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The main benefits of living in south west London was -

1. Quick journey back from Wembley

2. You don't get to put up with those division 3 fkwits and their motorway banners.

I instead went into the All bar one in Wimbledon and got thoroughly hammered in my City shirt with my brother in law and a few non-Bristol mates who joined later.

Even met a bloke from Humberside who went to the game and admitted we were the better team on the day (and that Hull was a shthole!)

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alright chaps

Funny how you say you don't care about us - yet in this thread we even have people admitting to going to actually watch the game where we got relegated so as to cheer on the opposition! don't care eh?!

Then we have a thread dedicated to our new kit (mind you it is cack, least they got the basic blue and white quarters though )

Can't ever work you lot out - you say we are off your radar then we get all the above!

Face it lads - ours is the first result you look for every week. You can try and claim otherwise but it doesn't wash.

Could well be playing you in a season or two - not sure what league though.

Hope work aint too bad for you this week - like I said before I wont be having a go at the real City fans at my place out of respect but a few of the part timers will be getting it back for the last week or so - with interest.

God check you out big man. I stick by what I said - I don't give a sh1t about your tinpot little club.

I don't start threads about you, I don't care what kit you wear and I don't look for your score each week. When I hear it though I usually have a chuckle though.

Could well be playin you in a season or two - you know your footy mate don't you - what do u base that on then ?? The fact you have just staved off relegation to the 4th division or the fact we missed out on promotion to the prem....please elaborate - should be interesting to hear what crap you spout explaining that one. We all know you are here on the wind up - so please don't expect anyone to take anything you say seriously.

I wont be bad at all in work - 99.9% of the Gash heads have respect for what City have achieved this year and have stated it to me on many occasions, you could do with taking a leaf from their book.

Now, do us all a favour and jog on.

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No, it simply means that BCFC82, Thomas The Tank Engine and the Cheeky Girls are all competing in the same market.

HA HApost-247-1211816266.gif so your happy to be behind Thomas the freakin tank and the cheeky girls....Support YOUR club you clown, go buy a season ticket if you haven't already and if you have, try persuading some of your 'so called' suporters to buy one.

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Could well be playin you in a season or two - you know your footy mate don't you - what do u base that on then ?? The fact you have just staved off relegation to the 4th division or the fact we missed out on promotion to the prem....please elaborate - should be interesting to hear what crap you spout explaining that one. We all know you are here on the wind up -

Not on the wind up mate thats obvious aint it.

I suspect you may have a bit of a play off hangover next season thats all - as no doubt many of you wil be fearing. It does happen as you well know. The Championship will be tough next year hence my belief that you may have missed out on the best chance you will likely to have for many a year. Most City fans agree I know.

Also I expect us to build on our consolidation and be pushing on, especially seeing we will finally have a proper pitch.

Chances of playing you in the next couple of years are pretty good I would say

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Also I expect us to build on our consolidation and be pushing on, especially seeing we will finally have a proper pitch.

Chances of playing you in the next couple of years are pretty good I would say

Build on what exactly?

If you went to your games last season, tell me honestly how you would rate your team's performances over the last 10 games?

I have two good mates who are regulars down there and I quote one of them on a saturday night in the pub "mate that was the biggest load of tosh I have witnessed on a pitch for years. Not a fking clue up front and the bench did not have a fking clue what to do about it either...."

This is from a lad I know who has followed your lot since the days I have followed city - getting on 20 years now.

What exactly are you building on? Because they reckon what you've got down there is crap.

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Not on the wind up mate thats obvious aint it.

I suspect you may have a bit of a play off hangover next season thats all - as no doubt many of you wil be fearing. It does happen as you well know. The Championship will be tough next year hence my belief that you may have missed out on the best chance you will likely to have for many a year. Most City fans agree I know.

Also I expect us to build on our consolidation and be pushing on, especially seeing we will finally have a proper pitch.

Chances of playing you in the next couple of years are pretty good I would say

I'll settle for a playoff hangover just like West Brom's. There's no reason whatsoever we won't continue to improve under GJ with SteveL's backing and the last time GJ made the team stay after a game and watch a promoted side celebrate was at Southend and the following season it was us. We'll see players that improve the already competitive first XI come in over the summer thanks to that backing and the ~£2m we made from the playoffs, and we'll see real plans for the new stadium published, as well as the completion of our new training facilities.

I think the chances are exceptionally good that you lot will be relegated next season as you will have no home advantage due to your 3,000 crowds and inability to attract any decent players to a club that has no money, non league standard training facilities and is renting a ground. Your board has gambled the club's future on a new stadium development it is finding impossible to fund and if I had the misfortune to be a Rovers fan I'd be shitting myself that they will push on with it anyway out of ego and then run out of money half way through.

Good luck though.

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the last time GJ made the team stay after a game and watch a promoted side celebrate was at Southend and the following season it was us.

Nobody's fool old Johnson is he?

He's a master at all this psychological stuff, picked up a lot from the crazy days of John Beck's Cambridge didn't he.

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Could well be playin you in a season or two - you know your footy mate don't you - what do u base that on then ?? The fact you have just staved off relegation to the 4th division or the fact we missed out on promotion to the prem....please elaborate - should be interesting to hear what crap you spout explaining that one. We all know you are here on the wind up -

Not on the wind up mate thats obvious aint it.

I suspect you may have a bit of a play off hangover next season thats all - as no doubt many of you wil be fearing. It does happen as you well know. The Championship will be tough next year hence my belief that you may have missed out on the best chance you will likely to have for many a year. Most City fans agree I know.

Also I expect us to build on our consolidation and be pushing on, especially seeing we will finally have a proper pitch.

Chances of playing you in the next couple of years are pretty good I would say

You my friend need to see a Doctor. You must be either mental or dillusional.

Wishful thinking, pie in the sky, call it what you want - the long and short of it is that you are light years away from us and you well know it.

I would bet R*vers have virtually no chance of getting in the top 6 next years what with Leeds, Leicester, Carlisle, Southend just to name a few ready to take a hold on the top 6 with MK Dons and Peterboro with loads of momentum ready to keep the run going. Face it - to be honest the best you can hope for is middle table obscurity.

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I'll settle for a playoff hangover just like West Brom's. There's no reason whatsoever we won't continue to improve under GJ with SteveL's backing and the last time GJ made the team stay after a game and watch a promoted side celebrate was at Southend and the following season it was us. We'll see players that improve the already competitive first XI come in over the summer thanks to that backing and the ~£2m we made from the playoffs, and we'll see real plans for the new stadium published, as well as the completion of our new training facilities.

I think the chances are exceptionally good that you lot will be relegated next season as you will have no home advantage due to your 3,000 crowds and inability to attract any decent players to a club that has no money, non league standard training facilities and is renting a ground. Your board has gambled the club's future on a new stadium development it is finding impossible to fund and if I had the misfortune to be a Rovers fan I'd be shitting myself that they will push on with it anyway out of ego and then run out of money half way through.

Nice one Nibor, wonderfully put. You've summed up the situations for the 2 clubs very very well.

Nice to reply to someone who has his feet planted firmly on the ground. Instead of cloud cuckoo land....cuckoo land...cuckoo land - get it R*vers cuckoo's.... :dancing6:

Good luck though.

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Face it - to be honest the best you can hope for is middle table obscurity.

I actually think with that current squad that is beyond them.

I heard they were absolutely dire for much of the last 15 games or so.

If that continues into next season then they could go back down.

Apparently my mates would constantly hear "You're fking schit Williams. Trollope take him off for fk's sake!" as they lost game after game at home.

They blamed the pitch. But correct me if I'm wrong but don't the other team play on the same pitch that day too?

Or is it not suited to the total football of guys like Igoe and Lambert??

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I actually think with that current squad that is beyond them.

I heard they were absolutely dire for much of the last 15 games or so.

If that continues into next season then they could go back down.

Apparently my mates would constantly hear "You're fking schit Williams. Trollope take him off for fk's sake!" as they lost game after game at home.

They blamed the pitch. But correct me if I'm wrong but don't the other team play on the same pitch that day too?

Or is it not suited to the total football of guys like Igoe and Lambert??

Loads of their lot were phoning into Radio Bristol at the end of the season moaning and groaning week after week. One said he expected 'Trolls' to be gone by Christmas if things didnt improve drastically.

Igoe is a fairly good player to be honest....we looked at him a few years back - hence why the Gash have just let him go.... :clapping:

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Could well be playin you in a season or two - you know your footy mate don't you - what do u base that on then ?? The fact you have just staved off relegation to the 4th division or the fact we missed out on promotion to the prem....please elaborate - should be interesting to hear what crap you spout explaining that one. We all know you are here on the wind up -

Not on the wind up mate thats obvious aint it.

I suspect you may have a bit of a play off hangover next season thats all - as no doubt many of you wil be fearing. It does happen as you well know. The Championship will be tough next year hence my belief that you may have missed out on the best chance you will likely to have for many a year. Most City fans agree I know.

Also I expect us to build on our consolidation and be pushing on, especially seeing we will finally have a proper pitch.

Chances of playing you in the next couple of years are pretty good I would say

That aint what Oldham, Lu'on and Swampsea fans of my acquaitance say. most negative football they've seen travelling away ever.

Oh and Cheltenham Rovers pitch will soon be as crap as your dung heap, being played on at least three times a week. If your lovely fans don't piss off the locals too much first.

I would much rather be in City's position than the sags.

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Check out cubicle 2 in the Gents (blue biro)

Oh my god quick call out the bomb squad, special branch, MI5,MI6, interpool,Flying squad, army, navy, airforce, special forces, evacuate bedminster, a desperate criminal is on the loose, a dastardly crime has been committed in CUBICLE 2, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo BLUE BIRO,run for the hills,will we ever recover from this diabolical act :rofl2br: :rofl2br: :rofl2br:

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Oh my god quick call out the bomb squad, special branch, MI5,MI6, interpool,Flying squad, army, navy, airforce, special forces, evacuate bedminster, a desperate criminal is on the loose, a dastardly crime has been committed in CUBICLE 2, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo BLUE BIRO,

LMFAO.... :dancing2:

Must be soooo hard to walk in there with plain jeans and shirt on - no signs of anything to do with the gash and go in a cubicle on the pretence of having a tommy tit then getting a crafty blue biro out and writing something about the Rovazzz.....f u ck me you are sooooo hard mate....!!!!

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Dangling banners from motorway bridges, graffiti in City pubs...my what a hard bunch the gas are! Must have balls the size of melons.

Think I'll pop down the Bulldog and write 'Rovers are sh1t' on a beer mat just to prove how hard I am.

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Could well be playin you in a season or two - you know your footy mate don't you - what do u base that on then ?? The fact you have just staved off relegation to the 4th division or the fact we missed out on promotion to the prem....please elaborate - should be interesting to hear what crap you spout explaining that one. We all know you are here on the wind up -

Not on the wind up mate thats obvious aint it.

I suspect you may have a bit of a play off hangover next season thats all - as no doubt many of you wil be fearing. It does happen as you well know. The Championship will be tough next year hence my belief that you may have missed out on the best chance you will likely to have for many a year. Most City fans agree I know.

Also I expect us to build on our consolidation and be pushing on, especially seeing we will finally have a proper pitch.

Chances of playing you in the next couple of years are pretty good I would say

I'm genuinely impressed at your remarkable stoic optimism that flies in the face of any logical reason. I can't see any way that we will play you again in the league in the next 10 years. That's how different the trajectories of our clubs are right now.

I've said somewhere before in response to a gashead that there is nothing I would swap with your club. Go on, try me if you can wrack your brains.

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Dangling banners from motorway bridges, graffiti in City pubs...my what a hard bunch the gas are! Must have balls the size of melons.

Think I'll pop down the Bulldog and write 'Rovers are sh1t' on a beer mat just to prove how hard I am.

Dangling banners from motorway bridges, graffiti in City pubs...my what a hard bunch the gas are! Must have balls the size of melons

Or brains the size of peas :laugh:

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are we realy worried what the sad inbreeds think

we are the biggest club in bristol???? rest my case

we are the best supported club in bristol rest my case

we have the best ground rest my case

best managre etc etc etc

oh and we were close to getting in the prem and your close to gloucester


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4EveREDDY in exchange for our forum idiot?

No can do bluebottle, i use a fountain pen and they don't work on toilet walls, bet you wished you kept that quiet eh bluebottle,come to think of it are you sure your a bluebottle, yes of course you are, silly me, they are always attracted to a pile of shite :laugh:

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