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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Respectfully disagree. We struggle with balls into the box specifically set plays. That's to do with personnel and doing jobs not formation. We played with a 4 v Millwall and were comprehensively outplayed. We changed to a 3 and were miles better. Unless Tanner is fit we really don't have a proper RB as well.
  2. £7k pw is st least £2k too much. No more than 50% of what Weimann is on.
  3. That doesn't surprise me in the slightest. He always had the vibe of someone who played when he wanted. Those types tend to have manipulative agents. I've never forgotten his performance in Holden's last game. It was shameful. Not the sort we need.
  4. In time I think he could become a similar player to Michail Antonio. Powerful with very good movement. He has an exceptionally high ceiling I think. Where was Antonio at the same age? If his core CF skills are improved and he becomes a more consistent finisher he will certainly make the Prem at a decent level.
  5. Just got off the phone to my 18 year old who was thrown out at Fulham. He was later handed a ticket by another steward and allowed in only to be set upon by 2 stewards, assaulted and ejected again. If anyone witnessed this, please can you PM me? Thanks
  6. Went to that game. Only Heskey and Carragher had proper international careers..
  7. Seems like we're debating a hypothetical rejection of a hypothetical offer? Or did this really happen?
  8. He's actually quite exposed to use horse racing terminology. Clearly top division potential longterm but not in the same league financially as Lloyd Kelly for example.
  9. I can't believe they bid that. Not even if it was actually £3 million + £5 million in add ons.
  10. I wonder if James Piercy is a West Ham fan?
  11. Add to that our owner's experience of dealing with a Salary cap in Rugby (this will really come to the fore very soon). We can't really talk about nepotistic appointments when you consider who the Chairman is.
  12. £20 million for Chris Wood be a great signing for Newcastle. How much did Joelinton cost FFS? Weaken a rival, give the team a focal point, probably score 5 or 6 goals. If they stay up he's a proven forward in the EPL and would probably be a decent squad player for 2/3 years. If they go down, he's good for 20 goals + in the championship, especially if paired with Wilson. Absolute no brainer especially if there is a release clause.
  13. Reading look a bit like us last season but from a lower points start and with a deduction.
  14. Joe Bryan at LWB with Pring at LCB would work
  15. Sanity broke out in the end. Why the Welsh didn't just say nothing god only knows.
  16. You're deluding yourself if you think Bentley would have done any different..
  17. Harsh to blame the ground staff when rugby was played on it 15 hours earlier.
  18. But he has to be sold if he doesn't sign a contract. Maybe best to do that now. We're in a position of strength with Scott. His value should hopefully increase over the next 2 years as he's on a 4 year deal. Massengo's will nosedive on 1st September if a contract isn't signed. I can see us accepting a bid tbh. Would give us leeway to deal with the more awkwatd situations..
  19. Not with the agreements they signed.. I thought Cook sailed as close to the line as feasible leaving you in no doubt what happened and at whose behest without pointing the finger at Ashton. Rolls is a useful patsy for Ashton isn't he? Less popular and less competent. Perfect to soak up the ire.
  20. I can recall Pearson saying something along the lines of 'Callum knows what he needs to do to get a new contract' when he came back into the side. I can't see us taking the option but like Davefevs says we may look at a similar arrangement to what we have with Weimann. You get the impression Nigel has a clear idea what players are worth which is a refreshing change.
  21. I think we'll get 60 points come the end. Keep things steady and have 1 half decent unbeaten run and we'll manage that. We'll be as close to the play offs as the bottom 3.
  22. He's 19 and about 6 foot 3. People do fill out.
  23. He totally deserved player of the year last season. No one is arguing with that. However his standards have dropped a little this season and O'Leary has been given a go. That's it really. Thinking longterm we need 2 keepers who are up to it and you only get that if they both get an opportunity to pay.
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