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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. That's a description of Kirchner so with your credentials you could string Quantuma along for months.?
  2. This is familiar territory for us. It usually goes something like this: °It's a minor injury, back in 2 weeks. °Actually he now needs a month's rest. °"He's back on the grass". °Bit of a setback, back in 2 more weeks. °Needs to see a specialist. °Specialist recommends more rest. °Month later no progress so sees specialist again. °Specialist recommends surgery. °Finally returns in February, after several more back on the grass/bit of a setback stages. It's what we do.?
  3. Well, that was totally unexpected. Who would have guessed? Not Nixon for sure who may now lose an awful lot of Derby based Patreon subscribers.?
  4. I'd be interested to know whether he was the coaching brain rather than Rooney.
  5. There was talk a while back that the guy who took a stake in West Ham last season might be looking to become majority shareholder. Possibly by buying Sullivan out?
  6. As long as their money isn't stuck in a European clearing bank awaiting money laundering checks.?
  7. Good question. Steve to be able to buy yet more shares? External investor to buy shares? Condensed version: I have no idea.?
  8. They're trying to work out which individual clubs are angry. It doesn't seem to occur to them that it might be all 71, having no doubt discussed at the AGM. Nor does it occur to them that clubs may be angry that Derby are getting special treatment from HMRC that the rest of them don't get.
  9. Though he seems to have stopped insisting that Kirchner's cheque is in the post.?
  10. In fact it's very much FFP related and covered in some detail by us nerds in the Derby deserve relegation thread.
  11. I see by the way that the Rams Trust has welcomed the EFL intervention, which presumably makes them traitors to the cause.
  12. He appears to be Kirchner's mouthpiece. Or at least he is very much taking his side. He's going to have egg on his face if Kirchner doesn't deliver the money allegedly held up in a European clearing bank by money laundering checks pdq.
  13. If only the poster had written to the other 71 clubs before the EFL AGM. I'm sure they would have happily made wholesale changes to the rules they have abided by to give Derby an advantage from not abiding by them. Who could possibly object?
  14. Some new points from Sky here: https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11696/12632554/derby-county-takeover-several-businesspeople-ready-to-step-in-to-prevent-liquidation This bit is surprising. Back-up funding from whom? Sky Sports News has been told that while the priority is to complete a club takeover long before the fixtures are released, there is the potential for "back-up" funding to be made available for Derby to assemble a squad and fulfil their fixtures should that process be delayed.
  15. I do one poster a disservice though: I simply don't get the axe to grind stuff with the EFL so I'm not on the same page; probably gives me company only with a very small minority of Derby fans but there we have it. The problems are and were Mel Morris, and since he left, the administrators, admins that haven't been up to much; opinion formulated there on the basis that results speak louder than words and the results are and remain poor. Creating bogeymen of the EFL, I can understand the emotion behind it, but I think it is precisely that, emotion. Think their Statement today is wholly necessary, putting feet to the fire is vital at some point. Well yes, quite.
  16. A quick look at their forum reveals a predictable "EFL are picking on us" response. Including a demand for the EFL to be disbanded and replaced by a more competent body. So, for the benefit of any Derby fans visiting, the EFL is not some separate body. Here's a clue: EFL stands for English Football League i.e. the 72 clubs, of which you are a member, for the time being at least. So it probably won't help Derby to disband the competition.
  17. They are right about Morris but the players have been paid for May (though it isn't clear by whom) and June wages are not due until the end of the month. Quantuma say they have not been paid anything yet and it is perfectly possible they don't get paid until the job is done. Others on here will know if that's normal practice. But I suspect they only got this job because better practitioners wouldn't do it due to Morris not putting the stadium company into administration. A poisoned chalice.
  18. Plus an administrator must be a qualified insolvency practitioner. Often more than one administrator is appointed to act jointly or separately, so that each administrator can act alone if necessary. Which means in this case Quantuma is a partnership of individual administrators hence "joint administrators" .
  19. Yes, I suspect you are right. The problem is we are relying on football writers to report on financial matters they don't understand. The club itself, whose assets comprise 5 players, has little value. So the bulk of the price presumably has to represent the amount required to meet what the creditors have agreed to take. What we need is a Kieran Maguire to find out what the breakdown actually is. But a new owner will also have to put in additional money to fund the club for the coming season and beyond, net of ticket income. Not owning the stadium means that provides no income to the club either. I wonder if their fans still think it was a clever wheeze to "sell" Pride Park?
  20. No, we assume a deal for the stadium has been done separately between Morris and the local guy whose name escapes me* but that won't go through unless and until a deal for the club is done. So whoever buys the club now has to stump up even more. *Edit: Clowes.
  21. More from Rob Dorsett. Note the price is now £30m: Kirchner still adamant he wants to buy, money in European clearing bank, and he’s staying in UK to complete deal. Steve Morgan no longer interested, Andy Appleby trying to refinance a renewed bid, and Ashley feels he’s being frozen out, but has the cash to buy. I’m told 2 other unnamed parties also want to buy club. Price for #dcfc now risen to over £30m because of interest payments, plus £22m for stadium. £50m+ would buy most Championship clubs, but Derby in Lg 1 still v attractive because of fan base and commercial potential.
  22. It may in fact be that they only have 2 weeks to prove to the EFL that they have the money to complete next season. They can start the season still in administration but only if they have done that as an absolute minimum. But where is that money going to come from?
  23. Quite, though the priority is the best deal for the creditors of course.
  24. According to Kieran Maguire Quantuma spent £145k on legal advice. Clearly the lawyers advised against an appeal. Presumably they pointed out that "we're Derby County so we should get special treatment" was unlikely to be the basis of a successful appeal.
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