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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. I see Nixon is now saying Kirchner is on his third attempt to transfer the money as there were queries arising from money laundering checks. This should be a big concern but he has compounded it apparently by saying Kirchner originally tried to get around the checks. Probably a bad choice of words but if you are going to be somebody's mouthpiece it's probably not a good idea to imply he tried to circumvent the law.
  2. Yes, they do give themselves a get out clause by saying they never accept an amount less than they expect a court would order. Not applicable here though as you say. Perhaps their PR needs to stop using absolutes like never and always as it makes them look less than honest.
  3. Yes of course, thanks for the correction.
  4. I'm going to repeat myself (again!) and point out that HMRC insist they never do sweetheart deals and always insist on full payment of the amount due. They are going to have questions to answer if they give Derby special treatment, though they will be able to cite confidentiality. But I'm sure there will be club owners demanding answers nevertheless.
  5. ... and a fanatical devotion to amortisation.
  6. 1. Voted best player in League 2 iirc, a great prospect. We are likely to have a lot of competition for him so it could be a bit of a coup in fact. 2. Players do step up, like Ollie Watkins for example. 3. No fee involved of course so low risk and 4. If Nigel thinks he can step up that's enough for me.
  7. Thanks, very informed, informative and intelligently put as usual. I admit I am deeply irritated (and sometimes amused) by many on the Derby forum as a result of the regular special pleading, conspiracy thinking and so on. More so since most of them don't seem to have ever read the EFL regulations or even understand what the EFL actually is. We are fortunate on here to have people who are steeped in the regs and/or have considerable financial expertise. I don't see that on the Derby forum but you are welcome here because you are clearly both knowledgeable and rational. We don't always have to agree to recognise that. I understand how you are feeling so I hope for your sake at least that it is all sorted to your satisfaction soon. Take care.
  8. Sure, sorry, I was being facetious, hence the ?.
  9. Yes, much better to sign somebody from Chelsea for big bucks, that guarantees success. Fans love a good "marquee signing" too. I feel sorry for those poor Leicester fans who had Pearson signing some unknown striker from Fleetwood. What a disaster that was. Sort it out Nige!?
  10. New one on me Dave, who does he play for??
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61729900 "Kirchner has told BBC Sport that he expects the deal to be done today." Has anybody got a thesaurus? I need a synonym for imminent.
  12. He could play when Bale decides he'd rather have a round of golf.
  13. I see Talksport trailed an interview with Kirchner but it turned out he refused to do a live or recorded one. He allegedly told them by phone that Derby fans shouldn't worry and he was off to play golf. So everything's fine then, phew.?
  14. I entirely take your point. What we don't know is whether Femenia and/or Ngakia will want to play in the Championship if they can engineer something better. We don't know either what Wilson's motivation is. Does he want a club that is best for his development or the one that will pay him the most money? In any event I imagine he will have offers from a number of clubs so can take his time to choose.
  15. It was always logical to expect him to go to Watford. We had talks with him several weeks ago so if he was going to join us I would have thought it would be done by now. We'll see soon enough though.
  16. Yes, Preston weren't convinced he had the money. They also said he expected them to write his business plan.
  17. Their monthly wage bill is £19m? Reports are saying they were paid by somebody close to the club. We can only guess what that means.
  18. As expected really. I repeat, they still fail to grasp that the EFL is not Rick Parry it's the 72 clubs. Derby County signed up to the rules but their fans seem to think they only apply to the other 71.
  19. Yes. He likes Kirchner. In addition, um, er, actually that's it.
  20. The EFL seems to have been satisfied on proof of funds, though they only gave conditional approval to the deal. The problem seems to be that Kirchner hasn't transferred the money. I'm shocked I tell you, shocked!
  21. So we have Ed Dawes of Radio Derby and the Mail saying the deal will collapse and Nixon saying it's held up by money laundering checks. The bank holiday/inefficiency of US banks excuses seem to have been dropped. The thing with Nixon is that Derby fans slagged him off when he was saying things they didn't like then fell in love with him when he appeared to become Kirchner's mouthpiece. I understand Derby fans desperate to save their club choosing to believe any positive stories but it's always sensible to be sceptical until the evidence suggests you shouldn't be.
  22. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-10893525/Fears-mount-Derby-Countys-takeover-TWO-buyers-wait-wings-buy-Rams.html
  23. https://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?/topic/215981-independent-fans-scouting-group/
  24. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/coventry-city-bristol-city-chelsea-7157494
  25. Exactly, the fault is with the club not the player. Including Steve for allowing such profligacy.
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