC or later but certainly SL was always going to appoint LJ as soon as he had the chance, whatever the competition.
  4. That'll be the one who is joint favourite for the Swansea job? The Guardian reported he was talking to Championship clubs while still at Brum. My money's on Norwich.
  5. Thougn Mick McCarthy hasn't had big money to spend so at least has some excuse.
  6. Compare and contrast Huddersfield who play exactly the high tempo pressing and quick passing game LJ said we were going to play. Do we not have the players, are they not fit enough to play that way or has LJ lost his way?
  7. Seems more likely we will sign another 'one for the future '. A tad worrying that we seem to have forgotten about the present in sole pursuit of a long term strategy. I think it was Keynes who responded to that mindset by saying 'Yes, but in the long term we're all dead.'
  8. What happened to the pass and move football LJ wanted to play? Little in the way of passing and bugger all movement.
  9. Rafa commented that we have a coach and players able to change tactics successfully mid game , more than once if necessary, which was why he kept it tight at AG. Praise indeed.
  10. My preference is for 2 holding players but goalscoring midfielders are priceless so I'm not dissing Bobby at all. I'm glad LJ is less cautious than me!
  11. Is Bobby a luxury away from home in the circumstances?
  12. Should have got 6 points for sure. Not just down to Flint though.
  13. Given the chances have gone to midfielders what difference would that make? What we lack is a midfielder who can score.
  14. So called leveraged buyout I believe. Amazes me it's allowed.
  15. Nobody would have predicted that top 6! There are a number of new or relatively new coaches/managers having a big impact so far in that lot. Note too that Fulham sold 2 top strikers and it isn't hurting them so far.
  16. Rafa Benitez said after last week's game that they played defensively because City had a manager who could change systems during a game, the implication being that most can't. Praise from a coach of his pedigree counts for a lot and reinforces the view that LJ is well respected in the game. SC had one system and would not change it whatever happened, a big part of his downfall.
  17. Improvements were needed in the summer. Instead we got months of nothing, followed by SL saying they didn't realise how much Championship players were paid, followed by panic attempts to sign strikers who were never going join us then last minute loans. Utter incompetence, all apparently down to Pelling since nobody else has admitted responsibility. Straightforward incompetence by all concerned as far as I can see. Any reason to assume it will be any better in January?
  18. Do we still stick to the line that everything is fine and the wins will come along any moment now? Seems like sleepwalking to relegation again.
  19. Won't happen if we won't pay the wages strikers command. Could be a long hard season.
  20. As I was commenting on what has happened in the last few months you are correct of course. But if we're talking foresight I'm not sure anybody foresaw those events. The professional way things have been run by SC and KB would have led us to expect a rather smoother transition I think, if not some of the more wildly optimistic predictions. The way things have panned out so far is certainly a big surprise to me and I imagine to many. I wouldn't care to predict what happens next though.
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