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Everything posted by RedRaw

  1. he is in Havana.......maybe news hasn't hit there yet
  2. RedRaw

    Bristol City

    Roberts played 3 games and sored 1 goal for us, where are we claiming anything on Roberts Philips made his name at City then threw his toys out the pram. He then took the easy route and signed for your lot where he becomes the messiah. He then throws more toys out the pram or his bombed out, you tell me You believe Coles is championship quality and claim you made him what he is...... a) how is that possible when you have not played in the championship b) you claim he is always injured....."we made them what they are" c) coles came up through the city ranks and had everything going for him at City. unfortunately his off the field antics put paid to that and was sold onto to Hull who were then a championship side d) generally did OK with Hull but no doubt the injuries were holding him back hence Hull shipping him out on loan before selling him to you Bristol City can claim they made him the defender he is, Hull City can claim they gave him the championship experience.......Bristol Rovers can claim they bought an injury prone player who will probably never play above league one again well done, you must be so proud
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