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Everything posted by BTRFTG

  1. Appears in Twain's biography but he nicked it from Disraeli who himself nicked it from the (then) MP for The Forest of Dean.......
  2. That truly was shocking but the numpties will still counter ' he doesn't get the service.....'
  3. The vast majority in my supermarket pay via means of a credit card and should you do as well not only are you failing to pay for tonight's beans, but there's little guarantee when you'll first make sufficient payment on any of the tins. Your argument also requires that clubs should only purchase in cash terms, structured payments being essentially the same as borrowed credit. Save of course that only benefits the very wealthy, with all but a few clubs being able to buy anyone....
  4. That would be the FFP brought in on behest of top European clubs to maintain their cartel and not the imagined and oft misquoted ffp that supposedly has anything to do with bringing a sense of realism to football.
  5. As and when parachute payments cease shortly thereafter will follow removal of promotion to / relegation from The Premier, else what might be the point? The move is simply to make the top flight a fixed and exclusive cartel. The big 4/5 will love it as it'll reinforce their desire to breakaway to Europe, the lower strugglers will be free to live in losers limbo without threat to their lifeblood. For the likes of us, not well be troubling it soon, why bother with excitement at the Top of the Championship, it'll only be a nominal trophy .
  6. Bakinson should only ever be played when 3-0 up at home, cruising, with 10 minutes to go. Same applies to KP, though in his case I'd make it 9 mins to the final whistle. City's problem? Despite Johnson & Ashton's gargantuan Carousel of Crap we have little to replace them and sod all wriggle room financially.
  7. Patel's a prat, much like every Home Sec I worked under, but your post is about as misguided and ill-judged as one might imagine. In the last 5 years OSCT prevented 33 'serious incidents' taking place on UK soil ('serious' denotes that 10 or more persons would have died.) Most incidents you'll never have heard of as the brave folks who risk their own necks to prevent them often have to 'disrupt' rather than 'take down' so as to keep information flows open. At present in the UK there are nearly 32k 'Subjects of Operational Interest' (SOIs) - folks mostly free to roam unrestricted who present a danger to the public, many pose severe danger to public safety. It takes a minimum 9 person team to surveille an individual. For that reason only the top 1,800 are daily monitored, the rest are risk profiled and go into the ether. Richard Reid, Kahlid Masood and The Abedi brothers all fell into that latter category. If you've ever listened to the bloke with overall responsibility with making that risk call you'll hold nothing but utter admiration for him in explaining how he lives with knowing he got it wrong in those cases. The fact we are at war and folks like you can post such drivel happens only because of the brilliant and brave work undertaken by thousands to keep us safe. Extraordinary work using cutting-edge digital innovation. That occurs irrespective of the party in power. That you don't understand what National Security levels are there for, who dictates and publishes them and what 'triggers' those levels enable only serves to emphasise your ignorance in such matters.
  8. So if I read it right one CAN park in the LA P&R on a Saturday and NOT have to buy a bus ticket, or do they do something clever with ANPR recognition. The website, deliberately I'm sure, is as clear as mud.
  9. If you're going to boycott the tournament why watch the games on TV? Absolutely there's a point - If nobody watches and with zero ratings it's about as strong a message as one might send to register a protest. Broadcasters and their ad revenues will get it immediately. Talk's cheap though. It's easy to faux protest against this and that, to visibly seek the moral high ground, especially for a tournament one never had intention of visiting, yet participate by watching it anyway.
  10. Those in the know recall the state of me on the flight home, though not my lucky escape in Florence the night before......
  11. One presumes from the signage (and lack of) there's a terminal fire exit route between the seats in the two photos. There are a few short sections of wall under the Dolman where similar seating might be installed, but to maintain adequate widths for safety routes (given AGs greater capacity,) and requirement to decant at ends of the stand given the narrow lane to the side, there little scope in the Dolman Concourse for fixtures on floor. I'm amazed the bins are permitted as is.
  12. I think for those of us who were there it's likely a case of 'what happened in Pisa stays in Pisa'.....
  13. Love to know how they'll police all those exemptions...
  14. When I first visited Qatar it was, like Saudi, 'dry' (officially that is.) Alcohol wasn't served in hotels. Long story but I was an official guest of the State, installed in the Presidential Suite at The Sheraton, free fruit based drinks served by butlers on tap but alcohol, not a chance. No problem, lots of things to try in what to me was then an alien culture. So if yobs visit and abuse that culture I hope they're thrown into dark places and left. I think the FA/FCO might do well to run a comprehensive advertising campaign warning fans of the dangers of not behaving themselves and reminding that if they do err they'll not get western treatment and have only themselves to blame. Fans might also do well to learn from this idiot who deciding to forgo the wonderful pools went instead for a swim in the Gulf (in those days the various hotels hadn't netted off their sections of beach.) I'm happily waving back at the friendly sailors on the passing dhow late on to realise they're pointing not at me but the large fin circling. Mark Spitz was never so quick.
  15. Indeed. For that reason I used to do Saudi always in the same order - Jeddah (tolerable,) Riyadh (in the shade no problem,) Dammam (I really don't think I can stand up without expiring.) On to Bahrain (much the same,) then getting easier the further East one went. Give me mega hot desert over coastal saturation any day.
  16. They did though, didn't they?
  17. Strength in depth? Discuss.....
  18. Wasn't Farke's standard response when asked about his playing days: "I was the slowest striker in German Football?" In which case he'd know what to do with our frontline....
  19. My money's on Calvert-Lewin considering both Red & White passe, it's so 'Last Season'..... And to think I always thought England's 'influencer' was Nobby Stiles ...
  20. I think the point you make may well get pushed given McKay's actions appear to indicate he considered Sala a Cardiff player (he was) and therefore Cardiff should have had him under their insurance (moot as it's unlikely to have covered trips not organised by the club, though a decent lawyer would push for Cardiff, under vicarious liability, to have actively forbidden their player to have taken unauthorized transport.)
  21. Its hot but thankfully isn't Bahrain. It's the humidity, not temperature, that's the absolute showstopper.
  22. I think that depends upon what evidence they have to suggest he committed a crime? Today's case appears to confirm the authorities think the individual procuring and offering the flight has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that service was legal and safe. Clearly that individual didn't think something might go wrong, such soliciting somebody to turn a blind eye to regulation where one doesn't anticipate harm, I'm not really sure what offence that might be?
  23. I think the story at the time was Sala didn't want to go via Paris & Heathrow, but given he was a nervous flyer and Cardiff (though they've behaved dispicably since the accident,) didn't have him on a three line whip to get back it seems odd that he'd risk the flight - NB he'd commented how concerned he was with the flight out.
  24. Sala's agent doesn't come out smelling of roses either given he wanted the journeys completed at, what he then considered, all cost. That's one of the mystery's in this case, why were the journeys so urgent and why wouldn't Sala accept the commercial route offered?
  25. Nailsworth has no such station. Should they depart and return Parson Street?
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