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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. E mail from club just arrived encouraging everyone to arrive early and take advantage of 20% off. In the concourse. Nothing about face masks inside at all. So there will probably be a significant number of people carrying Covid inside the concourse on Saturday, but they're jabbed so it's okay.
  2. People need to vote with their feet rather than screaming about it and then paying it anyway...
  3. Being captain has made this problem worse. I think O Leary is an excellent keeper but he is hampered as Bentley would have to get injured or have a calamitous loss of form to be dropped.
  4. The people making these decisions are paid a lot of money for really straight forward stuff but continuously mess it up. The 1000's of adults who could go, simply won't bother. It may attract non-season card holders with kids. Perhaps that's the idea. Try to get rid of us 'legacy' fans..
  5. It's Like a bum deal in cards sn't it? Just do it again otherwise it does look like a fix
  6. Just waiting for the conspiracy nuts to jump on this. Deliberately messed up the draw so that there would be another draw...
  7. Think you need to digest what Graham C said above...
  8. Can you not see that a load of young players are cutting their teeth at the moment and doing okay? That we've been left in a mess by Ashton and fingers crossed are recovering from it without the usual relegation to League 1. It might not be inspiring but it does mean that if we do recover we will be in a strong position over the next few years. In the long term this is far more important that signing 4th choice Chelsea players for £millions.
  9. The old 'All politicians are the same' bullshit. Quite simply they aren't are they? They differ and If a population believes that they're all the same, they will end up with the most corrupt, least competent and the biggest liars in charge.
  10. Games should only be postponed on public health advice. If sides can get a squad of 14 out the game should go ahead.
  11. I'm telling you that he could have been got rid of at any point as he has a list of misdemeanours as long as any British Politician in my lifetime. He's not being framed is he? He's as guilty as a puppy next to a pile of poo.
  12. Boris is being framed? You muppet. Only thing with Boris is to choose which of his multiple lies, corrupt acts or incompetence to use to get rid of him. He's always been a dead man walking.
  13. That's more to do with "is that person carrying an explosive device or weapon'
  14. That wasn't my point. The Prime minister has no concept of personal responsibility and that's why he's been popular with a lot of people inspite of being useless. A lot of people see themselves in him. However, this is the real world and it will always catch up with such a serial bullshitter ( a la Mark Ashton).
  15. Listen I don't know your friends, and this will probably sound rude, but they don't half sound infantile. And that is basically the problem if you ask me. Literally millions of people who don't understand the concept of personal responsibility. Johnson really is their Prime Minister.
  16. The new variant clearly spreads quicker. It also appears to be milder. If it was looking more severe we'd be ******. That will mean more cases but a lower percentage of these cases leading to serious illness. What we don't know is whether the total number of serious illness cases will increase. Depends on the exact percentages and numbers and will probably only become clear around Christmas. Any scientist or mathematician would be cautious in this scenario but the experts on OTIB know better
  17. He's not the sort of player they need right now. Much better suited going for experienced Premiership types and paying them shedloads. Dunk, Webster, Mings, Tarkowski, Coady, Mee, Bednarek. 1 of those plus maybe a Kelly type. They also need a midfielder of the ilk of Ward-Prowse. Get 2 leaders in now as well as 2 or 3 proven players where needed. Best off raiding their immediate rivals as they need to first overtake the likes of Southampton, Leeds and Palace.
  18. It's all happening much quicker with them than us and there are a few contributory factors. 1. The players are not as good as the squad we had in 2016. Ayling, Flint, Baker, Bryan, Pack, Smith, Freeman, Reid, Kodjia. He's assembled the current Ipswich squad more or less. It's down to him and he's made no secret of it. 2. He was insulated from criticism by Steve Lansdown who appeared publicly when we were doing crap and backed the manager. Ashton was nowhere. Now Ashton is front and centre and having made the mistake of sacking a perfectly competent manager. Attention will turn to him sharpish as the penny drops amongst the less delusional Ipswich fans.
  19. Just seem Mcgreal rejoined the club as an under 23s coach last week!! And now he's manager of the first team. . What a coincidence
  20. If he wins 2 games on the spin he'll be permanent manager. Someone tractable and dismissable as far as Ashton is concerned.
  21. That's nice for you. Was Ryan Lowe there?
  22. Absolutely. Doing anything other than sticking the ball back up in the air was asking for trouble.
  23. The Bard

    Young guns

    That's probably why Simpson and Downing went and the under 23 coach was promoted...
  24. Not a love in is it? Just a defence against OTT criticism.
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