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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. There doesn't seem to be any actual evidence he has a bad attitude. Certainly Nigel has never criticised him on those grounds. The thing is you can have lots of talent but not have a football brain, which always seemed to be the issue to me. Which doesn't mean he's the bad guy so I wish him well.
  2. Indeed. Let's say £1.5m in wages saved if we take O'Dowda into account. So if the number of players leaving roughly equals the number joining I guess the effect on the wage bill would be cost neutral at worst. Possibly we might be spending less. Just because we are told we have the same wage budget as last season it doesn't necessarily follow that we will spend to that limit. I certainly don't see Nigel thinking "I have £x to spend so I have to use it all". Better squad+lower wage bill=result!?
  3. I seem to recall it was an issue for Bolton who were playing kids until their problems were sorted. Not allowed to play two games a week or some such.
  4. Aren't there limits on the number of games scholars can play in a given period though?
  5. I would have thought the minimum requirement before they can sign players would be proof of funding sufficient to ensure they can complete the season. A loan to pay the June wages doesn't cut it at all.
  6. Curtis Davis said recently that if he gets an offer from a Championship club he would have to take it.
  7. Radio Derby are now reporting that this is not true and that Appleby is "continuing to launch his own pursuit of a deal for the Rams..." Whatever that means.
  8. Yet surely Rooney (and indeed Derby fans) said all the players were desperate to stay at the club? Anybody would think it was a sinking ship.?
  9. Thanks, yes of course, the value of a player is actually the value of their contract. Or is it their registration? A pedantic distinction perhaps. Either way it's surely not something that can be used as security.
  10. From the point of view of a supporter of an affected club I would suggest the EFL's recent statement tells you all you need to know: No insolvent Club has an absolute right to continue in membership, and on entering insolvency a Club is served with a Notice of Withdrawal of the membership (currently suspended). The EFL’s Insolvency Policy provides guidance on how the EFL will address issues that might arise with a Club in administration. The aims of the Policy are to try and ensure a continuation of a football Club, the settlement of all football debts and the satisfaction of creditors. If a buyer cannot be found who can meet the requirements for continued membership, then the Club may liquidate, and its membership withdrawn. The Policy provides discretion for the EFL Board as to how to deal with any particular Club and does not cover every eventuality. This reserves the right to review and amend the procedures for each individual case in line with the League’s Articles of Association and Regulations. Part of the League’s rationale for requiring the settlement of creditors is to preserve competition integrity. The Policy, and associated regulations, have been agreed by Clubs and seek to act as a disincentive to individuals from running Clubs in such a way that they gain a financial advantage over competitors and subsequently rely on insolvency legislation to compromise the unpaid debts incurred.
  11. And what would the security be for the loan? A guarantee from one of the alleged potential buyers seems unlikely. So projected season ticket income (something other clubs have done in the past and got into trouble)? Such value as the likes of Knight and Buchanan still have? Looks like another slippery slope to me.
  12. A good point for a timely reminder from the Portsmouth paper The News: https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/football/portsmouth-fc/andrew-andronikou-the-controversial-figure-who-tried-to-sell-a-sports-editor-to-blackpool-fc-portsmouth-fans-feel-derbys-pain-as-football-league-step-in-during-takeover-frustration-3729590 The man who stepped in to clear up the mess? Trevor Birch, who Derby fans seem to think is out to kill their club.
  13. True but you will find claims on their forum for example that the P&S rules are unwritten so the EFL is making them up as it goes along and that the EFL insolvency policy is not in the public domain. Ludicrous claims like these tend not to be challenged by other posters. Of course it is all on the EFL website so I can only conclude that those posters can write but not read or simply don't know how to find a website. But of course if they were ever to find and actually read the documents they would just insist that they shouldn't apply to them because they're special.
  14. Just some random points: 1. Nigel says he likes power and pace. Semenyo is the only one who fits the bill in the current squad. 2. He has said he prefers 4-3-1-2. Will he decide he has the squad to do that come the start of the season, given his signings? 3. James' and Williams' injury records mean we may need to sign 2 more midfielders. Though Owers may step up. 4. I prefer Scott as an 8, I think 10 doesn't make full use of his skill set. I'm not sure many teams play with a true 10 these days anyway. 5. So make our midfield a 6 and two 8s? By which I don't mean 22! 6. Er... that's it for now.? As you say it's going to be interesting to see what Nigel does.
  15. So if Antoine's presence makes us weaker defensively would it not make sense to sell him to the highest bidder and run with those other options? If the improvement in our goals conceded were to more than offset any reduction in goals scored we might finish significantly higher up the table.
  16. Looks like there could be a joint bid to stop Ashley. Also the EFL is prepared to wait beyond Thursday when the fixtures are published. Which Derby fans will find a way of claiming is all part of the conspiracy against them no doubt. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/derby-takeover-latest-mike-ashley-27267532
  17. Except when he gets over the injury he will have to do a pre-season on his own. So you can add a month or so to the 12 weeks. Assuming we have got our estimate of his return right for once. How many times have we been told a player would be back in x weeks only for it to drag on? Sadly it's not an exact science. Fingers crossed.
  18. Nigel puts great emphasis on power and pace. So naturally we lose the only player we have with both to injury.?
  19. Possibly because he invariably played him on the right and not as a nine and a half?
  20. Only if you're also wearing long brown woollen socks with sandals. ?
  21. A quick check of their forum reveals the source to be a woman from Long Eaton who works as a personal trainer. So a better source than Nixon then.?
  22. I agree on transfer add backs, an entirely hypothetical loss of revenue. The EFL should resist it imo. Agree also re commercial revenues, which could easily be based on an average of say the previous 2 years. Nevertheless the EFL has done a better job than the PL whose approach seems to be to accept whatever figures the club's make up. Everton losing £300m over 3 years but P&S compliant? No problem, carry on spending chaps!
  23. The Guardian reports that Mab City have agreed to sell goalkeeper Gavin Bazunu to Southampton for £12m plus add-ons, with a buy-back option and a percentage of any future sale.
  24. A local MP has intervened. But the problem is that the limitations of the Owners & Directors test probably mean Bassini gets in. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61812825
  25. Crikey, no messing around with piddling points deductions. That's how to do it. Chapeau! Mind you, are Bordeaux fans blaming a conspiracy by the EFL??
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