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Everything posted by BTRFTG

  1. But I've said he'd done well this past month and that didn't hurt one bit? As for the rest of your analysis that's why we're going nowhere slowly and they're heading back to The Premier. I really hope Semenyo goes on to become an extraordinary striker. As is and to date he hasn't actually done much. 5 in 70 at Championship level leaves bags of room for improvement.
  2. I said he's taken great strides, but seriously? Given he's the Championship player of the Month, who'd you rather see next month upfront for us, Semenyo or Mitrovic?
  3. I think where he's coming from is the charge against Pride Park (as distinct from the more recent charge against the lease on the training ground,) is secured against the whole schedule of companies of which Morris was the beneficial owner. So in theory the club might be excused the charge as it would then fall to one of Morris' other enterprises to satisfy. MSD could force Morris' hand either to cough up else sell the ground. Now we know Morris has already offered to help Derby in any way he can so why not use any of the companies. listed in the schedule to satisfy? Come on Melvyn, what's stopping you?
  4. Because his legal advisors would have highlighted there's no claim against him personally, it's against the club. Now I suppose he could, in theory, offer for Derby to add a contingency impairment to their books, he could purchase that 'debt' from them for hard cash and look to recover the debt should the court case go Derby's way (buying Derby insurance cover might be another option.) All that of course means whatever monies he fronts Derby are unlikely ever again to be seen by him, monies being consumed elsewhere in the process. Easier all round for him to now give the club a cash injection or to have paid the monies upfront in the first place.
  5. He scored his first and only home League goal in the week. He's scored 5 goals in 70 Championship appearances. He's won an award beating a player who scored twice as many goals as he did in the month. I hope Semenyo really kicks on but he's much to prove and the level of accolade for what he's delivered to date is ridiculous.
  6. Semenyo's taken great strides in the last month. 3 goals with 3 assists in January. Mitrovic scored 3 against us alone, 6 in the month and chipped in two assists. Funny old game the awards business.....
  7. That, as I pointed out, is one interpretation but is just that, an interpretation. Those who founded AA did so on those principals, that's how they're clients are defined, that's how they demand them to be. It does NOT, ever define those clients. Try reading again what I wrote and if you still believe the content of your post then my point has been proven.
  8. Save that's not what I said, but invent as you will. Ask yourself this: Somebody informs you they've been sober for 5 years. What's your response? Congratulate them, tell them how well they've done, tell them to keep going? Well you could do that and that indeed would be to provide positive approval for their behavioural changes. Doubtless you'll feel proud of yourself for so saying. But in doing so you're also reaffirming the individual's failing, adopting an Abrahamic, controlling sense of disapproval - once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. That's how the AA works, hence it's religious roots. Would you say the same of, say, prisoners? Why bother with rehabilitation? Now you could be honest and in offering praise inform the person they've proved themselves capable of change, but also that they've taken the easy way out. Rather they might modify their behaviour from all or nothing denial to that offering them ultimate freedom. For it to be their choice. To occasionally enjoy a drink in moderation should they so desire, it's up to them. Difficult for sure, but they're only part way to resolving the primary issue. It's not about drinking per se but having the control to do so should you so wish. But few would ever see it that way as that's not what the social norm demands. That's how social control works and if you buy into it why would you ever see or think differently?
  9. We disagree. These days its deemed acceptable to excuse all sorts of behavioural failings as an issue with 'mental health'. In Drinkwater's case maybe it is, maybe it isn't. That's the problem, it's non-falsifiable. Now one might question why it is some with 'mental health' issues seek to publicise the fact rather than, if cognisant of their own failings, attempt to sort matters away from the stress and glare of scrutiny (as any competent mental health professional might advise?) Even the term 'mental health' is culturally ambiguous. Although the negative outcomes of mental illness/disorder may be similar to those of poor 'mental health' they are not necessarily the same and should not so be assumed. You're correct nobody chooses to 'go off the rails', same a folks don't choose to have a low IQ but reality is, baselined against a social norm, such folks will always exist (though over time who falls where on the curve will change.) Now some might argue Drinkwater has over the years demonstrated through the consistency of his behaviour who he is, because that's his personality type. That's different from 'mental health'. He's not the first footballer so to do, nor will he be the last. He may no longer be happy with who he perceives himself to be and may seek to deploy techniques to amend his behaviour. If so, good luck to him and I wish him well in his endeavour. But citing 'mental health' is sometimes the modern equivalent of the 'get of of jail free' card. Do I have sympathy for his personality? Of course I don't, that's who he is. Do I excuse him for his failings? No, again that's who he is. And the reason this is a 'first world problem' is unlike the majority of folks on this planet, many of whom do suffer intolerably poor mental health, they don't have the luxury to sit around and dwell on it. They're minute by minute facing famine, or war, or death, or persecution, or extreme poverty and there is an observed correlation between 'reported' mental health issues and affluence. Some theories postulate that our Western comforts and affluence is now the prime cause for our reported mental health outcomes. That we've an iatrogenic 'mental health' crisis. I happen to believe there's a grain of truth in that.
  10. It's an alert to a supposed and misconceived 'injustice' (sic). An 'injustice' (sic) that never was. Much as all the other virtue-signalling demonstrations have everything to do with those demonstrating about little about that for which they are demonstrating. The word has lost none of its meaning as it's never implied merit (or otherwise) as to the validity of any 'injustice' being highlighted.
  11. For Christ sake don't switch to any alcohol refined from sugar cane, you'll have to throw yourself into the docks as an act of contrition.....
  12. Funny they never report the unemployed ex-steelworker who's hit rock bottom and professes to want to 'clean up his act '. First world problem of a first world idiot. Others are far more deserving of our sympathy.
  13. To be worshipped in Ghana he'll first need to improve his head in Accra, see?
  14. The whole mural is 'woke' rewriting of history so matters not what's factually correct. If at Bristol Uni one may identify as a cat I suppose it's ok for the club to identify with whatever division in whatever period it so wishes. Demonstrates our lack of ambition they failed to highlight that time we won the European Cup, for the 5th year in a row......
  15. Allegedly sent out first day on sale but no receipt yet. Further ineptitude being I bought a ticket for my son to be delivered to his term time address. Save one can't amend a delivery address when purchasing. I sent them an email immediately when getting the transaction number stating to where the ticket should be sent. Which they signally ignored. So much for supporter services (sic). "You can't change the delivery address after purchase," said the ticket office today. "You can't change the delivery address prior to purchase either, so what an utterly useless system you have in place," said I.
  16. Not for the first time it should be said .....
  17. Hallelujah! What took you so long to catch-on?
  18. Better not ask how you learnt to clench it in the first place ?
  19. He sure cost me as all I needed was another Reading card for £57.
  20. Just looked this up and see they've also closed Dean Lane. Bristol and Rees in particular, hates visitors, hates traffic and hates business. Pity those por sods trying to make a buck down Whitehouse Lane. But silly me, Rees hates light industry and those who graft. Not for him his car to a local garage, the Council fork out top dollar for new high end motors his him and his ilk, all footed by you local ratepayers. Just why do you locals put up with it?
  21. Bring back the castrati section, says I...
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