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Everything posted by BTRFTG

  1. Does that mean the new entity in 'purchasing / leasing' the stadium will incur stamp duty/land tax in the region of £4m, after all, it is worth £81m ? If so, HMRC will be pleased....
  2. Shouldn't have been awarded a World Cup but Doha's a lovely place to visit as a tourist or on business. It's also amazing the duplicity of those who rightly highlight the scandalous working conditions of those constructing stadia yet who are happy to holiday in the UAE where the rights and conditions of the underclass in construction, facility management and hospitality are equally deplorable.
  3. The CAA report highlighted Henderson's cavalier attitude toward paperwork and regulation. Recall, although everybody's focussing on the pilot's lack of current credentials the primary cause of the accident was a badly maintained aircraft leaking carbon monoxide into the cabin, thus incapacitating the occupants. It would be difficult to prove that lack of current credentials made the difference, rather it's a succession of failings that caused the crash (as is the norm in such cases.) As the pilot had previously held various licences it would be difficult to prove beyond doubt that allowing Ibbotson to pilot would likely have resulted in an accident, that's why the endangering charge arose. His actions were reckless and dangerous though clearly not intended to kill. Its also somewhat moot. I used to charter a couple of planes out of Rochford & Maastricht each night shipping newspapers and other goods. Those flights weren't licenced to carry passengers but there was nothing to prevent I or anybody else I and the pilot authorised to travel sitting in for the ride. Key factor in the paperwork being occupants other than the pilot weren't insured. But sure as hell I wouldn't have flown were I not sure the flight operator ran a safety first, no corners cut operation.
  4. If we look to change Massengo's game as Johnson tried(as you say he's far from jobbing rather a real talent,) we're doomed. Rather look at the rubbish around him in acres of space as either they're unaware of what they should be doing, avoiding trying to get involved or just plain idle. We've had plenty of those these past three years. If the likes of Bakinson put in a shift Massengo wouldn't need to play as you describe. That Bakinson never will means he has to.
  5. Dungy is an outstanding coach and analyst but if you saw his extended interview with Dallas Clark the other week you'll know his interesting take on coaching. His disclosure that he didn't bother to check whether the 'picks' had talent, he simply assumed they did from reports provided and anyway it was for their coaches to develop them, not him. His interest solely related to whether and how 'picks' would fit in with the rest of the squad. That was his specialism, building a 'team' from talent provided. Now I'm not sure that's what City's psychologist is aiming to do. We need to focus on the talent bit first.
  6. Where to start. Thanks to my daughter I read Chimanada Adichie's latest essay that appears this month's latest TERF target (though Rowling's always up there,) Tzipi Hotovely got cancelled by our intellectual finest this week simply for having the audacity to exist (I don't particularly like her views but think she's every right to express them for others to disagree.) Try Trevor Philips whose thoughts on race and racial classification are most progressive and yet who constantly has to fight his corner under an onslaught from those protagonists for whom everything must be dichotomous, black and white, no room for anything else. But from the famous I'll give you practical examples. A very close friend works in one of the World's leading children's mental health organisations. The data is unequivocal. The majority of children who profess they are the 'wrong gender' and are denied treatment prior to age 15 go on to lead perfectly happy lives in the gender they were born. When able, they decline reassignment. Those who decide to transition post that age have fewer identity problems in adulthood. A significant number of children who commence treatment prior to that age and who commence transition, encounter severe identity issues later in life, realising they may have been somewhat hasty in their actions. The professional advice should be gender reassignment should not be undertaken (save in rare genetic cases,) prior to the individual being 15/16 such they may make their own informed choice. It's signal the number of cases where the child's supposed predilection is actually heavily influenced by the parents. But there's no way that Organisation would ever go public promoting that view knowing the heavily politicised 'genderists' would make their lives hell (they've already had pickets at their gates screaming all sorts at kids and families going in for therapy.) Or a bloke I went to Uni with, once described 'Britain's most racist professor', who in reality is somewhere more hippy and liberal than Neil from The Young Ones. He was cancelled in academic circles and by his students for research relating to climate and intelligence (in which intelligence was a measure of adaptablity, not ethnic superiority.) His findings were well presented, made interesting reading for all sorts of practical reasons, but were jumped upon by those who sought to promote a simplistic racial take on the findings. Killed his specialism stone dead to the disbenefit of promoting education programmes across the globe.
  7. Well we could try and get this psychologist to sit the players down and visualise crossing the ball from corner or dead ball and actually getting it into the box, of taking a throw-in and City retaining the ball after the first touch, of shooting and the ball actually heading on target. I visualise all of those things every minute of every match. Never seems to happen though ....
  8. When, aged 12, he told his teammates he was going to be the best player in world I reckon he'd never heard of visualization. If he died use it and it makes him feel better about himself, good. But it's the first in, last out at training, the endless repetition of heading, free-kicks, shooting that sets him apart. He scores because he's done it hundreds of thousands of times in practice. I visualise picking multiple winners each afternoon. Doesn't work out that way. ...
  9. Vince Lombardi, Sports greatest Psychologist, cut through all the modern day, sports mindfulness BS. "Show me a loser & I'll show you a loser." The desire to win at all costs is innate, you've either got it or you haven't. If you've played sport at any level you know quickly who you may dominate and those who'll pose you a problem. The very best don't need to tinker with psychologists to tell them what to do or how to improve, they just get on and do it. When the going gets tough ... Psychologists have far greater influence in individual sports where the pace of the game is slow, there's much downtime and space for minds to wander, but in team sports? The English cricket team have incorporated them for decades so how come they mentally imploded again yesterday? I studied psychology at Uni and the major problem is there's little or no benchmarking. Take 'visualisation' which is often used as an example where performance may be improved. Cognitive dissonance theory explains why, if you've invested in undertaking a visualization programme, you'll claim your performance has improved (you'd look pretty stupid if it hadn't.) But that's not benchmarked against the likes of Brady, Ronaldo or Jordan who never doubted, given the relentless practice and sacrifice they put in, that they'd score, that they'd succeed. They do not visualise, they don't need to as they believe in their talent. And whilst lesser talents as we have at City may be marginally assisted I'd suggest they be far better off learning how to kick, trap, shoot and run, learning through repetitive graft, rather than sitting contemplating their mindfulness. That's never got the ball over the head of the near post marker....
  10. I can assure you from a sample of those who sit around me at AG, none of whom live in or near Bristol, it isn't just me. Bristol's transport planning and infrastructure is woeful. Parking - forget it. Park and rides at Long Ashton, Brislington, Pucklechurch and the far end of The Portway. Right at the heart of the action. (Can folks park at LA on a Saturday for the footy now?) Most close at 10pm so if I wanted to take in a movie, or theatre, or dinner I'd have to leave the city centre by 9pm. Yeah, that works. Public transport - quicker to walk to either TM or Coach Station than use the bus, assuming you are able so to do, but as ever with Rees it's sod the infirm or oldies. Visually impaired or restricted mobility visitors - don't bother as you'll be tripping over or having to avoid randomly dumped scooters all over the shop. Bristol should be welcoming. It isn't.
  11. It's either that else both must be ultra polite: After you, Sir ....
  12. It's not they push agendas, it's in this current cancel and de-platform culture few are willing to espouse criticism of radical views. It's why public debate is skewed and minority viewpoints appear in the majority.
  13. Ah, is that why Vyner and Bakinson deploy the 3 second count when in stressful situations? He might start with looking to modify their 'fight or flight' responses as that's one way traffic at present.
  14. Is there an electric vehicle made that would allow me to get to AG and back without having to spend further hours searching for a charging point? It took over 5 hours to get home the other week and with multiple, planned road closures all traffic eastbound had zero alternate routes to take. Assume they were all electric vehicles, they'd all be desperate for the same charging points of which it's already been proven there will never be enough. Of those presently installed on major routes, around 1 in 3 are out of service and half the dual chargers only allow single charge use at present. As for cars charge mapping, forget it. I was in one of the most popular and supposedly efficient models the other day and it handily told me my nearest charging point was 0.6m miles away. Didn't realise the car could float as that was the other side of The Thames. In reality it's nearer a 3 mile drive, through one of the slowest and busiest tunnels in Europe (it'll take upward of 30mins.) Yeah, I won't risk the hefty fine for running out of fuel in the tunnel. If I needed to charge up in Bristol whilst at the match where would I do that? Bristol HATES visitors as it is - want to go to AG, park up in Brislington, really?
  15. You've 10 years on me Slarti but our memories aren't that bad. The incident I recall that brought his career low was in 94 but that establishment (illegal at the time,) burnt out a year or so later (killing two blokes in the process.) It appears Gerald was involved in a 'replay' a dozen or more years later at a now licenced establishment, though charges were eventually dropped.
  16. Think 'dark side' is a tad harsh Slarti. Irony being I used to walk past the doorway every morning and evening to and from the office wearing a very expensive Aquascutum raincoat replete with false pockets (as all fine quality Macs have.) The occupants through Gerald's doorway were nowhere near as dark as most of the characters in the underground drinking den around the corner, but that's for the memoir....
  17. Excellent commentator. Unfortunately, like Frank Bough, his career ruined by what might now be considered a trivial indiscretion. Given I worked in the area and knew all the 'alternate' establishments at the time (restricted myself personally to illegal drinking clubs a la The Winchester,) I thought he was set up by the Old Bill.
  18. My point exactly. If he could manage it then, he could man.......
  19. Not so tied up as to avoid paperwork relating to Dividend Withholding Tax reclaims, it is suggested... I've less sympathy this end..
  20. Wear it whilst you can. As Big Gary cautions for the older gent : "...light trousers? You're joking! What about the Mickey Drips?"
  21. Indeed, that old, ' I had other matters on my mind so got behind with the paperwork' ruse. Gabay and Morris well versed in that respect.
  22. Thanks, my interest being what the total value of both Charges were in relation to the asset's realistic value. Any idea if the Charge was repaid or whether it was simply removed by the lender? Whilst the latter would be unusual this is the Derby Wonderland we're talking about?
  23. Out of curiosity, what was the value of the variable charge repaid? Was it a true reflection of monies originally loaned, or did a degree of discounting/ write-off take place? Am I also right in thinking there are no outstanding warrants against Gabay re the Cum-ex scam?
  24. Visit any great art gallery and you'll see proof through depictions that Christ never lay dead on the floor - he died upright on a crucifix, his descent, dressing and entombment well documented. Lazarus of Bethany on the other hand .....
  25. And within what remains of Bishops Park lies the Church of All Saints which is where Father Brennen was dispatched by The Antichrist via means of a lightning rod in The Omen. And City, well, we've St Francis.... As the OP says, worryingly we can't live with them....
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