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Everything posted by BTRFTG

  1. For those who don't live local is that temporary or now another barmy Bristolian road change to force drivers off the road? Where actually does the one way start? Is it you can't turn from Sheene Road into Malago Road and go far as Whitehouse Lane?
  2. Cue choruses of the Jimmy Helms classic from the terrace.......
  3. One assumes one or more of them were observed wearing what it must be admitted is distinctive attire leading to the assault taking place. From what's been described they aren't the sharpest tools in the box.
  4. Sure looks like the thug front right, wearing a similar grey hoodie under his shirt in the ground.
  5. Just don't start on Fraudsters impersonating Players, where to start at AG.....?
  6. I have it on good authority KP's knees are 'shot' as a result of how much time he spends on them thanking The Lord for the hugely undeserved riches that continue to fall his way each week.
  7. But he's also 10/90 to ever get into a position tackle. Nobody's taking on that double.....
  8. No surprises the Derby fan seeks to deflect from the real issue at hand. Had they bothered to read my post they'd know (as I'm sure they do,) the £81m was an insurance (not market) value and as such would never have sold to another entity at that price. That's why, though transferring ownership, no cash changed hands - another key indicator of when a 'sale' (sic) is anything but. It's just more deflection and conflation from duplicitous supporters. Those who revelled in the short term success Morris' cheating brought them. Instead of blaming the conman they should be blaming themselves.
  9. Then Morris will have no problem selling it for £81m, morally paying off all the debts he's amassed, including best part of £30m to the taxpayer, thus allowing your club to survive. But he won't, as with the rest of your club he's rotten to the core. The ground's worthless, pretty much like your club. Why should other clubs 'move on' from a cheating contrivance that temporarily gave Derby an unfair advantage but which has a real chance of becoming their downfall. I normally couldn't give two hoots about other clubs but given Derby's two-faced cheating, duplicity and paranoid carping, carping that's even outdone The Scouse in self pity, I really do hope they go out of business. The quicker the better for all football.
  10. Not so much a 'delay' as stating his belief and ambition. Leeds wanted him, he was going there, that was his level. Problem being Leeds (or anybody else for that matter,) knew nothing about it. The bloke's deluded, he's not remotely a competent footballer, he's a waste of space and as I've harped on for years he should have been thrown out the door years ago.
  11. Thanks, I knew there's no obligation to file at CH for periods in administration but had thought the administrators would file amended returns for those reporting periods when not in administration. It may be moot but makes a mockery of CH not shutting companies down if failing to file unimpaired accounts within a reasonable timeframe.
  12. Is that still the case? I thought they had until last Monday to provide EFL with all their unimpaired accounts, but when the one month extension to show they had sufficient funds to see the season through was offered the accounts condition appeared to get overlooked. Does EFL and Companies House have the accounts yet? If not, what's the EFL deadline?
  13. Signally, Morris' ramblings would better able to be scrutinized had his companies published unimpaired accounts - oh the irony. I may not know much about anything but as an ex Estates Director I do know a bit about property asset valuation, including bespoke assets. As with his reference to amortization it strikes me Morris fails to appreciate the problem isn't that there are options available for valuation, rather that when one picks an option one should stick to it. Think of it like this. A football stadium is a a large, capital hungry, expensive to maintain and largely underutilized structure. It serves primarily to facilitate business income for its occupant. That's why it makes sense to split such entities and why you don't see estate agents in your High Street regularly flogging them, there being few buyers. So how much is a stadium worth? If you're an investor not owing a football club the answer would be a measure of how much income might be generated each year by the facility? Rent from the football club, income from other events, conferencing, hospitality, advertising et al. When questioned about Derby's valuation, assuming an income based valuation, Morris gave an odd and contradictory answer. On one hand he reminded football affords only 30 days income, that fitting in events around football is problematic, that with very high overheads such events make nowhere near as much money as folks imagine. On the other he said he'd researched a solution to show Derby could deliver 100 such events each year delivering £12m of non-football related income. Impressive. Now were I a potential buyer my first thoughts would be why's Morris selling this cash cow and please may I see the books to show actually how much income has historically been generated? Accounts being problematic Morris opts for another valuation option, one most normal folks wouldn't adopt when assessing value. Morris adopts a perfectly acceptable option, it's called Depreciated Replacement Cost (DRC) and in simple terms asks how much would I have to spend to replace the functionality of what's already there? This works fine provided you also accept the caveats associated with its methodology (that's the bit with which Morris has a problem.) It's useful for insurance purposes but unlike housing (where there's always demand,) never produces a value higher than its actual cost of replacement. It's the reverse of something some of you will have encountered when taking out buildings insurance on your home - why's the insured value less than I paid for it? It's a theoretical value, one unlikely to be used. It's not a value you'd achieve if selling on the open market. Morris argued it would cost £81m to replace Pride Park. Perhaps he's right, but the question would be why would you ever do that? That's the problem with his rationale, he's picks and chooses to suit. In the near future he may well be looking at need of a third method of valuation, that of Residual Land Value and I can tell him for nothing that'll be low single digits. Now, if only Morris had explained how, under Derby's employ, Tom Ince's mother became the highest paid scout in British football despite her knowing little about football....
  14. What like www.bristolroversfcmemorialarchive.co.uk ?
  15. I gave him the benefit thinking he might be acting for the supporters club to get in early to prevent some smart doing likewise. As you say the name itself wont be worth much even to those who might wish to use it.
  16. Appears to be a banker who's also the treasurer of a minor league in Wilts. Possibly a Derby fan looking to protect the name should supporters look to firm a new start up? Else a chancer looking to make a few bob by selling the company to somebody looking to resurrect the club. I guess the former.
  17. It still doesn't address the fundamental problem, that being unrealistic fan expectation. Just consider all those clubs, like our own, who without the beneficence of their owner would go bust overnight. Just suppose Mr Lansdown declared that he would no longer make loan provision to the club, a club that's been losing £750k a week for years. What might the fans or this review then do? Would we all start chipping in £50 a week to ensure we remained within whatever arbitrary limits were demanded? Would we offer to pay triple ticket prices? Like **** would we. If Mr Lansdown stated he would continue to support cashflow but no further capital purchases, we'd only be signing frees at the bottom of the food chain, that he'd be prepared to see us plummet through the leagues but on the upside we'd be able to demonstrate long term stability, would the fans sign-up to that? Would they erect a statue in his honour to celebrate our consolidation in The Conference whilst ensuring the balance sheet remained healthy? In your dreams would they. If fans want a review start with getting real. Bring football back into the realms in which supporters exist and ensure there it remains. Limit excess even where that limits ambition. The problem of reviews such as this is they're reflective of the malaise that pervades modern society. Everybody thinks they have rights. Everybody demands that they desire. Everybody is adamant somebody other than they foot the bill. Association Football, its origins do not lie in business
  18. Indeed you do Slarti, though whether or not that's a good or bad thing I wouldn't like to say.......
  19. I'm grateful you highlighted this the other week but my query related rather to the nature of the transfer contract. Clubs account for full player value in their accounts when registrations transfer such players become the asset of the club to which they've transferred, but where payments are staged one would have expected the transfering club to include caveats within the contract to ensure they receive full payment (i.e. in case of injury the player must be insured at all times in the minimum value of any sums outstanding.) Now I don't know if outstanding sums may be drafted as 'floating charges' or whether the EFL allow a club to reclaim (at cost received to date,) the player. If they do it strikes me it could be argued such 'football' debts move to the high priority.
  20. Unless I've misunderstood 'Football Creditors' only applies so far as Derby continue to trade as a football club. As soon as it's confirmed their expulsion from the EFL is absolute I would have thought standard insolvency priorities are the order of the day. Clearly charges are charges but with respect to registrations and transfers I'm not sure whether these may be argued as proprietary assets (i.e. when a player's registration is transferred subject to staged payments is it the case the transferer retains beneficial ownership of the asset (player) until the final payment is settled, hence may have first dibs on payouts?) All other 'football' related debt one assumes is unsecured. I've also assumed the majority of that owed HMRC is preferential debt, such I wouldn't have thought there would be much trickling down to unsecured level. The clever accountants on here may also be able to clarify what happens to the holding company with the ground? I suppose MSD could seek to force it's sale to recover their loan, else Morris might pay them off personally but in the case of the latter and with minimal income but continued outgoings, wouldn't that company eventually have to be folded or asset held sold off?
  21. I believe it was against The Gas and that it wasn't a Saturday, so you may well be right with the dates.
  22. But why would you want to do that Phil when, and to my astonishment when en route to Fleetwood, you may take a train from Preston to Blackpool where on the departing platform you'll witness an Eastern European gent catch (and decapitate) with bare hand a pigeon in full flight? Once onboard to witness a 'hen' of women in their 30s bursting out of tight yet scanty outfits whilst consuming over the briefest journey approximately the same volume of alcohol for which you'd need to undertake 300 journeys to Cologne; simultaneously encouraging a 'muscle' of male strippers to display the wares for which the 'hens' had signally already booked later that weekend. "Show us your Cologne Cathedral," doesn't have the same ring as "Show us your Blackpool Towers." Despite sun not yet over yardarm you may witness the Atlas wanabees doing as requested and rings of which Prince Albert would have been proud, polished. European travel sounds far too civilised in comparison.
  23. In addition to the number of games also look at the level they played at. As all who watched the decline will attest there was no chance of the Club looking to sell them as they weren't worth anything.
  24. I understand that was the preferred option, the alternate being forcibly marched in at knifepoint.....
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