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Everything posted by BTRFTG

  1. But recall Morris had been seeking a purchaser for years and such deals take years to reach fruition. Bit like saying I'll buy your house but not until you've replaced the roof. Maybe not here, but I wonder if MSD had been positioning Morris to structure the club toward something they'd be prepared to purchase, hedging their bets either way should Derby reach the Premier or not. Stranger things have happened in business.
  2. One thing it would be interesting to know is whether the sell and splitting of the ground, which clearly helped Derby's FFP hole, might also have been a requirement by MSD for their loan and potential takeover? Seems to me if a struggling club has freehold (not ground) sought by others then it could be worth a punt by any asset-stripper to keep them afloat via a loan secured against a discretely secured holding. Few years down the line and with the link severely weakened between club and prime asset, that asset suddenly becomes a potential weakness. Sod the club and force their hand.
  3. Worth highlighting that a majority of creditors must agree to any CVA and that could be problematic. MSD can only get their money back from the ground, so one option might be for them to pick up the tax & footballing debt, force a CVA with non-preferential creditors & buy both club & ground (cheaper than it was initially offered but it's a much diminished product.) On the other hand maybe they've lost interest, or might acquire only as a flip to somebody else, else force the whole shebang into liquidation and get monies back from development options on the ground. Derby fans must be hoping Dell don't want a new production/ storage facility in the UK.
  4. I'd hold fire on the printing for now, there's a decent chance they'll be an historical footnote within the next few months.
  5. I did rate him - 'poor to rubbish' on my scale.
  6. Under The Cosh? Don't you mean 'Whip' or 'Starters Orders', for Hunt was 90% equine (by which I don't mean throughbred.) He played as though his eyes were on the side of his head, he couldn't see right in front of him, constantly having to rock his napper to and fro. When he jumped he resembled the radar scanner at Lulsgate. Feet like hooves to boot.
  7. But you compared to the previous years figures and, er, we don't know what they were as they aren't yet at Companies House. Hint: neither are the accounts for the year before that! Do catch up.
  8. Jeff Bezos shipping thousands of Sunflower Lanyards to Horfield as I type.....
  9. Because child abusers go out of their way to display traits that might indicate they abuse those under their care, they'd never collude to hide their intentions toward children - not for one minute implying The Fake Sheikh is anything other than wholly upstanding in that respect.
  10. I loved he 'couldn't disclose or comment', then provided sufficient personal details to easily be traceable. Irrespective of whether or not things are 'made up' the first rule of a safeguarding policy is when a complaint is raised its recorded, investigated using an agreed procedure and steps are taken to ensure all parties are protected in the immediate future with wider actions taken, if necessary. This would include responding to the complainant that post investigation no cause for concern was substantiated against allegations made. None of which appears to be reported by either side in this case.
  11. BBC hadn't covered football, let alone sport, in years. Unless it has a race, gender, or disability angle they couldn't give a flying. MOTD is a pre-packaged highlights joke, presented by woke muppets, with comment by fence-sitting dullards, pandering to the populist masses. Frankly amazed football focus even exists these days.
  12. If you want to hold concerts, or trade shows, or whatever, build that which is fit for purpose, not a sports stadium. How many events may an uncovered sports stadium hold each year? Not many, they're not designed for set up, logistics et al. Two perhaps 3 large events = peanuts. Contrast bespoke arena that may flip events daily. That's why at Spurs they designed an innovative 2 sports stadium, it cost a fortune so to do but at least it allows them extra income but that's from an additional sport, not entertainment. If you inherit a sports stadium and wish to better utilise it, start by knocking it down. There is no repurposing. Look at the nugatory space in concourses, projections et al. At most grounds the acoustics are so crap one can't hear the stadium announcements, let alone host a concert. Latest generation NFL stadiums are designed, under cover, to host other events, outdoor MLB stadia host very little other than baseball. AG without football or rugby would be a white elephant.
  13. Spot on. And for those who bang on about AG & it's value, it's a Football Stadium. It facilitates income from a football club and, er, not much else. That's why such assets have RLVs much, much lower than folks imagine.
  14. '..last season'...what season that? Could be it's a much lower percentage than most clubs, depending upon which period the ground sale actually fell in, as opposed to what Morris stated. I thought Derby County FC LTD only filed accounts to the period end June 2018 at Companies House. That the accounts to June 2019 are overdue by 15 months, surely fans must have cottoned-on to what's been happening? Forget the fiction filed with the EFL, let's see what Morris' latest version of events comes up with.
  15. Don't you mean 'stolen'? Who'd have thought a clause could be inserted without the knowledge or veto of club members or the remainder of the Board that effectively and shortly thereafter gave the once tenant the right to purchase the asset for a nominal coin? The clause inserted by a director who shortly thereafter cut ties with the club. The Gas deserve to rot.
  16. I believe The Fake Sheikh was hoping to join in a karaoke version of 'We Are The Champions' but when told it could only be 'Hammer To Fall' he took umbrage & pulled the plug.
  17. That, good Sir, is a matter of opinion. Personally, I believe he's doing a grand job.
  18. FFP is meaningless. It's a game to be played and as with most games the richer one is the easier it is to win. In truth the difference between Morris & SL is SL has sufficient financial clout to provide an additional range of 'options', all legal, all within the rules, yet equally not within the spirit of what FFP claims to achieve. What's disgraceful is the way in which UEFA now attempt to circumvent the rules they've introduced on behalf of the historic clubs, the ones who do not have seriously mega wealthy owners. Real & Barca cases in point.
  19. Easy. Sheikh Mansour acquired Man City mid 2008. The 'historic' major European clubs already witnessing what Abramovich was achieving at Chelsea responded by proposing to UEFA outlines for FFP in 2009. UEFA implemented them in 2011. Pure protectionism and NOTHING about preventing clubs living beyond their means. So to answer your question, in City's case the horse had already bolted.
  20. Couldn't disagree more. Although we love to take the **** out of them he comes across as somebody with a lifelong (if deluded,) passion for his club that's being torn apart by some megalomaniacal despot and his sycophantic lackies. If true what he's written, that's some damning accusations against The Gas Board.
  21. As David Coleman was wont to say: "Quite Extraordinary!"
  22. As has amply been demonstrated by those who write about such matters FFP has NOTHING to do with protecting football clubs and their finances and is a wholly driven initiative to ring-fence elite European clubs from being threatened by nascent upstarts with rich backers. Always was, always will be. Look at clubs finances since FFP was introduced and there are more on the brink now than ever (and that's nothing to do with the pandemic.) If you don't believe me look no further than our own club, net liabilities approaching £130m, about to drop accounts reporting record losses, a wage bill recently significantly higher than turnover, with no realistic means of paying the owner back his 'loans' (sic).
  23. Wow, if you really want something to cheer you up read the statement just issued by the outgoing Chair of their Supporters Club! Safeguarding referral re 'IL Presidente'! What might this be?
  24. Looks like the Met Office have added a new region to their Shipping Forecast: General Synopsis Saturday : 16:50 BST Deep depression centred over North Bristol, Low, Steadily Falling. Horfield Wind: 1 decreasing zero, becalmed. Sea: Rough increasing Very Rough. Weather: Squally Showers. Visibility: Occasionally Poor becoming Poor, FOG later.
  25. Every one of the crowd look like the unfortunate folks one might see on a Channel 5 documentary, in this case: 'On Benefits - Living With Tourette's'.
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