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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. "I picked the wrong team. That first half, the way we defended, it was unacceptable. We tried taking shortcuts and we didn't do the basics well and it cost us the game. "That's as poor a performance as we've had in a long time*. We were second best all over and that doesn't normally happen to us. "We've got a lot of injuries and some players are still bedding into the team. But we were just really, really poor. We couldn't have got any worse." *Last week against Newport was their worst performance ever according to him (though mysteriously also all down to one unnamed player). So not really the worst in a long time then Nathan.
  2. You may have stumbled on the solution. Put Jackie Weaver in charge of referees. Nobody would question her authority. ?
  3. To be fair Wael has given them a new stadium. At least 3 times so far.
  4. Probability statistics is a complex field but perhaps we should contract a professional statistician to calculate the probability of us getting so few penalties over such a long period, present the findings and ask for a response? Though referees can barely calculate added time so perhaps not.
  5. Perhaps the EFL could award us a point for each apology? Guaranteed play offs then.
  6. That's my feeling too. He seems a little diffident but I'd be constantly reminding him how good he is and encouraging him to just go out and believe in himself on the pitch.
  7. Players develop at differing rates and it's often one step forward, two steps back. But there is so much talent there and we have only scratched the surface so far. I for one will be bitterly disappointed if we lose him.
  8. The kind of person who would agree with you furiously.
  9. He was injured on his first day with us. Subsequently the treatment he got didn't seem to be exactly optimum shall we say?
  10. Unilateral breach of contract, that'll work. While we're at it let's not pay Semenyo while he's injured.
  11. Williams cannot play 3 games in a week.
  12. Yes.* *Though these days no pundit says yes anymore, it's always 100%. Though if they only half agree with somebody they never say 50%.?
  13. You'd think so, which takes us back to the question of how the EFL can square the circle between the current, untested, regime and the one to come. What seemed like a good idea at the time may now be bogged down. From what Gould says things are still being debated. A dilemma for the EFL.
  14. Points deductions are intended to be done on an agreed basis (Reading agreed theirs, Derby kept delaying theirs before realising they had no case, which made matters worse) so what you describe could be the case.
  15. Agreed, the position the EFL might take is far from clear. If like La Liga cost controls were imposed in advance it might work but the EFL is now caught between two stools.
  16. The extent to which the club is over the limit would determine the severity of the sanction I assume but unless the 72 clubs vote to suspend or nullify the current rules pending the coming changes I don't see how we could avoid sanctions altogether.
  17. Absolutely, a rare thing in any context these days. One of the most valuable things my late Dad (a T&GWU shop steward) said to me was "Remember, sometimes the boss is right." A lesson I have tried to apply, replacing boss with the more general "person you disagree with." As to the forum, I am perfectly happy to give a like to a post I disagree with if I think it has been well argued. I'm fond of quoting Keynes: "When the facts change I change my mind. What do you do sir?"
  18. He was but so was Richard Thompson yet he is now Chair of the ECB.
  19. Nixon thought Chris Kirchner was the real deal during the Derby saga, which tells us something about his credibility.
  20. Happy clapper/moaner. Why have an intelligent debate with somebody when you can call them a childish name?
  21. From The Guardian: The appointment of Richard Thompson as chair of the England and Wales Cricket Board after a successful spell at Surrey brings with it a sense of cautious optimism when the sport faces significant challenges on a number of fronts. Though Thompson does not officially start a five-year term until 1 September, there is plenty waiting for the 55-year-old in his in-tray. What are the most pressing items? Appoint a new chief executive and review the ECB It is inevitable Richard Gould, Thompson’s chief executive at Surrey, will be linked given the success the pair had in turning the county into a financial powerhouse with a growing membership. Whether Gould can be tempted back into cricket after moving to Bristol City last year is another matter. Should this happen it would be a disaster for the club imo. The chances of finding someone else of his stature and qualities would be pretty slim.
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