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Everything posted by BTRFTG

  1. They clearly don't know one end of a balance sheet from the other. Good news for them being if they think a wage tab increasing from under £10m to £32m per season isn't an issue then the hike in their own utility bills will be commensurately insignificant.
  2. Not forgetting all those senior pros who occupied the 'naughty step'. One would have to have a sense of humour bypass not to laugh at his:"I could have easily played in The Premier...."
  3. Different results but just compare their respective post-match interviews yesterday. Pearson didn't fall for the interviewers pointed questions, called it exactly as it was, threw nobody under a bus, gave a measured, positive response to where we are (clearly indicating that's not where he wants us to be.) Johnson spoke for a similar length of time and said, well, I'm not sure what? There were 'pitch personalities' and 'prancing', he confirmed they'd prepared well for the match, had an excellent gameplan, was happy with the set-up. Strange then as he made muted apologies for, well, again I'm not sure? Didn't seem to shoulder any responsibility, or provide explanation as to why they shipped six. But then again, we'd seen that in many of his conferences when here. What a refreshing change we have in Nige
  4. I'd expect nothing less from Johnson. I've written before about the first friend of mine who died as a result of having contracting Covid (his partner who was one of the UK's first confirmed cases suffers severe Long Covid impacts to this day.) Least likely of my friends one might imagine would die. Microclotting had wrought damage akin several heart attacks to his well maintained heart. He died out running. In his case I'll not be blaming the vaccines, he died prior to them becoming available. But Johnson's probably right, it'll likely have been the vaccine and not the Covid infection throughout Burge's body that triggered the issue.
  5. It's MINIMUM additional time, not maximum. Fans seem to forget delays in additional time are added to that minimum.
  6. As somebody unable to comprehend the clearly advised benefits of vaccines it comes as no surprise you struggle to appreciate why budgets have to be cut when teams get relegated and why that takes time. Doubtless you'll fail to appreciate Johnson's continuing that he deployed at City, sign player after player after player (even if on loan.) And whilst you'll point to many of these being 'free' sensible folks realise nil transfer free does not equal cheap. Loan arrangement, signing-on fees, agents commissions and, er, wages aren't free nor cheap. You'll recall the latter went from £6m to £32m under his reign here, hence why were presently screwed despite his departure two years ago.
  7. What's having an issue with somebody to do with whether or not they know you exist? He purports to be a high profile manager, happy to tell him face to face what I think of him. There's a good chance he might well remember me from the touchline conversations he forced me (and plenty of others) to have when he was here. I detest Johnson for the damage he delivered my beloved club, damage that'll extend for years to come, much as the Mackams have come to realise the damage he's doing to theirs. And if he doesn't know I exist was all that praising of fans when he was here further Johnsonesque bull? Can't have it both ways, save in his case he likes to think he can given he's been found out again talking meaningless claptrap. Great quote from the Mackams: "If he was a chocolate he'd eat himself". You'll find it under their stark realization: "In 400 odd games what's he ever won?"
  8. Harry's response is one step afar from claiming to be 'the best looking bloke in the burns unit'. God only knows what he'd make of the Mackams themselves reminding they've the most expensive squad ever assembled at that level, that with the resource spent they should waltz out of that Division or why 5,200 supporters didn't travel to a club who's recently staved off extinction expecting to be dicked six zip ( and lucky to get zip at that.) How ungrateful must the Mackams be to overlook the success Johnson has so far delivered?
  9. On a serious note folks need to take a chill pill on supposed 'scapegoating'. Courtesy of Ashton & Johnson we've been left with a carousel of players who will never, ever be good enough at Championship level. They also left us with debt such we won't be able to clear them out and replace for a few seasons hence. Now we all believe City should be punching at the upper end of The Championship, so there's nothing wrong in aspiration stating 'X' or 'Y' isn't good enough or is a plain liability because, er, they are. As soon as we're able to get rid I hope we'll do just that but for now we're stuck with them and their lack of talent. There's nothing wrong in highlighting that. They're Pros, they themselves know they're not up to it.
  10. She also would have sung it through her new and ill-fitting 'teeesh'. Thank Christ she's never duetted with Denis Waterman.
  11. I just hope she sang with the irony Randy Newman injected into the lyric.
  12. Sunderland also delivered the worst ever result in their history in the lowest tier they've ever played in. That's not an agenda that, as Roy Castle once said, is a record breaker. Given their manager loves to boast records on his CV he can have that one for nothing.....
  13. Pring's been a breath of fresh air since breaking through. He's a real prospect but raw. He's made a number of needless errors but far more crucial interventions. Now whether he pushes on and learns from those errors we'll hopefully have found out by the end of this season, which to all intents is written off. Next year Nige won't be so forgiving if he continues to make silly mistakes and misjudgements, which is a good thing. He's been blooded, given a fair outing this season and I reckon he'll have taken great strides by the start of next.
  14. A point at Deepdale is no disgrace. Further experience for the kids, improvement in play, ensuring we don't get sucked into a dogfight. Mission accomplished I'd say.
  15. "Prancing", too, I think he said. How refreshing we have the concise, straight to the point, honesty of Nige for our post match analysis these days rather than this meaningless waffle.
  16. Feel for you. 5,200 to an away game to witness your worst ever performance at that level would take saintly restraint not go ballistic. I don't blame your fellow supporters for highlighting your issues and FP to those who manage to do so with a sense of humour.
  17. Just because you don't lots of others do, but I'd never dream of criticising your behaviour for lacking curiosity.
  18. No, I was directed there by other posts on this forum and there's nothing wrong with schadenfreude.
  19. At the start of the day most would have been happy to take a point away. In which case job done, move on. NPs making progress in a season we always knew would have to be written off. Kids for next year is something to get excited about.
  20. 1st minute, 0-0 do exactly that, but matters not what minute or scoreline is City as City haven't been able to do so since the likes of Orr left.
  21. Covid's the least of his worries tonight. The Sunderland forums are a hoot and in meltdown. Haven't laughed as much in ages.....
  22. Kevin & Ian (the other 5 surviving siblings weren't implicated,) were declared bankrupt once MGN tangled web collapsed, Kevin's investment vehicle carrying the bulk of the debt. The Crown alleged they both had beneficial ownership of a number of assets but as this couldn't definitively be established for Legal Aid calculation had to be ignored. NB: the Board of Trade also held an inquiry into Mirror Group which became a test case as a point of Law. Kevin refused to participate unless legal representation was provided on the basis he might incriminate himself which might then be used in a criminal prosecution against him. Court ruled those obligated to submit to inquiry should be given representation if unable to afford their own. Of course both Kevin and Ian were (somehow and to this day it remains a mystery,) found Not Guilty of charges levelled.
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