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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Entirely believable I would have thought.
  2. Well they certainly reported it on 5 Live during the Rugby commentary. Nearly dropped the iron.
  3. Alan Dicks could choose 2 centre backs from David Rodgers, Gary Collier, Geoff Merrick and Norman Hunter, with 3 of them home grown. Compare and contrast with the current crop. Nostalgia's not what it used to be.
  4. There are some posts I would disagree with perhaps but overall the thread is entirely relevant and factual. In case you are referring to my latest contribution, it merely illustrates what anybody who has taken an interest in politics for long enough already knows. That is that while painting themselves nationally as the "nice party" alternative to the big two, at local level the Lib Dems have a reputation for adopting whatever policies and tactics will get them power and meet their ends. We now know of course that the national party is happy to ally with a Tory party now proudly declaring it is more Thatcherite than Thatcher, having spent a long time claiming the opposite. Anything for a Ministerial salary it seems. Given some of the factual information in this thread I would have thought all that was entirely relevant context. If the local Lib Dems can refute (not just reject) that evidence they should do so. They haven't yet.
  5. Good letter in today's Observer on Lib Dems in general. Dirty fighters indeed. http://www.guardian....e-justice-works (scroll down the page) Lib Dems are dirty fighters How pleasing to read that the Lib Dem support had dropped 13% ("Nick Clegg goes on summer tour to boost Liberal Democrat support," News, last week). I remember a time when Liberals only had six MPs. When I have opposed them in local elections I have found them dirty fighters. My brother stopped supporting them in 1983 after refusing to deliver a leaflet supporting Simon Hughes against Peter Tatchell headed: "A Straight Choice". I was once tempted to vote Liberal when their party conference came out against the building of the Trident nuclear deterrent until I discovered that the Liberals in Rosyth and Plymouth were both campaigning to have the submarines stationed in their ports. So having two faces is nothing new for them.
  6. Thanks for your very practical support for Ole on this. I for one shall follow your blog from now on in. We live in interesting political times for sure. I was tempted to vote Lib Dem but having heard Simon Hughes on 5 Live practically begging the Tories for a coalition on the Friday before the election it became clear they were in it for their own ends. No doubt Hughes expected a Ministerial salary. What a shame he didn't get one. The polls I have seen have the Lib Dems at between 13% and 19% already and that is before the extreme Thatcherite policies they so enthusiastically support have bitten. In 5 years' time they will have no Party. The cry will be Asquith, Lloyd George, Beveridge, Jo Grimond, Paddy Ashdown, Charles Kennedy, your boys took a hell of a beating! Still, this rant should be on your blog I guess.
  7. Not at all worried about any conflict. We know we can have complete faith in Tom to do the right thing in difficult circumstances.
  8. He would get a signing on fee anyway. He wanted the Manager's job at Pompey otherwise he might have waived what he is owed I suspect.
  9. I hardly need tell you how much we all admire you and that you have our full support, I find it deeply ironic that there is finally a movement following the Simon Singh case to change this country's ludicrous libel laws that is supported by the Lib Dems. But we have seen that their principles are for sale to the highest bidder. Indeed the BBC is revealing right now how Clegg conned Cameron by claiming Labour were offfering PR without a referendum when they offered no such thing. So the local mob are in tune with the leader at least.
  10. http://news.bbc.co.u...ers/8860942.stm Ex-Portsmouth keeper David James is to meet Celtic this weekend to discuss a move to the Scottish giants, with Fulham also interested in the England player.
  11. That is not what I was suggesting, merely responding to your response to Ole similarly implying they would be unlikely to know each other. And Ferguson does not simply object he is the leading objector. But you're right of courses that Rayner is the real issue, though I don't expect there to be any consequences for him as using power to serve your own interests is now the norm, not least from his political party.
  12. Let em make it clear, I do not know if , and am not alleging that, the two are personally associated, though given the facts Ole puts forward, which you have not disputed, it would be surprising if they do not at least know each other. But your reply makes my point about ethics as opposed to law. Why has personal association got nothing to do with it unless you take a purely legalistic view? If a member of the Committee was a personal friend of Steve's but stood to gain no commercial benefit from the decision would it be ok for them to decide on the application? Personally I think not. Unethical you see to somebody terribly far removed from the values that prevail in politics these days. If you regard that as barmy, so be it.
  13. Indeed and whether he is personally associated with Ferguson in a birds of a feather flock together sense is a legitimate question.
  14. Nobody has suggested anything illegal here. It is a question of ethics not law, a distinction politicians are congenitally unable to make. For them as long as something is legal it is ipso facto ok to do however unethical it may be. Let's just say that if it were me and I was personally closely associated with the leading opponent of the plan I would have stepped aside. Indeed one Councillor did so on the grounds he was a City fan when he might have argued that the application was from Sainsbury and therefore what club he supported was irrelevant. What exactly is the difference?
  15. I don't remember them spending years campaigning for spending cuts and tax rises to ensure the bankers still get their bonuses. Nor for gerrymandering the Commons and packing the Lords. With their ratings down to 13% there won't be a party to join soon and they will officially become a wing of the Conservative Party. Still little Nick is awfully busy fagging for David. Quite right a mere Westminster School millionaire should look up to an Eton one. Men of the people one and all. BTW what happened to the bit about cleaning up politics? Perhaps Mr Rayner could tell us?
  16. Des Kelly in today's Mail: Bristol is a fine place. I've lived in various parts of London, up in Leeds and even meandered through the spray-tanned scenery of Manchester's WAGlands before electing to move to Bristol. I found a beautiful, vibrant, historic city that offers all anyone could ever demand from a modern metropolitan centre… except for one glaring omission. For all its Brunel and Banksy it doesn't possess a single stadium that wouldn't be improved by a wrecking ball. Permission denied: Bristol City council blocked plans to relocate Sainsbury's to Ashton Gate in what would have been a lucrative deal This week, the council threw out a plan to relocate a Sainsbury's store to Bristol City's dilapidated Ashton Gate, a switch that would have freed up funds to build a £92million ground nearby. Bristol is likely to be struck from any potential World Cup plans, entertainment promoters will continue to drive to Cardiff. What a shame. Bristol really should be bigger than that. Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz0ub2IzXt1 Anybody on here in the trade who might be able to raise Des' interest in the back story so expertly researched by Ole? Alternatively it might juts be the sort of thing that the Digger column or David Conn on the Guardian might be interested in?
  17. You may be right on the legal point but it is a question of ethics, which this guy probably thinks is a county in the South East. Falling back on the crooked MP's defence of "I didn't break the rules" is not good enough if you aspire to high standards of governance. Which of course we now know the Lib Dems don't, viz leading the gerrymandering of any vote of no confidence in the Commons and the packing of a House of Lords they allegedly wanted to replace. Thye are now truly the "nasty party".
  18. The true voice of reason returns! I have no comment to make on the substantive issue of this thread which leaves me felling uneasy but I would like to say welcome back Arn (even if temporary). Your contribution has been greatly missed, not least your humour, something in short supply here these days.
  19. Can't comment on anybody's performance, not being at the game, but it makes a change for Lee to be criticised for trying to be too clever when keeping it simple is exactly what he usually gets stick for.
  20. Superbly written. Come back soon, looks like you are a good luck charm as well.
  21. After the Palace game: "Yes, we've got a team psychologist, but I tell him what to say!"
  22. Paying tribute to Adriano Basso today: He allowed his manager to manage, worked hard to improve his game and is now reaping the rewards. No chance there is some reference to a certain ex City keeper's attitude here I suppose?
  23. Apparently (according to the Sunday Independent) having bollocked the players after the Colchester game he walked into the press conference singing "Top of the League, we're 'avin a larf"
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